300字范文 > 数字资源 digital resources英语短句 例句大全

数字资源 digital resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-22 01:39:32


数字资源 digital resources英语短句 例句大全

数字资源,digital resources

1)digital resources数字资源

1.Integration and Utilization of Digital Resources in A Hospital Library;医院图书馆数字资源的整合与综合利用

2.Research on the Integration of Digital Resources in University Library;高校图书馆数字资源整合研究

3.Thinking of the costs for the consortium acquisition ofdigital resources;对集团采购数字资源费用的思考


1.An Brief Introduction of the Application of Network and Digital Resources in Demographic Study;人口学网络数字资源与电子数字资源利用

2.On the Technique of Managing Digital Information Base on Metadata;试论数字资源著录的元数据解决方案

3.The Normalized Solution and Analysis of Data Utilization in Digital Resources数字资源使用数据的规范处理与分析

4.Vocational College Teaching Resource Warehouse and Library Figure Resource Building;高职专业教学资源库与图书馆数字资源建设

5.Discussion on the Integration of the Digital Resources of University Library and the Teaching Resources on Campus Network;论高校图书馆数字资源与校园网教学资源整合

6.On the Developing and Sharing of Library s Digital Resources in Colleges;高专院校图书馆数字资源的共建共享

7.Analysis of Digital Resources Building of Rational Libraries in Universities;高校图书馆数字资源建设的理性思考

8.Library Developing Digital Resources in the Coordination of Intellectual Property Rights;图书馆数字资源建设的知识产权协调

9.The Study of Practical Techniques of Digital Resources Integration in Library;图书馆数字资源整合的实现技术研究

10.The Comparative Analysis of Integration Means of Library Digital Resource;图书馆数字资源整合方式的比较分析

11.Analysis of College Library Digital Resource Integration;数字资源整合在高校图书馆应用分析

12.The evaluation of library digital resources:index and methods;图书馆数字资源的评价:指标及方法

13.Technological Realization of Visiting the Digital Resources of Campus Networks from outside the School;校外访问校园网数字资源的技术实现

14.Evaluation of choosing digital resource of library;图书馆数字资源的评价与选择之我见

15.Construction and Technological Maintenance of Digital Resource of Electronic Reading-rooms;电子阅览室数字资源建设及技术维护

16.The Digitalization of Library Collection Versus the Collection of Internet Resources;也谈“馆藏资源数字化”与“社会资源馆藏化”

17.Digital Resources and Building Information Resources of Libraries of Universities数字化资源与高校图书馆信息资源建设

18.The digital informations build conceiving ideas of Hanzhong tour sources汉中旅游资源特色及数字化建设构想


digital resource数字资源

1.Design of the course of medical librarydigital resources utilization education;谈医学图书馆数字资源利用教育课程的设计

2.Application ofdigital resource integration and cataloguing technology of the library based on OPAC;基于在线书目的图书馆数字资源集成与编目技术

3.The Comparative Analysis of Integration Means of Library Digital Resource;图书馆数字资源整合方式的比较分析

3)digital resource数字化资源

1.In this way,digital resources are re-organized and re-ordered,and multi-level revelation of electronic literature is established.对数字化资源进行重组并再次序化,建立各种导航系统,提供电子文献的多层次揭示;并通过实例对这些具体方式的运用加以探讨,从中找出数字图书馆个性化服务的有效模式,为构建可互操作的现实数字图书馆个性化服务系统提供参考。

2.Nowadaysdigital resources are more and more becoming the readers first choice to obtain information.介绍数字化资源的构成现状,认为图书馆在进行数字化资源的建设过程中隐藏着资源生产重复和缺损,资源合法性值得质疑,资源引进趋同化,资源投入大,资源管理情报复杂等陷阱,指出数字化资源要得到良性发展,就要从可持续发展的角度进行思考,并采取相应措施,避免误入陷阱而带来损失。

3.One of hospital medical information service institute in Beijing Military Region sent plenty of qualified medical information for medical staffs by advanced internet condition and abundant ofdigital resource.在抗震救灾中,北京军区查新站-医院的医学情报服务机构迅速投入到抗震救灾战斗中,凭借先进的网络条件和丰富的数字化资源,为前线医务人员提供了内容丰富、层次更深、方法灵活的多样化医学情报服务。

4)digitalized resources数字化资源

1.This paper analyzes on the present situation of domestic and foreign digital libraries,expounds the important functions of the human resource,hardware facility,anddigitalized resources,etc.分析了国内外数字图书馆的发展现状,阐明了人力资源、硬件设施、数字化资源等在数字图书馆建设中的重要作用,并指出了数字图书馆建设过程中需要注意的问题。

5)digital resources数字化资源

1.Research and Practical Exploration on the Digital Resources Co-constructing and Sharing of Quality Courses精品课程数字化资源共建共享模式研究及探索

2.Study of universal retrieval strategy ofdigital resources in library图书馆数字化资源统一检索策略研究

3.How to utilize and share thesedigital resources to support clinical practice and hospital management will be discussed in this paper.军队医院图书馆获得数字化资源条件十分有利,如何依托良好的数字化环境,充分利用数字化资源等,值得医院图书馆工作人员研究和探讨的课题。

6)Digital Resource Repository数字资源库

1.Design and Research of Storage Layer forDigital Resource Repository System;数字资源库系统存储层的设计与研究


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
