300字范文 > 百年来最大的全球生猪产业链危机已至 $牧原股份(SZ002714)$ $天邦股份(SZ002124)...

百年来最大的全球生猪产业链危机已至 $牧原股份(SZ002714)$ $天邦股份(SZ002124)...

时间:2021-11-08 13:13:29


百年来最大的全球生猪产业链危机已至 $牧原股份(SZ002714)$ $天邦股份(SZ002124)...






③:在8.30~9.12 这半个月,欧洲有所平缓,但是亚洲还在爆发,而且是多点开花,疫情在北方有抬头的趋势。国内在宁夏有一起疫情,香港一起疫情。菲律宾爆发了第一起疫情。中俄边境的俄罗斯爆发了17起。注意,东北的边境线对面开始多点开花。从8月的4起,在短短的14天内增加了17起。





最后,以一则新闻收尾:根据Pipestone兽医服务的Scott Dee博士推断,非瘟可能已经在北美出现了,这将在疫情开始的第一年对美国农业造成160亿美元的损失,并导致美国这一年无法对外出口猪肉。GIRA的Rupert Claxton认为,,中国的猪肉会减产1800万吨,而将会减产2400万吨。会议的最后,由我最欣赏的大佬Brett Stuart发表讲话,他再一次讲到:中国可能永远也无法恢复的猪种群数量,并且无法从全球进口这一块来弥补猪肉短缺,现在很多散养户明知道可能会再次中招,但是他们为了头均400美元的利润,重新冲了进来,这和赌博无异,也不利于中国的疫情控制。

Astark warning has been given to the global pork industry that African swine Fever (ASF) may already have hit North America.Speaking on the Global Meat News webinar on the epidemic, Dr Scott Dee of Pipestone Veterinary Services said he believes that ASF is already in North America despite the best efforts of the authorities to prevent it reaching the continent.'The chances of keeping the virus out of North America are very slim. We import a lot of product from China that the virus can survive in. My guess is that the virus has already entered the country and enters it regularly at port level. What we have going for us is that it hasn't jumped over to pigs so we haven't seen it replicate. I think we're getting bombarded with it at port level.'

Impact on the pork marketIf it does hit North America, Dee said it would have a dramatic impact on the sector. 'We're [analysts] estimating a $16bn loss to the US agricultural industry in the very first year, we won't be able to export pork and there will be an impact on other proteins.'He advised producers to 'ramp up biosecurity to the highest levels' in order to prevent the spread of the disease.During the webinar, meat director at GIRA Rupert Claxton explained that there will be a decline of 18m tonnes in China this year with another 6m tonnes gone predicted for . He warned that while this would provide an opportunity to sell pork into China over the next five years, it wouldn't last forever. Claxton added that some producers are opting to neglect domestic markets in order to make more now but that this may require a rebalancing down the line. Also speaking in the webinar was National Pig Association chief executive Zoe Davies who took us through what is being done in the UK to prevent the disease entering the country but said that current measures are not adequate and more needs to be done. Chief executive officer of Global AgriTrends Brett Stuart rounded off the presentations and warned that China may never fully recover in terms of pork production and doubted if global producers would be able to make up the shortfall. He also said that some backyard producers in China are attempting to take advantage of soaring pork prices by restarting production without waiting for a vaccine to be developed in order to make money now'These farmers are desperate and taking risks. They assume they're going get ASF again but they stand to make up to $400 per head so are taking that gamble. This desperation in the market is not good for Chinese efforts to contain ASF and is leading to irresponsible behaviour.'
