300字范文 > 克隆英语作文「带中文」


时间:2022-08-04 05:19:05






One day, the door of the star posted a letter of appreciation to praise a child named shandong credit. School is very happy, praised the chinses, also presented the award. Can only strange, said to himself: "when my credit, there must be a strange!" So, shandong decided to investigate.

After school, ltd.we also thinking: who helped me? Looks like, don't and my name as well? A few female classmate see, smilingly say: "how willing? Hey! This is not done good!" "Not I do..." Ltd.we haven't say that finish, the female classmate in them: "why do something good still be so modest! Good deeds but a glorious thing! Don't shame!" A chinses friend saw, patting him on the shoulder, happy call: "ah! This is not my helpful friend?" "Not I do..." Shandong words haven't say that finish, male classmate also inserted in the: "friends! You don't be shy, I walked first, goodbye!"

Suddenly, a strong and found a the same people with him through the side, shandong saw, immediately catch up: "who are you!? Why do you want to pretend to be me!" Suddenly, the man fell and sent out a scream: "alas! Hey..." Shandong take a look, and got a fright, he feels like the look in the mirror, frighten exclaim 1: "who are you... are you...!" "I am a shandong!" "A lie! I am a strong!" Shandong some angry, think this person is very suspicious, "I am your clone, you forget? The last time you in playing computer, accidentally press the clone button, so you have been cloned! Oh..." "Is that you help me!" Shandong is a happy, feel great, detected the truth, "" yes! "" you go to school with me, I want to be with the headmaster about! "" good! You are very honest! "

The school know, praised the shandong again, praise the human cloning, shandong ask: "why the praise me?" He replied: "because you honest!" The school called for all the teachers and students to learn from honest chinses.






Time flies like an arrow, is now 2025 years, 20 years ago, all the rage of cloning technology has been mastered, people use it to save a large number of endangered animals, food is also widespread crop!

Disease, however, people had a lot of problems, especially the tube transplant asked, but few donations, package also difficult, lead to organ transplant operation cost is too high, so many patients give up treatment. As medical experts, I led the research team, after years of hard work, finally fully mastered the technology of cloning human organs, bring hope in the despair of patients.

On this day, I was in the office working nervously, computer screen shows assistant head, he report to me in an emergency, a girl was taken to hospital, etiology is hepatic necrosis. But that is not fit for the hospital storage cloning liver girls.

I immediately rushed to the laboratory. Due to the girl's liver is necrotic, unable to extraction of a cell, after emergency consultations, decided to extract a cell from her mother's liver, split to form pure cell lines. In less than 2 minutes, a healthy liver was cloned, into the operating room, transplantation, success!






