300字范文 > 权变因素 contingent factors英语短句 例句大全

权变因素 contingent factors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-15 02:56:59


权变因素 contingent factors英语短句 例句大全

权变因素,contingent factors

1)contingent factors权变因素

1.With a statistical analysis of 115 enterprises in Xinjiang,it elaborates that the functions of budget are influenced by manycontingent factors,and,as different organizations have differentcontingent factors,budgeting is different in its functions and the budget management is different in its effects.根据新疆115个样本企业的有效问卷数据的统计分析,说明预算功能的发挥会受到许多权变因素的影响,不同的组织有不同的权变因素,从而预算的功能发挥也不同,预算管理的效果也会不同。


1.On the transformation of powers and functions of higher educational association with WTO mechanism;WTO体制下高教学会功能的权变因素

2.Contingency Theory and Relevant Factors about the Base of Accounting Standard Setting;会计准则制定导向权变观的内涵及权变因素分析

3.Analysis of the Factors of Variable Weight in Enterprise s Marketing Organization Based on Network Environment;网络环境下企业营销组织的权变因素分析

4.Analysis of Interior and Exterior Impetus for Change of Universities" Organizational Structure and Enlightenment大学组织结构的内外部权变因素分析及启示

5.Contingent Study on Determinants Factor of Changes in Management Accounting and Control System;管理会计与控制系统变更影响因素的权变分析

6.Power fission is caused by power variation, cultural shock, executive deviation, etc.权力裂变是由权力变异、文化冲击、执行偏差等因素造成。

7.Effect of Unexpected Factors on Firms Decisions When New Technology Commercialization Project Can Be Suspended;存在封存期权时突变因素对企业决策的影响

8.Multifactor Decision Making of Farm Machine Purchasing Subsidy Object Based on Hierarchical Variable Weight;基于层次变权的多因素农机购置补贴对象决策

9.On the Factors Affecting the Changes of Shareholder Rights in View of New Accounting Standards;新会计准则影响股东权益变化因素的分析

10.Option Games Analysis of Oil Investment Based on Two Stochastic Factors;基于双因素随机变动的石油投资期权博弈分析

11.Hierarchy Variable Weight Decision making in the Selection of Supply Chains Cooperators;供应链合作伙伴选择的层次变权多因素决策

12.The Development of Government Sea Power Consciousness in Later Qing;晚清政府海权意识演变的制约因素探析及其启示

13.Factors leading to the transformation of the fuzzy conception of secondary school students and their weighting analysis;影响中学生化学模糊观念改变的因素及其权重分析

14.In case a special condition arises , the Organizer reserves the right to adjust and change the curricula, instructors for the Workshop.若因特定因素,主办单位得保留本系列研讨会课程及讲师之调整变更权利。

15.Evaluation of synthetic qualtiy of vocational college graduate based on variable weights and fuzzy comprehensive variable weights;高职毕业生综合素质变权评价与模糊变权评价

16.variable danger火险可变因素的火险因素

17.the motive power switches from political factor to interest;运行动力由政治因素向利益因素转变 ;

18.studies on the use of mutagenic agents利用诱变因素的研究


Influence Factors of Contingency Governance权变治理影响因素

3)factor weight因素权重

1.ased on the theory of errors and practices of weighting in urban land classification, the standard error and the accuracy of the estimation of the classificationfactor weights estimated by AHP and Delphi is analyzed.从城市土地定级因素权重确定的实际问题出发,依据误差理论采用AHP法和Delphi法计算定级因素权重的精度及其中误差,并依据中误差的高低,探讨了科学确定最终城市土地定级因素权重的方法,最后针对实例进行了有益的尝试。

2.In fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,how to decidefactor weights is very important but difficult,which involves the rationality and authenticity of eveluation results.利用模糊推理技术,提出了一种基于模糊推理的因素权重确定方法,其利用人们处理复杂问题的逻辑思维方式,建立评价空间和单位评价空间的映射,得到模糊关系方程并用于确定因素的权重。

3.This text applies AHP to appraisalfactor weights assessing problem in the job evaluation,has very strong operation and offer the reliable basis for scientific management in the enterprise.本文把层次分析法应用于岗位价值评估中的评价因素权重的确定,具有很强的操作性,为企业的科学管理提供了可靠的依据。


1.The two important elements:“power” and “solidarity” plays important roles in the speeches so that they determine directly Presidents selection of different degrees of modal verbs.在统计得出情态动词在美国总统就职演说词中的分布状况的基础上,从Halliday的情态观出发,以助动词情态量值为研究基点,分析了影响情态意义的两大因素“等同关系”和“权势因素”在演说词中作用,从而对美国总统就职演说词的情态意义进行更深入的阐释。

2.The study shows that "power" and "so.调查发现“权势因素”和“同等关系”对语言形式的选择起着重要的作用。

3.It stresses that verbal behavior of people is governed by many social factors, especiallypower and solidariyt.本文通过对权势因素与等同关系的语言标记的探讨和概括,指出人与人之间的交往受到各种社会关系特别是权势因素与等同关系的影响,并在此基础上,从词汇、语法、语音三个方面简述了言语行为因人、因事、因时、因地不同而有着不同的形式和意义。

5)power motivation权力因素

1.I find the morepower motivation the manager have, the more strength their underling could feel, and the job could go with a swing.本论文首先对管理者激励中非经济性激励的含义及其在整个激励中所处的地位做出了分析,然后着重探讨了管理者非经济性激励中的核心因素—权力因素。

6)authoritative factors权威因素


