300字范文 > 道德教育方法 methods of moral education英语短句 例句大全

道德教育方法 methods of moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-21 21:39:25


道德教育方法 methods of moral education英语短句 例句大全

道德教育方法,methods of moral education

1)methods of moral education道德教育方法

1.As a famous patriot of China in modern times, WeiYuan’s contribution in the field of moral education can be summarized as follows: great importance is attached to moral education, a series of concretemethods of moral education are formed, a series of important principles of moral and self-education are established, and finally, evaluation criteria of moral education are put forward.作为中国近代著名的爱国主义思想家,魏源在道德教育领域的主要贡献有:高度重视道德教育,形成了一系列具体的道德教育方法,确立了一系列重要的道德教育原则和自我教育原则,并提出了道德教育的评估标准。


1.The traditional method for ideological and moral education is to infuse.传统式的思想道德教育方法是灌输。

2.New Period University Student Thought Moral s Education Method of Creative;新时期大学生思想道德教育方法创新

3.On the Methods and Approaches to Vocational Ethics Education for the Students of Vocational Institute;职校生职业道德教育方法与途径探讨

4.Confucius s Moral Education Methods and Its Value for Contemporary College Student s Moral Education;孔子道德教育方法及其对当代大学生道德教育的价值

5.About Thought Moral Education of Our School Learning from Thought Moral Education Method of America;我国学校思想道德教育对美国思想道德教育方法的借鉴

6.The Researching of the Development on the Methods of the Western Ideological and Moral Education in Modern and Contemporary Times;西方近现代思想道德教育方法的探究及其启示

7.Problems in Moral Education to Policemen and Corresponding Countermeasures;警察道德教育方法中存在的问题及对策研究

8.Thinking of the Measure of College Ideological Moral Education under Network Environment;对网络环境下高校思想道德教育方法的思考

9.Analysis of College Moral Education under Values Diversity价值观多元化下学校道德教育方法浅析

10.Research on the Construction of Interactive Method System of Environmental Moral Education in Primary School;构建小学环境道德教育互动方法体系

11.The Practical Significance of the Confucianists’ Instructing Doctrine “Instructing by Good Moral Examples”;论儒家“道之以德”教育方法的现实意义

12.Legal Education Isn t Equal to Moral Education: One Defence of Ethics;法制教育≠道德教育:一种德育学辩护

13.Religion"s Moral Effect on the Methodology of Political and Ideological Education宗教道德效应对思想政治教育的方法论启示

14.Instillation Method and Value ClarificationMethod in Moral Education Between the West and the East;东西方道德教育灌输法与价值澄清法之比较

15.General values and unconventionality of Confucian morals;孔孟道德修养与教育思想的普适性——兼论孔孟道德学说的批评方法

16.Dewey s Moral Education Methods and Its Reference Value to College Moral Education of China;杜威的德教方法对我国学校道德教育的借鉴价值

17.On the Methods of Chinese Traditional Moral Education and Its Enlightenment;试论中国古代传统道德教育的方法及启示

18.Moral education for college students;高校学生工作中开展道德教育的方法探讨


sex morality education methods性道德教育方法

3)Thought Moral Education Method思想道德教育方法

1.About Thought Moral Education of Our School Learning fromThought Moral Education Method of America;我国学校思想道德教育对美国思想道德教育方法的借鉴

4)Way of moral education道德教育方式

5)moral and legal education道德法制教育

1.It’s meanful for constructing the harmonious society to enhance and improve the nonage’smoral and legal education.未成年人是祖国的未来,加强未成年人道德法制教育,采取积极措施预防和矫治未成年人违法犯罪,使未成年人成长为符合和谐社会建设需要的生力军,对于建设和谐社会有着十分重要的现实意义。

6)executing methods of moral education德育施教方法


成功道德描写的教育作用成功道德描写的教育作用education by successful moral writting驱力,给人以启发和勇气,促人前进,甚至陪伴人们走完人生的历程。这些其他手段难以比拟和代替的道德教育作用,是文学中的道德描写通过艺术形象诱发读者的想像、牵动读者的感情而实现的。(梁息全撰}亘{巫固审)成功道德描写的教育作用(。ducationby sueeessfu一moral writting)文学的道德内容熔铸在形象之中,对人的品德影响是在无声无形中进行的。成功的道德描写的教育作用有:(l)能激发人们的道德情感、荡涤人们的心灵。作品中的道德力量能激发人们的思想情感,但又不停留于斯。作品描写得好,就会拨动人的心弦。在赏心悦目的欣赏过程中,读者的心灵被荡涤、情操被陶冶,促使人去追求做一个有益于人民的有价值的人。(2)能使人辨美丑、分善恶、明是非,提高读者的道德认识能力。在形象感染的过程中提高了读者的道德判断力,促使正确的道德观念和信念的形成。这种情理结合的判断力不仅充实了人们的道德意识,而且成为道德情绪中的直觉力量,成为人们面临实际情境时迅速进行道德定向,作出合乎道德反应的内驱力。(3)能给人以前进的勇气、开拓新生活的力量。作品通过潜移默化使读者形成追求美好境界的道德信念和情操。成功的道德描写促成的这种内
