300字范文 > 中医学理论 traditional Chinese medical theory英语短句 例句大全

中医学理论 traditional Chinese medical theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-24 02:09:43


中医学理论 traditional Chinese medical theory英语短句 例句大全

中医学理论,traditional Chinese medical theory

1)traditional Chinese medical theory中医学理论


1.Business process diagnosis technique based on the theory of traditional chinese medicine基于中医学理论的业务过程诊断技术

2.The application of the basic theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the field of Sports Medicine运动医学领域中中医传统理论的应用

3.“Yin Nature and Yang Nature of Qi" and Theory of Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine论“气分阴阳”对中医学气学理论的影响

4.Preliminary Discussion on the Role and Position of the Theory of TCM in the Study of Modern Medicine试论中医理论在现代医学研究中的作用和地位

5.Primary discussion on employing evidence law principles in medical diagnosis.;试论证据学原理在医学诊断学中应用

6.The Application of Problem-Based Learningin Nuclear Medicine Theoretical TeachingPBL教学法在核医学理论教学中的应用

7.Ethical Issues in the Teaching of Forensic Medicine试论法医学教学过程中的伦理学问题

8.On the Relationship between the Theoretical Systemof Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Medical Mode;论中医理论体系与现代医学模式的关系

9.On the Origin of Theory of Chinese Martial Arts and Chinese Medicine;试论中华武术与祖国医学的理论渊源

10.Modern Scientific Explanation of Theories of Chinese Medicine;用现代科学诠释中医药学理论之管见

11.The Medical Psychology in 《Qian Jin Yao Fang》(A Collection of Ancient Key Gynaecological Prescriptions);论《千金要方》中的医学心理学思想

12.Philosophical basis for TCM Psychology in Canon of Medicine;试论《内经》中医学心理思想的哲学基础

13.Transformation of the Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Influenced by the Neo-Confucian Taiji Theory理学太极论与后期中医学基本理论的嬗变

14.On "Body-mind Inter-promotion" Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine;试述中国传统医学中的“身心互动”理论

15.Theory and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Viewpoint of System Science系统科学视域中的中医理论及其创新

16.Embodiment of Medical Ethical Idea in Human-based Medical Services;论医学伦理观在人性化医疗服务中的体现

17.Discussion on the Developmental Trend of Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Historical Standpoint of Medical Sciences从医学的发展历程探讨中医药理论发展之路

18.Applying Disaster Medicine Theory in Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief灾难医学理论在抗震救灾医疗救援中的应用


qi theory in TCM中医气学理论

1.On presupposition of life process onqi theory in TCM;中医气学理论的生命程序学假说初探

3)Chinese medical theory中医药学术理论

4)The basic theory of TCM中医学理论研究

5)The theory system of traditional Chinese medical science中医学理论体系

6)TCM theory中医理论

1.Along with the tide of culture collisions and scientific development,TCM theory has been enriched by diversified academic schools, including holism, reductionism, and doctrine of complex.在多元文化碰撞与科学发展的潮流冲击下,中医理论学科出现了学术探索模式的分化,可概括为整体论、还原论和复杂性3个模式。

2.The history and current situation about the interrelationship between medicine and philosophy inTCM theory had been analyzed.通过对中医理论体系医学与哲学相互关系的历史和现状进行分析,提出将二者分化为中医自然观、中医方法论、中医学术本体;其中方法论又分化为哲学方法、横断科学方法雏形、逻辑方法、中医药学特殊方法4个层次;试图从多侧面寻找与现代科学的结合点。


