300字范文 > 普利兹克奖得主弗雷·奥托Frei Otto · 历届普立兹克建筑奖大盘点

普利兹克奖得主弗雷·奥托Frei Otto · 历届普立兹克建筑奖大盘点

时间:2022-08-04 15:48:32


普利兹克奖得主弗雷·奥托Frei Otto · 历届普立兹克建筑奖大盘点

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Frei Otto(雷托)Germany


普利兹克奖提前公布,德国建筑师弗雷?奥托(Frei Otto)获奖。由于德国著名建筑师弗雷?奥托(Frei Otto)的突然离世,普利兹克奖评审委员会提前两周对外正式发布。

值得欣慰的是弗雷?奥托(Frei Otto)本人在生前已经被告知获奖消息,在听到消息后他说:“我现在高兴能获得普利兹克建筑奖,我非常感谢陪审团和普利兹克家族。我没觉得自己所做的事情能赢得这个大奖,做建筑设计动力就是设计新型的建筑来帮助别人,特别是那些受到自然灾害和灾难影响的人们…”

德国建筑师弗雷?奥托(Frei Otto)以技术进步和可持续使用轻量级、灵活的结构,取得了非凡的工程壮举,一个值得注意的实例——1972年慕尼黑奥运会的树冠。,他赢得了PraemiumImperiale建筑奖,并被授予皇家金质奖章。奥托3月9日去世,促使Prizker委员会打破的消息提前预定3月23日宣布。冠军去世前就公布奖项,这是史上第一次。

Frei Otto, born almost 90years ago in Germany, has spent his long career researching, experimenting, anddeveloping a most sensitive architecture that has influenced countless othersthroughout the world. The lessons of his pioneering work in the field oflightweight structures that are adaptable, changeable and carefully use limitedresources are as relevant today as when they were first proposed over 60 yearsago. He has embraced a definition of architect to include researcher, inventor,form-finder, engineer, builder, teacher, collaborator, environmentalist,humanist, and creator of memorable buildings and spaces.

He first became known for histent structures used as temporary exhibition pavilions. The constructions atthe German Federal Garden exhibitions and other festivals of the 1950s werefunctional, beautiful, “floating” roofs that seemed to effortlessly provideshelter, and then were easily dissembled after the events.

Throughout his life, FreiOtto has produced imaginative, fresh, unprecedented spaces and constructions.He has also created knowledge. Herein resides his deep influence: not in formsto be copied, but through the paths that have been opened by his research anddiscoveries. His contributions to the field of architecture are not onlyskilled and talented, but also generous.

For his visionary ideas,inquiring mind, belief in freely sharing knowledge and inventions, hiscollaborative spirit and concern for the careful use of resources, the Pritzker Architecture Prize is awarded to Frei Otto.


Shigeru Ban(坂茂)Japan

Works获奖作品:Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz


Toyo Ito(伊东丰雄)Japan

Works获奖作品:Sendai Mediatheque, Sendai


Wang Shu (王澍)China

Works获奖作品:Ningbo Museum


By Eduardo Souto deMoura(艾德瓦尔多·苏托·德·莫拉) Portugal

Works获奖作品:Estádio Municipal de Braga, Braga


Kazuyo Sejima (妹岛和世) & Ryue Nishizawa(西泽立卫) Japan

Works获奖作品:21st Century Museumof Contemporary Art, Kanazawa


Peter Zumthor (彼得·卒姆托) Switzerland

Works获奖作品:Therme Vals


Jean Nouvel (让·努维尔) French

Works获奖作品:Torre Agbar


Richard Rogers(理查德·罗杰斯) UK

Works获奖作品:Lloyd"s building


Paulo Mendes daRocha (保罗·门德斯·达·洛查) Brazil

Works获奖作品:Saint Peter Chapel, S?o Paulo


Thom Mayn (汤姆·梅恩) U.S.

Works获奖作品:San Francisco Federal Building


Zaha Hadid (扎哈·哈迪德) UK

Works获奖作品:Bridge Pavilion


Jorn Utzon(约翰·伍重) Denmark

Works获奖作品:Sydney Opera House

24th 2002

Glenn Murcutt(格伦·马库特) Australia

Works获奖作品:Done House

23rd 2001

Jacques Herzog(雅克·赫尔佐格) & Pierre de Meuron (皮埃尔·德·梅隆) Switzerland

Works获奖作品:Tate Modern

22nd 2000

Rem Koolhaas (雷姆·库哈斯) 荷兰

Works获奖作品:Casa da Música, Porto

21st 1999

Sir Norman Foster (诺曼·福斯特爵士) UK

Works获奖作品: Millennium Bridge (London)

20th 1998

Renzo Piano (伦佐·皮亚诺) Italy

Works获奖作品:Tjibaou CulturalCentre, Nouméa, New Caledonia

19th 1997

Sverre Fehn (斯维勒·费恩) Norway

Works获奖作品:Norwegian Glacier Museum

18th 1996

Rafael Moneo (拉斐尔·莫内欧) Spain

Works获奖作品:Kursaal Palace

17th 1995

Tadao Ando(安藤忠雄) Japan

Works获奖作品:Nagaragawa Convention Center

16th 1994

Christian de Portzamparc(克里斯蒂安·德·波特赞姆巴克) French

Works获奖作品:French Embassy, Berlin

15th 1993

Fumihiko Maki(槙文彦) Japan

Works获奖作品:Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium

14th 1992

Alvaro Siza (阿尔瓦罗·西扎) Portugal

Works获奖作品:Pavilion ofPortugal in Expo"98

13th 1991

Robert Venturi (罗伯特·文丘里) U.S.

Works获奖作品:National Gallery (London), Sainsbury Wing

12th 1990

Aldo Rossi (阿尔多·罗西) Italy

Works获奖作品:Bonnefanten Museum

11th 1989

Frank O. Gehry (弗兰克·盖里) U.S.

Works获奖作品:Walt Disney Concert Hall

10th 1988

Gordon Bunshaft(戈登·邦夏)U.S. & Oscar Niemeyer(奥斯卡·尼迈耶)Brazil

Works获奖作品:Beinecke Rare Book andManuscript Library,Cathedral of Brasília

9th 1987

Kenzo Tange(丹下健三)Japan

Works获奖作品:St. Mary"s Cathedral

8th 1986

Gottfried Boehm(戈特弗里德·玻姆)German

Works获奖作品:Christi Auferstehung, Cologne

7th 1985

Hans Hollein(汉斯·霍莱因)Austria

Works获奖作品:Abteiberg Museum

6th 1984

Richard Meier (理查德·迈耶) U.S.

Works获奖作品:High Museum of Art

5th 1983

Ieoh Ming Pei(贝聿铭) U.S.

Works获奖作品:National Gallery of Art, East Building

4th 1982

Kevin Roche(凯文·洛奇) U.S.

Works获奖作品:Knights ofColumbus Building

3rd 1981

James Stirling (詹姆斯·斯特林) UK

Works获奖作品:Seeley Historical Library

2nd 1980

Luis Barragá(路易斯·巴拉甘) Mexico

Works获奖作品:Torres de Satélite

1st 1979

Philip Johnson (菲利普·约翰逊 )U.S.

Works获奖作品:Glass House




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