300字范文 > 「书虫阅读4级上」《三十九级台阶》英语读后续写好词好句


时间:2024-02-20 06:55:39


















Chapter1 The man who died死人

The weather was bad, the people were dull, and the amusement of London seemed as exciting as a glass of cold water. 伦敦的气候糟糕,人也没劲,各种娱乐好像没味的白水一杯。 Can I speak to you? he asked. May I come in for a minute? His voice was shaking a little. “我们可以和您说句话吗?”他问道,“我可以进去呆一会儿吗?”他的声音有点儿发颤。I was getting worried by this strange mans behavior. 这个陌生人的举止让我不安。He drank it quickly, and then put the glass down so violently that it broke. 他一饮而尽,然后把杯子重重一放,力量太大,以至于杯子打破了。He took a large mouthfl of whisky. 他喝了一大口威士忌。Then I saw something in the corner that made my blood trurn cold. 后来看到墙角处有个什么东西,吓得我浑身冰凉。

Chapter2 The mikman starts his travles 送奶员开始旅行

The poor white face with its staring eyes was too much for me, so I got a tablecloth and covered it. 我受不了那张可怜的,惨白的脸和直瞪瞪的眼睛,因此,拿了一块桌布把它盖起来。There was going to be a chase, and, surprisingly, I was almost happy about this. 追踪马上就要开始,不知怎么的,我反倒有点乐滋滋的。This seemed a good sign. 看来这是个好征兆。I crossed the street, still whistling, and then turned down a little side street. 我仍然吹着口哨穿过那条街,然后拐进一条小道。

Chapter3 The hotel-owner 旅馆老板

There were lakes, and in the distance I could see high mountains. 原野上有一个湖泊,远处能看到一座座高山。I walked along the road whistling, feeling happier every minute. 我一路吹着口哨走下去,越来越觉得美滋滋的。I had planned to leave the train at a station, but it now stopped by a river and I decided this would be better. 我原本打算在某个车站下车,而现在车停在河边,我想这更好。Luckily, the dog was now so excited that he pulled the farmer out of carriage. 万幸的是那条狗激动地一下把农民甩到车厢外边。The hotel looked peaceful in the evening sun. 这家旅店在夕阳下安静祥和。Ten minutes later, my young friends came up to my room, his eyes bright with excitement. 十分钟后,年轻的朋友到我屋来,兴奋地两眼发光。Watching the hotel carefully, I walked back towards the car in the trees, jumped in , and drove away. 我一边向树林里的汽车走去,一边小心翼翼地观察旅店的情形,然后跳进车,疾驰而去。

Chapter4 The political candidate 政治候选人

The first thing I learned was that war was certain. 我搞清楚的第一件事是战争肯定要爆发。A hand helped me out of the tree, and a frightened voice asked me if I was badly hurt. 有一只手帮我从树上下来,我听到一个战战兢兢的声音问我是否伤得很重。It seemed strange to ask a man you had met in a car crash to speak at an election meeting, but I needed his help. 车祸中你碰到个人,就拉他在选举会上讲话,真是不可思议,可我就要他帮忙啊。

Chapter5 The adventure of the roadman 修路人的奇遇

I sat down at the top of a hill and rested. Behind me was a road climbing out of a river valley. 我坐在小山顶上休息,身后的道路从河谷爬上高原。There were only the sounds of birds singing and water flowing . 只听到鸟声呢喃和流水潺潺。I sat, hopelessly,as the aeroplane came nearer. 飞机越来越低,我无可奈何地坐在那儿。He stared at me for a minute, then smiled. 他盯了我一会儿,然后笑了。Then they got into the car and were soon out of sight. 后来他们跳上汽车,很快就没影了。I was not a murderer, but I had developed a habit of stealing expensive cars. 我本不是杀人犯,可是已经养成了偷好车的习惯。

Chapter6The bald writer 秃头作家

I was so surprised by his calmness that for a minute I just stared at him. 他的镇定出乎我意料,以至于有一会儿我只是呆呆地望着他。But I didn feel comfortable. There was something strange about the old man. I had suddenly appeared in his house,but he didn seem surprised. And his eyes was frighteningly intelligent. 然而我觉得不自在。这个老头哪里有点怪。我突然闯进屋,可是看来他一点也不吃惊。他那双眼睛睿智的叫人害怕。I looked at him angrily. 我愤愤地看着他。I could hear doubt in his voice when he next spoke. 他又开始说话,从声音里我可以听出他的犹豫不决。I started to get very angry. 我发起怒来。I sat down feeling very unhappy. 我坐下来,感到心情很不好。I had nothing else to do so I pulled on it until it opened. 除此无法可想,所以我就使劲拉那个门,门就被打开了。I was unconcious for only a few seconds. Then I stood up, trying not to breathe the yellow smoke.我只昏迷了几秒钟。然后我站起来,尽量不呼吸炸药的黄烟。When I woke up, my head was burning and the sun was shining into my face. 醒来时我觉得头发烧,阳光照在我的脸上。Luckily, when the plane did arrive, it was almost dark. 运气真是不错,飞机真地飞过来的时候,天差不多黑了。I did not stop again until I was ten kilometers from that terrible house. 我跑出距那所可怕的房子有十公里才停下脚。

Chapter7 The fisherman 渔夫

It was clear, starring night and easy to find my way across the hills.夜色晴朗,繁星满天。翻山寻路并不困难。It started to rain, and I spent the afternoon under a rock.天开始下起雨来,我在岩石下面躲了一下午。I was very happy to be in the train, and on the way south.跳上火车,奔南而去,我心里喜气洋洋。A fisherman walked up from the river, and as he got near to me, he started to whistle the same song. 一个渔夫从河那边走来,走到我身边时,口哨吹起同一首歌。

Chapter8 The coming of the black stone 黑石来了

He seemed less relaxed than yesterday.看来他没有昨天那么怡然自得。I didn want to go back to my flat . I had to go back some time, but I decided to stay at a hotel tonight. 我不想回寓所。将来不回不行,而现在我决定今晚在旅馆里过夜。I just hit out wildly at Marmadukes stupid face.I felt much happier when he was lying on his back in the road.扬手朝着马默杜克那张蠢脸狠狠揍去,看到他仰面朝天地躺在路上,我心里痛快多了。A few minutes later there was another ring at the door, and the servant did not hesitate to let this visitor in.过了几分钟又响起了门铃,仆人爽快的放客人进来。He walked past me, and in passing he looked at me and for a second I looked into his eyes. It was only for a second,but my heart jumped. 他走过我身边,顺便看了我一眼,同时我也盯着他的眼睛看了一下 。就看了那么一下,我的心就剧跳起来。I walked straight into the room where the others were meeting.我闯进屋子,人们正在屋里开会。The Black Stone, I cried, sitting down, and looking at five frightened men. “黑石”我喊着,坐下来望着那五位吓得直呆呆的官员。

Chapter9 The thirty-nine steps 三十九级台阶

I had another thought and checked the time of regular ships leaving England.我又想出一个主意 ,于是核对从英格兰出发的班船时间。It seemed strange for me to take control like this.我这样指挥大家好像不伦不类。

Chapter10 Meetings by the sea 海边相遇

I described there was only one thing to do.I had to continue and just hope for the best. 我认为能做的只有一件,我必须坚持下去,并怀着很大的希望。Then there was silence for a moment until the fat one started to talk, hesitating a lot between words.然后是短暂的寂默,接着,那个胖子开始说话,话语间吞吞吐吐。



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