300字范文 > 法庭口译员 court interpreter英语短句 例句大全

法庭口译员 court interpreter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-05 19:42:30


法庭口译员 court interpreter英语短句 例句大全

法庭口译员,court interpreter

1)court interpreter法庭口译员

pared with an interpreter in general, acourt interpreter plays a special and significant role—he or she is part of the judiciary process in foreigner-related cases.与一般口译员相比,法庭口译员作为涉外庭审案件的参与者,起着特殊而重要的作用。


1.Courtroom Interpreters Decision Making in Information Processing;法庭口译员在信息处理过程中的决策

2.Sign Language Interpreters in Court:Deconstructing the Myth of Neutrality法庭手语翻译:探讨译员的中立性原则

3.Viewing the Accuracy of Court Interpreting from the Perspective of Interpreting Approach and Mode;从口译方法和模式看法庭口译的准确性

4.Court Interpreting in China: The Perspective of Standardization;中国的法庭口译:规范化角度的探讨

5.Short-term Preparations for Court Interpreting of Criminal Cases from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;关联理论视角下的刑事案件法庭口译译前准备

6.An Analysis of the Present Situation of Court Interpreting in China and Exploration of Modes of Training;中国法庭口译现状分析及培训模式初探

7.An Empirical Study on Differences in Grammatical Correctness between Professional Simultaneous Interpreters and Interpreting Candidates;职业译员与口译学员同声传译语法准确性差异的实证研究

8.On Interpreter s Memeory Load and Approaches to Improving Interpreter s On-The-Spot Performance;论口译员的记忆压力及提高口译员现场表现力的方法

9.Foreignization: Still a Caution Line for Interpreters;翻译异化之潮:口译译员应慎重对待

10.International Association of Conference Interpreters国际会议口译员协会(口译协会)

11.Consejo Nacional de Poblacion y Familia国家人口和家庭委员会

12.Exhibition Interpreting and Training of Interpreters in Xiada Model会展口译及厦大口译训练模式下的译员培训

13.The Making of a Fine Interpreter;从“翻译人员须知”看口译工作和译员素质

14.A translator might also be an interpreter, of course.当然,一个翻译也可能是一名口译人员。

15.International Association of Conference Interpreters and Translators国际会议口译和笔译员协会

16.On Strengthening the Interpreters Intercultural Competence;浅论提高口译译员的跨文化交际能力

17.Further Exploration on Active Roles of Interpreters in Interpretation;进一步探索译员在口译中的积极作用

18.Interpreting activities involve three parties, i?e. the source language speaker, the interpreter and the target language audience.口译活动涉及源语发言人、译员和译语听众三方。


court interpreters法庭口译人员

3)the role of court interpreter法庭口译员角色

4)court interpretation法庭口译

1.The increasing sensitivity to human rights,the mergence of Civil Law System and Common Law System,the transformation of China from an acquaintance society to an open one,and so on now offer opportunities for,meanwhile,pose unprecedented challenges to,the development ofcourt interpretation in China.法庭口译乃当事人权利的重要保障。

2.With China s entering into WTO and increase of foreign related cases,with a view to safeguard the legitimate interest of the citizens and ensure the fairness of legal procedure,the establishment ofcourt interpretation system in China becomes increasingly urgent.自我国加入世界贸易组织以来,涉外案件逐年增多,对法庭口译的需求不断扩大。

5)court interpreting法庭口译

1.This thesis first views the definition, history, modes of work, and functions ofcourt interpreting.法庭口译是保证被告人权利的重要方式。

2.This thesis aims to probe into how preparations forcourt interpreting shall be done with Relevance Theory as its theoretical framework.本论文旨在探讨关联理论视角下的法庭口译准备工作。

3.The importance ofcourt interpreting quality is indisputable.法庭口译的质量的重要性已是无庸赘言,然而,中国当前的法庭口译质量却差强人意,法庭口译员的口译质量相差甚远,有的还算比较准确,有的口译则甚至会对法庭产生误导。



