300字范文 > 英语语法:短语pull in/out sit down和stand up的用法

英语语法:短语pull in/out sit down和stand up的用法

时间:2023-11-24 08:51:52


英语语法:短语pull in/out sit down和stand up的用法


上几期学习了英语语法:短语 lose weight,gain weight的用法、短语 out of danger,in danger在的用法、短语 out of doors,in doors的用法、短语out of order,in order的用法


反义短语的用法21. pull in(火车)进站 & pull out(火车)离站异同之处:pull in 一般不接宾语,作独立谓语。pull out表示“(火车)离站,(船)划出”,也有“退出,从(疾病、不愉快中)恢复”的意思。例1:Watch out, the train will pull in at once.注意,火车马上就进站了。语法点:watch out一般用在简短的祈使句中,可以单独使用。例2:Please send me a message when the train pulls out.火车出站的时候请给我发一条信息。22. sit down坐下 & stand up站起来异同之处:sit down表示“坐下”,通常用于简单祈使句中,与stand up“站起,起立”构成相反意义。例1:She sat downand asked the waiter to bring the menu.她坐下来,让服务员拿菜单。结构分析:本句为过去一般时态句子。She是主语,sat down是谓语,and是连接两个句子的词,asked是谓语,the waiter是宾语,to bring the menu是to do结构的动词不定式词组作宾语补语。例2:You should stand up, and make a toast to the elders.你应该站起来,向长辈敬酒。结构分析:本句是过去将来时态的句子。You是主语,shouldstand up是谓语(Past tense of shall,即shall的过去式是should),and是连词,(should)make是谓语,a toast是宾语,to the elders是宾语补语。

作业短语:think highly of高度评价,夸耀 & think lightly of轻视异同之处:think highly of表示“高度评价”,可用speak lightly of代替;think lightly of 可用look down upon来代替。例1:What characteristic of a memorandum can make readers think highly of its writer? (12月六级)例2:We all think lightly of this kind of article without substance.任务:1.句子结构、时态等分析;2.将英文译成中文。

英语外刊,精读练习:In the midst of the most recent attacks of the United States against Venezuela, the government of Donald Trump today [March 26] designated President Nicolás Maduro as part of a supposed narco-terrorist structure and named a price for his arrest or assassination, along with other leaders of the revolutionary Venezuelan process.【WORKERS WORLD】任务:1.句子结构、时态等分析;2.将英文译成中文。
