300字范文 > 数字资源整合 Digital Resources Integration英语短句 例句大全

数字资源整合 Digital Resources Integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-26 17:38:18


数字资源整合 Digital Resources Integration英语短句 例句大全

数字资源整合,Digital Resources Integration

1)Digital Resources Integration数字资源整合

1.Analysis ofDigital Resources Integration in College Libraries;谈高校图书馆的数字资源整合

2.This paper analyzes the present situation of the research on digital resources integration of university library, and connecting with the practices of Chongqing University library, advances the scheme of the integration of digital resources.分析了当前高校图书馆数字资源整合研究的现状,结合重庆大学图书馆的实践,提出了数字资源整合方案。

3.The article summarizes the status quo of researches on digital resources integration at home and abroad,this article clarifies the development process of Digital resources integration research in China,points out the main problems and discusses their development trend.本文概述了国内数字资源整合研究的现状,理清了国内数字资源整合研究的整个发展脉络,指出其存在的有关问题,探讨了数字资源整合研究的发展方向。


1.The Study of Practical Techniques of Digital Resources Integration in Library;图书馆数字资源整合的实现技术研究

2.The Comparative Analysis of Integration Means of Library Digital Resource;图书馆数字资源整合方式的比较分析

3.Analysis of College Library Digital Resource Integration;数字资源整合在高校图书馆应用分析

4.A Study of Digital Resources Integration and Sharing of Academic Library高校图书馆数字资源整合与共享研究

5.Library Digital Resources Integration Based on Complex Network基于复杂网络的图书馆数字资源整合

6.Research on Integration of Digital Resources Ecology in Library 2.0图书馆2.0环境下的数字资源整合生态研究

7.Discussion on Integrated Technology of Digital Resources Based on Realizing the Cross Storehouse Retrieval基于实现跨库检索的数字资源整合技术探讨

8.Implementation of Digital Resource Integration and a Unified Search Based on Open Source Software基于开源软件实现馆藏数字资源整合与统一检索

9.Research on Digtal Information Resources Integration Based on CORBA/XML;基于CORBA/XML的数字信息资源整合研究

10.E-Learning Resource Integration Based on Digital Library基于数字图书馆的e-Learning资源整合

11.Discussion on the Integration of the Digital Resources of University Library and the Teaching Resources on Campus Network;论高校图书馆数字资源与校园网教学资源整合

12.Research and Implementation on OAI Data Resources Integration System of Digital Library;数字图书馆OAI数据资源整合系统的研究与实现

13.Research and Implementation on Z39.50 Data Resources Integration System of Digital Library;数字图书馆Z39.50数据资源整合系统的研究与实现

14.Significance of Digital Arts in College Art Education Curriculum Resources;数字艺术在高校美术课程资源整合中的意义

15.The Disscussion On Conformity Process of Institute Library Digital Information Resource;高校图书馆数字信息资源整合过程的探讨

16.The Construction Research of Integration Model of Digitized Teaching Resources in Campus;高校教学资源数字化整合模型的建构研究

17.Integration of Digitized Campus Library Resources Based on Portal Technology;基于门户技术的高校数字图书资源整合

18.Study on Digital Information Resource Integration Strategy and Service Sharing Model数字信息资源整合策略与服务共享模式研究


digital resource integration数字资源整合

1.This paper introduces the conception and approaches of librarydigital resource integration,and compares and analyzes familiar integration approaches such as federated search,information navigation,integration based on OPAC and integration based on grid.本文介绍了图书馆数字资源整合的概念和方式,对常见的资源整合方式跨库检索、信息导航、基于OPAC的整合和基于网格的整合进行了比较分析。

2.Digital resource integration is an important development direction in resource building of Digital Library.数字资源整合是目前图书馆界数字资源建设的一个重要发展方向,在当今的数字图书馆界存在着几种数字资源的通讯协议标准,在可预见的将来,各数据资源将会继续使用不同的通讯协议标准来提供数据,给数据资源整合带来了不便,因此用户对资源整合检索的需求将会更加迫切,并推动了资源整合检索技术的研究与发展,各种资源整合系统应运而生。

3)digital resources conformity数字资源整合

1.Then discusses the organization characteristics and conformity demand of Ningbo regional digital library member,and carries on the regional resources conformity system to construct,conceive the regionaldigital resources conformity way.描述数字资源整合的特点及目标、宁波区域数字资源发展现状及特色需求,探讨宁波区域数字图书馆成员的组织特点及整合需求,进行了区域资源整合体系的构建、区域数字资源整合方式的设想。

2.This paper discusses thedigital resources conformity from the system construction,the informationcorrelation and the cross- database retrieval,puts forward the applied scheme of the system construction and stepwiseconformity,and discusses on some core techniques such as conjunctive retrieval,and integrated retrieval,etc.重点从系统建设、信息关联、跨库检索3个层面对数字资源整合问题进行了探讨,提出系统建设、分步整合的应用方案,并对一些核心技术,如联合检索、整合检索等进行了充分论证。

4)information retrieval/digital resources integration信息检索/数字资源整合

5)Digital Resources Integrated System数字资源整合检索系统

6)development study/digital resources integration发展研究/数字资源整合


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
