300字范文 > 人教版丨九年级下册英语13单元知识点梳理!


时间:2020-08-05 12:18:48



Unit 13 We"re trying to save the earth


litter /litə(r)/ v. 乱扔 n. 垃圾;废弃物p.97

bottom /bɔtəm/n. 底部;最下部 p.97

fisherman /fiʃə(r)mən/ n. 渔民;钓鱼的人p.97

coal /kəul/ n. 煤;煤块p.98

public /p ʌblik/ adj. 公众的;公共的

n. 民众;百姓p.98

ugly / ʌgli/ adj. 丑陋的;难看的 p.98

advantage / ədva:ntidʒ/ n. 优点;有利条件p.98

cost /kɔst/, /kɔ:st/ v. 花费n. 花费;价钱p.98

wooden /wudn/ adj. 木制的;木头的p.98

plastic /plæstik/ adj. 塑料的n. 塑料;塑胶p.98

make a difference 有关系,作用,影响 p.98

shark / ʃa:(r)k/ n. 鲨鱼p.99

fin /fin/ n(.鱼)鳍p.99

cut off 割掉;砍掉 p.99

method /meθəd/ n. 方法;措施 p.99

cruel /kru:əl/ adj. 残酷的;残忍的 p.99

harmful /ha:(r)mfl/ adj. 有害的 p.99

chain /tʃein/ n. 链子;链条 p.99

ecosystem /i:kəusistəm/ n. 生态系统p.99

low /ləu/ a(.数量等)减少的;低的;矮的p.99

industry /indəstri/ n. 工业;行业p.99

law /lɔ:/ n. 法律;法规p.99

reusable /ri:ju:zəbl/ adj.可重复使用的;


afford /əfɔ:(r)d/ v. 承担得起(后果);买得起

transportation /t ænspɔ:(r)teiʃn/

n. 运输业;交通运输p.100

recycle /ri:saikl/ v. 回收利用;再利用p.101

napkin /næpkin/ n. 餐巾;餐巾纸 p.101

upside down 颠倒;倒转 p.102

gate /geIt/ n. 大门 p.102

bottle /bɔtl/ n. 瓶;瓶子 p.102

president /prezidənt/ n. 负责人;


inspiration /inspəreiʃn/ n. 灵感;


metal /metl/ n. 金属 p.102

creativity /kri:eitivəti/ n. 创造力;独创性

WildAid /waildeid/ 野生救援协会(美国)p.99

WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature)


Mark /ma:(r)k/ 马克(男名) p.97

Jason /dʒeisən/ 贾森(男名) p.98

Ken /ken/ 肯(男名) p.102

Hayes /heiz/ 海斯(姓) p.102

Jessica /dʒesikə/ 杰茜卡(女名) p.102


1. at the bottom of the river 在河床底部

2. be full of the rubbish 充满了垃圾

3. throw litter into the river 把垃圾扔入河中

4. play a part in cleaning it up 尽一份力把它清理干净

5. land pollution 土地污染

6. fill the air with black smoke 使空气中充满了黑烟

7. cut down air pollution 减少空气污染

8. make a difference 产生影响

17. take action 采取行动

18. turn off 关掉

19. pay for 付费

20. add up 累加

21. use public transportation 使用公共交通

22. recycle books and paper 回收书和废纸

23. use paper napkins 使用纸巾

24. turn off the shower 关掉喷头

25. ride in cars 开车出行


1. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish. 甚至河底都充满垃圾。

2. Everyone in town should play a part in cleaning it up. 城里的每个人都应当尽一份力把它清理干净。

3. The air is badly polluted because there are too many cars on the road these days. 空气被严重污染因为如今路上的汽车太多了。

4. To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. 为了减少空气污染,我们应当乘坐公汽或地铁而不是开车。

5. I used to be able to see stars in the sky. 我过去能在天空中看到星星。

6. The air has become really polluted around here. I’m getting very worried. 这儿的空气真的已经被污染了,我非常担心。

7. No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health. 没有科学研究说明鱼鳍对人们的健康有好处。


1. pay的基本用法

(1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……

例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。

(2)pay for sth. 付……的钱。

例:I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。

(3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。

例:Don"t worry! I"ll pay for you. 别担心,我会给你付钱的。

(4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。

例: They pay us every month. 他们每月给我们报酬。

(5)pay money back 还钱。

例:May I borrow 12 yuan from you? I"ll pay it back next week. 你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你。

(6)pay off one"s money 还清钱。

2. This method is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment. 这种方法不仅残酷,而且对环境有害。

(1)not only…but also…意为“不仅……而且……”用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其中的also有时可以省略。

如:She not only plays well, but also writes music. 她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。

He not only writes his own plays, he also acts in them. 他不仅是自编剧本, 还饰演其中的角色。

He works not only on weekdays but on Sundays as well. 他不仅平时工作,星期日也工作。


如:Not only you but also he has to leave. 不只是你,他也得离开。

(3)若连接两个句子,not only后面的句子要用倒装。

如:Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. 他不仅说得更正确,而且讲得更不费劲了。



To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. 为了减少空气污染,我们应当乘坐公汽或地铁而不是开车。

本句中To cut down air pollution是动词不定式作目的状语。

1. 不定式和不定式短语作目的状语

不定式和不定式短语作目的状语,主要用来修饰动词,表示某一动作或状态的目的。为了使目的意义更加清楚或表示强调意义时,还可以在前面加 in order to 或 so as to。

例如:I"ve written it down in order not to forget.

He shouted and waved so as to be noticed.


To draw maps properly, you need a special pen.(正)

To draw maps properly, a special pen is needed.(误)

由 in order to 引导的目的状语,既可以置于句尾,也可以置于句首,而由 so as to 引导的目的状语,只能置于句尾,而不能置于句首。比较:

They started early in order to get there in time.(正)

In order to get there in time, they started early.(正)

They started early so as to get there in time.(正)

So as to get there in time, they started early.(误)

2. 不定式的复合结构作目的状语

当不定式或不定式短语有自己的执行者时,要用不定式的复合结构(即在不定式或不定式短语之前加 for + 名词或宾格代词)作状语。例如:

He opened the door for the children to come in.

She fetched several bottles which she placed on the counter for Harry to inspect.

3. 目的状语从句与不定式的转换



We"ll start early in order that/so that we may arrive in time.

We"ll start early in order to/so as to arrive in time.


I came early in order that you might read my report before the meeting.

I came early (in order) for you to read my report before the meeting.
