300字范文 > 法庭 court英语短句 例句大全

法庭 court英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-17 04:55:46


法庭 court英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis oncourt design incourt building;法院建筑中法庭区设计浅析

2.Moderncourt architecture needs more support of advanced technology to improve the work efficiency.人民法院法庭是一个特殊的办公楼,有很大的执法危险性、信息机密性、办公独立性以及环境舒适度的要求。

3.Canadiancourts separate from the government and exist independently.加拿大的法庭是脱离政府而独立存在的。


1.the Inquisitor General[西]宗教法庭庭长

2.The court will be adjourned for an hour.法庭将休庭一小时。

3.The court will adjourn for lunch.法庭午餐时间休庭.

4.They served a summons on the young man.法庭传唤这年轻人出庭。

5.The law court will reopen on Monday.法庭将于星期一再开庭。

6.The court will sit next week.法庭预定下周开庭。

7.The court sits from eleven to five o"clock .法庭从11点到5点开庭。

8.She was summoned to appear as a witness.她被法庭传去出庭作证。

9.The court subpoenaed her (to appear) as a witness.法庭传她(到庭)作证.

10.The court will be held again after two weeks.法庭休庭两周后继续开庭。

11.The court will adjourn for the night, and meet again tomorrow法庭晚上休庭,明天再开庭。

12.Courts of domestic relations deal with family disagreements.家庭关系的法庭则处理家庭纠纷。

13.give evidence about sth in a lawcourt,etc(在法庭等上)作证

14.present(a case)to a court of law向法庭陈述(案情)

15.The judgment of a court of equity, admiralty, probate, or divorce.判决;裁定指衡平法庭,海事法庭,遗嘱检验法庭或离婚法庭的裁决

16.The court fined him 500.法庭罚他500英镑.

17.Consist of a system of law courts: the Supreme Court, 11 Courts of Appeals, and 91 District Courts.法庭系统的构成:高等法庭,11个上诉法庭,和91个地区法庭。

18.contempt of court(disobedience to an order made by a court of law or judge )蔑视法庭(不服从法庭或法官的命令)


courtroom[英]["k?:tru:m][美]["k?rt"rum; -"rum]法庭

1.With the analysis of presupposition incourtroom context, it is found that lawyers tend to adopt presupposition to manipulate witnesses answers.借助于心理和认知的方法,通过分析法庭语境中预设的使用,从心理和认知的角度诠释预设。

2.This paper draws insights of semantics of evaluation to develop the analysis and it focuses on the responses of the respondents who have to be subordinate to the questioners incourtroom.法律语言范畴下的法庭语言以其独特的机构语言的特征,有许多可供研究和探讨的课题。

3.What I focus on in this dissertation is the repair in a certain kind of institutional discourse,courtroom discourse, and it is quite different from the general conversational repair i.本文研究的中国法庭话语中的修正属于机构话语的修正,与一般会话中的修正由有所区别。

3)Trial in Court法庭庭审

4)president of law court法庭庭长

5)A session of a court.法庭的开庭

6)court law法庭法律


