300字范文 > 从此不再怕划痕 自修复材料让我天天好心情!

从此不再怕划痕 自修复材料让我天天好心情!

时间:2022-06-15 13:15:23


从此不再怕划痕 自修复材料让我天天好心情!

Scratched cars and scuffed shoes could soon be no more than a bad memory.


Scientists have created a ‘self-healing’ plastic coating that smooths away marks and blemishes with seconds.


What is more, it doesn’t seem to matter how many times an area is damaged – itcan be tricked into repairing itself time and time again.


This would make the ‘metallo-supramolecular polymer’a boon for motorists who have trouble parking, as well as for women who find they inevitably new shoeswithin hours of putting them on.


Handbags, furniture, windows, wooden floors, punctured tyres and even spectacles could all be made as good as new, sparing customers the time money and frustration involved in fixing cuts, scrapes and scuffs.


The ‘ingenious and transformative’ plastic is made up of long chains ofhydrocarbons ‘glued’ together by tiny plugs of metal.


When UV light is shone on it, the metal generates heat and the surroundingplastic melts – oozing into any scratches or scuffs.


In tests, deep scratches made with a razor blade took less than a minute toclose up, the journal Nature reports.


When the light was switched off, the plastic coating solidified again andappeared as good as new.


The researchers have likened the process to the skin healing over a cut,leaving no trace of the injury.But in this case, there is no need forstitches and the transformation takes seconds rather than days or weeks.


Professor Stuart Rowan, of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, said:‘What we have developed is a new plastic material composed of very small chainsthat stick together and assemble into much larger chains.

美国凯斯西保留地大学的Stuart Rowan教授说:“我们研究出的这种材料是有许多短链通过粘合而组装成很长的长链。”

‘What we have designed into

the material is the ability to disassemble onexposure to light.When it disassembles, the material flows into the crack andthe system gets healed.’


Working with military researchers and Swiss chemists, the professor showed thatthe same piece of material could be scratched and mended time and time againwithout any ill-effects.

Stuart Rowan教授也和军方以及瑞士的化学家有良好的合作,他们还发现这种材料可以反复修复,而没有任何不良作用。

He used a lamp similar to those used by dentists to cure fillings.But intime, car washes could be equipped with UV lamps, meaning that vehicles emergewith paintwork that is flawless, as well as polished.


Although self-healing plastics have been developed before, most use powerfulblasts of heat to kick-start the repair process.


Using UV light makes it faster, easier and more accurate.


Researcher Mark Burnworth said: ‘By using light, we have more control as itallows us to target only the defect and leave the rest of the materialuntouched.’

研究员Mark Burnworth 说:“通过用这种紫外灯,我们能搞好地控制修复的范围,比如我们可以只照破损部分而不去影响其他的地方。”

In an accompanying article, Professor Nancy Sottos, a materials scientist from the US, said: ‘Tough, rubbery plastics have revolutionised consumer products ranging from simple bags and storage containers, to bladders and inner tubes in tyres, to protective coatings and linings.

在一片相关文章中,美国的材料科学家,Nancy Sottos教授说:“结实而坚韧的塑料已经对消费品产生了革命性影响,从简单的提包和贮藏罐,到玩具气球到轮胎内胆,再到有保护作用的外衣和衬里。”

‘Yet the materials used in these applications are highly susceptible to damagecaused by scratches cuts and punctures, which result in loss of function andcontents, contamination, safety hazards or just inconvenience.


‘Damaged plastics are typically discarded in landfill, or in some casesrepaired with a manually applied patch.


‘Healable polymers offer an alternative to the damage and discard cycle andrepresent a first step in the development of materials that have much greaterlifespans than currently available materials.’


Edinburgh-born Professor Rowan said: ‘What you can imagine is a new paintcoating on your car that you can heal whenever someone rubs a key down the sideof it.


‘Another one is that this could be a new varnish on a dining room table, whereif you got a scratch on your table it can be easily removed by simply shininglight on it.’


No date has yet been set for the coating to go on sale.

