300字范文 > 「书虫阅读4级上」《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》英语读后续写好词好句


时间:2020-03-18 16:32:56


















Chapter1 The Case Begins 这宗案件开始了

The September sun was shining brightly into the windows of 221B Baker Street,and London was enjoying a beautiful late summer. 9月阳光明媚地照进了贝克街221号B门的窗户里,整个伦敦都在享受晚霞的美好时光。Holmes was in no hurry. 福尔摩斯并不匆忙行事。 As exactly half past ten there was a knock on our front door. 正好10点半时,有人敲了敲我们的前门。We stood up as our visitor was brought into the room.当客人被带进屋时,我们起身迎接了他。 He shook hands with Holmes, who said:... 他与福尔摩斯握了握手,福尔摩斯道:......Mortimer did not look like a country doctor. He was very tall and thin. He had a long thin nose. His grey eyes were bright, and he wore gold glasses. His coat and trousers were old and worn. His face was young, but his shoulders were bent like an old mans and his head was pushed forward. He took some papers from his pocket, and said... 摩梯末看上去并不像是一位乡间医生。他身材高大,身体瘦削,长着细长的鼻子。他那灰色的眼睛炯炯有神,他还戴着一副金丝眼镜。他的外衣和裤子都已破旧、磨损不堪了。他的脸看上去很年轻,但是身体像老人一样佝偻,而且头还向前探着。他从口袋里取出一些手稿,并说道:“...."Something very strange and frightening has been happening. 发生了一件既奇怪又恐怖的事情。

Chapter2 The Baskerville Papers 巴斯克维尔家族的手稿

’Please continue,Dr Mortimer, said Holmes, and sat back in his chair with his eyes shut. “请讲下去吧,摩梯末医生,“福尔摩斯说道,闭着眼睛向后坐了坐。Motimer began to read in his high, rather strange voice. 摩梯末开始以他那高亢、奇特的嗓音读道。The girl upstairs, who was already very frightened, felt desperate when she heard the terrible things they were shouting. So she did a very brave thing. She opened the window. Then she started to run across the moor towards her home. 楼上的这位姑娘,如今已是惊恐万分了,听到他们所讲的那些不堪入耳的脏话时便感到十分绝望。在此情形之下她竟干出一件勇敢的事来。她打开窗户,然后她就穿过沼地径直往家中跑去了。When he found an open window and an empty room, he behaved like a man who was mad. 当他发现窗户大开、室内空空时,她就像中了魔一样。Then he jumped onto his black horse, and rode off over the moor with the hounds running and crying around him.接着,他跑到了那匹黑马的背上,由那群狂奔乱吼的狗簇拥着在沼地上策马而去。Behind Sir Hugo I saw a huge and terrible hound running silently. 我看到一条硕大而可怕的猎犬正一声不吭的跟在他的后面。But their laughter stopped when they saw Sir Hugos horse running wildly towards the, without a rider. 但是当他们不就看到雨果爵士的那匹马独自朝他们狂奔而来时就笑不出声来了。They were very frightened. 它们十分惊恐。

Chapter3 How Sir Charles Died 查尔斯爵士是如何死的

Holmes looked bored.福尔摩斯看上去显得很不耐烦。Holmes looked more interested.福尔摩斯看上去更专注些了。He was a friendly and generous man, who gave freely to the poor.他待人友善而又慷慨大方,还毫无吝啬的资助穷人。Barrymore followed the footprints to the far end of the Alley. And there he found Sir Charles body. 白瑞摩循着足迹走到了小道的尽头。而且就在那儿他发现了查尔斯爵士的尸体。He was near to breaking down.他几乎濒于奔溃的境地。He always got very excited when he asked this question. 每当他问起这个问题的时候他总是变得非常亢奋。I went up to him, and saw him staring at something behind me. There was a look of horror on his face.He was so frightened that I went to look for the animal. 我走到他面前,看到他正盯着我背后的什么东西。他的脸上带着恐怖的神情。他是如此恐惧不安,我便不得不私下寻找那个东西。Dr Mortimer looked us strangely for a moment. His voice became a whisper as he answered. 摩梯末奇怪地望了我们一会儿。他回答时声音变得犹如耳语。

Chapter4 The Problem 疑难问题

I felt a moment of fear as Motimer spoke these words. Holmes sat forward in his excitement. 摩梯末说出这些话时我感到一阵恐惧。福尔摩斯饶有兴趣地向前探着身子。The path is about thee metres wide, with grass on each side of it.这条小道大约为3米宽,两旁都种着草。

Chapter5 Sir Henry Baskerville 亨利,巴斯克维尔爵士

Sir Henry was a small, healthy, well-built man. His face showed that he had a strong character. 亨利爵士长得短小精悍,身体健康,体态结实。他的面相表明他性格刚强。A strange thing happened to me this morning. 我今天早上遇到一桩奇怪的事情。Suddenly Holmes gave a cry. I saw a taxi driving along very slowly on the other side of the road from our friends. 福尔摩斯突然大叫了一声。我看到有一辆出租马车在街道的另一侧,我们的朋友对面缓缓地前进着。.I saw a man with a large black beard looking out of the taxi window.我看到有个长着黑色大胡子的男子正从出租马车的窗户里向外看。He began to run after the first taxi, but it was soon out of sight. 他于是开始追头一辆马车,可是它不久便不见踪影了。

Chapter6 More Mystery 更大的疑团

He was pleased to see me, but rather angry because another of his shoes had disappeared. 他见到我们很高兴,可是又因他的另一只鞋也失踪了而相当生气。Just as we were leaving Sir Henrys room, he gave a cry and got down on his knees by the table. 就在我们正要离开亨利爵士的房间时,他叫喊了一声并跪在桌边。Holmes sat thinking deeply. 福尔摩斯一直坐着沉思。

Chapter7 Baskerville Hall 巴斯克维尔庄园

The journey was fast and enjoyable. 旅行迅速而又愉快。I felt more and more uncomfortable about my surroundings. 愈来愈觉得周围的环境叫人不安。Everything was grey, hard and wild.A cold wind was blowing , and night was falling. 这里的一切都灰蒙蒙的、硬邦邦的,又很荒芜。正刮着冷飕飕的风,夜幕正在降临。As we got closer, we could see that the Hall was a heavy, dark building with a large main entrance.A dull light shone through the heavy windows. 我们走近时,看到这是一栋结实而又幽暗、主入口处很大的建筑。阴暗的光线从结实的窗口透出来。It was fine room, large and high.那是个华美的房间,又大又高。He was a tall, handsome man, with a full black beard.They looked down on us silently. 他是个高大、英俊的男子,留着满腮的黑胡子。A strong wind sang sadly as it bent the trees in front of the Hall. A half moon shone through the dark, flying clouds onto the wild and empty moor. 强风在外面悲鸣,同时还使庄园前面的树木摇晃着。半轮月亮透过阴暗的、飞奔的云朵照到了荒凉、空旷的沼地上。

Chapter8 The Stapletons of Pen House 格林盆宅邸的斯台普顿兄妹

We were much more cheerful. 我们也就觉得心情舒畅些了。The sun was full on her face.阳光照在她的脸上。I spoke to the boy who had taken the telegram to the Hall. 我把电报投送到庄园的那个男孩问了话。It was hopeless to ask any questions.再继续问下去也是无望的了。To my surprise it was a stranger. He was a small, thin man, between thirty and forty years old, with fair hair and no beard. 令我感到吃惊的是,那是位陌生人。他是个矮小瘦削的男人,大约三四十岁年纪,长着淡黄色的头发,没有蓄胡子。I was rather surprised that he was asking me these questions. 我对他问我这些问题感到很惊讶。Then a terrible cry came across the moor. 接着,从沼地传来一声可怕的吼声。He looked at me in surprise. 他带着惊讶的神情看着我。Stapleton had a strange look on his face. 斯泰普顿的脸上带着一丝奇怪的神色。He ran quickly and followed the butterfly on to the marsh, but he knew exactly where he cound go, and was not in any anger. 他飞快地跑着,随着那只蝴蝶到泥潭中,但是他知道自己的脚该落在哪儿,因此便没有什么危险。

Chapter9 The Escaped Prisoner 出逃的囚犯

His eyes followed her everywhere.他的目光一直追随着她。He was an old man with a red face and white hair.他是一位面色红润、头发银白的老人。I heard someone walking softly outside my door.I saw Barrymore moving carefully and quietly away from me. 我听见有人在我的门外轻声走动。我看到白瑞摩正小心谨慎而又悄无声息地从我这边走开。I think I am as brave as most men, but that sound froze my blood. 我认为我与大多数人一样勇敢,可是这个声音使我毛骨悚然。On that hill, with the moon behind me, stood a tall, thin man. He was standing perfectly still. He was wathching us. 在山顶上站着一个又高又瘦的男子,他背后的天幕上挂着一轮月亮。他一动不动的站着。他正注视着我们。With a cry of surprise, I turned to Sir Henry.我惊叫了一声,向亨利爵士转过身去。

Chapter10 The Letter 一封信件

On the following day heavy rain fell without stopping. 第二天大雨终日。I went to the window and looked out at the rain and the clouds. It was a wild night. 我走到窗前,望着屋外的雨和云彩。I sat and thought what I should do next. 我坐下来,思考着我下一步的举动。Sir Henry was still shaken by the terrible cry we had heard on the moor.亨利爵士依旧因我们在沼地上听到的那个可怕的吼声而心绪不宁。

Chapter12 The Man on the Moor 沼地上的那个人

I looked through the telescope and saw a small boy with a bag over his shoulder.我透过望远镜看到肩上扛着一个包的小男孩。A path had been worn up to the door. 一条小路已被人踩出,一直通向房门。I realized that the mysterious man had told someone to watch me, and this was a message from his spy. 我意识到那位神秘人已叫人去监视我,这便是从他的密探那里得来的消息。Everything looked calm and peaceful in the golden evening light. 在夕阳的照耀下,一切都显得那么安详、恬静。

Chapter13 Too Late 太晚了

For a moment or two I could neither breathe and move. Then I felt my fear and unhapiness disappear. The danger all around me did not seem so frightening. 有那么一小会儿我既喘不过气来也动弹不了身子。后来,我觉得我的恐怖和不快之情消失了。四伏的为技似乎不那么令人恐惧了。I went outside the hut, and there was Holmes. He was sitting on a stone, and his grey eyes were dancing with amusement. He was thin and worn, but bright and wide-awake. His skin was brown from the wind and the sun.我走出小屋,福尔摩斯就在眼前。他正坐在一块石头上,他那灰色的眼珠高兴地转动起来。他显得又瘦又累,可是既机灵又清醒。他的皮肤由于风沙和日晒的侵袭变成了棕色。He shook me warmly by the hand.



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