300字范文 > 「书虫阅读4级上」《化身博士》英语读后续写好词好句


时间:2022-11-22 17:34:15

















Chapter1 The mysterious door 一扇神秘的门

Mr Utterson the laywer was a quiet , serious man. 律师厄特森显示是个沉默寡言、严肃的人。They often took long walks together, however, marching through the streets of London in companionable silence. 但他们却经常一起散步,一步就是好运,穿过伦敦的街道,安安静静地做着伴。Then a terrible thing happened. 接着,可怕的事发生了。The man was perfectly cool, but he gave me a very evil look. 那个人非常镇静,一脸漠然,还狠狠地瞪了我一眼。See here, said the doctor doubtfully.“你看,”医生满腹怀疑地说。Don worry, said the man with an ugly look.“放你的心吧,”那个一脸凶狠的矮个子说。Chapter2 In search of Mr Hyde 寻找海德先生

The facelessness of that figure worried him deeply. 那个没有脸的人着实让他担心。Mr Utterson stepped forward and touched him on the shoulder. 厄特森先生紧走几步,轻轻拍了拍那人的肩膀:“是海德先生吧?”Mr Hyde hesitated for a moment, then he stood under the street light and the lawyer saw his face. 海德犹豫了一下,接着站到路灯下,律师看清了他的脸。He never told you! cried Mr Hyde in sudden anger. “他绝不会和你说的!”海德突然生气地吼了起来。

Chapter3 The Carew murder 卡鲁命案

She saw a tall, handsome old man with white hair coming along the street, and a shorter, younger man walking towards him. 这时,她看到一位满头白发、面容瘦烁的高个子老人沿着马路走过来,迎着他走过来的是一个身材矮小、年轻稍轻的男人。Then suddenly he seemed to explode with anger. 突然间,他好像怒气一下子爆发了。He shook his stick at the old man, who stepped back in surprise. Then he hit the old man violently with the stick and knocked him to the ground. He beat the helpless body again and again. I could hear the bones breaking......It was so terrible that I began to feel ill. 冲老先生挥着手杖,老先生往后一缩,非常惊讶,接着他抄起手杖,举起来就打,把老先生打倒在地。他拼命用手杖狠揍无助的老人,我都听见了骨头碎裂的声音。这太可怕了,我觉得一阵儿难受。

Chapter4 Doctor Jekyll receives a letter

Mr Utterson found his way to Doctor Jekylls house. 厄特森先生才抽出空去杰基尔博士家。Shortly afterwards he said good night to his master and made his way home. 没多久,他道了晚安,回家去了。His face was a calm and expressionless as usual, but his heart was filled with fear for his old friend. 他的脸上像往常一样毫无表情,心里却为老朋友充满了恐惧。

Chapter5 The death of a friend 朋友之死

With trembling hands, Mr Utterson opened the envelope. 厄特森先生两手颤抖着拆开了信封。The lawyer could not believe his eyes. 律师简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。

Chapter6 The face at the window 窗户上的脸

Overhead the evening sky was bright, but the courtyard was cool and dark. 抬头看去,夜空是那么明亮,可院子里却那么阴暗,而且凉飕飕的。But Mr Enfield only nodded his head very seriously and walked on without a word.但恩菲尔德先生只是严肃地点了点头,继续走路,一句话也没说。

Chapter7 The last night 最后一夜

The old man looked pale and frightened. 老人家看上去面无人色,充满了恐惧。Poole reached in his pocket and brought out a note.普尔把手伸进口袋,掏出一张纸。He was searching among some old boxes. He looked up when I came in,gave a kind of cry and ran upstairs and into the study. I only saw him for a moment, but my blood seemed to freeze. 他在旧箱子里翻什么东西,我进去时他抬头看了我一眼,大叫一声,转身就奔到书房去了。我只看到他一眼,可血都要冻住了似的。The clouds had covered the moon and it was now quite dark. 乌云遮住了月亮,周围一片幽暗。

Chapter8 Doctor Lanyons letter 兰宁医生的信

With fear in his heart, Mr Utterson put away Doctor Lanyons letter, and then opened the confession of Doctor Henry Jekyll. 厄特森先生满怀恐惧地放下了兰宁医生的信,然后打开了亨利.杰基尔博士的忏悔书。

Chapter9Doctor Henry Jekylls confession 杰基尔博士的忏悔

Once again I led a busy, responsible and almost happy life.我再一次过上忙碌、认真而快乐的生活。Immediately afterwards I felt deeply ashamed. 可是事后我立刻感到羞愧难当。Exhausted by the horrors of that day, I slept heavily. 那天的担惊受怕让我精疲力尽,我沉沉地睡去。He burned with hate for everybody and everything. 不论对谁,对什么事情都充满了仇恨。



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