300字范文 > 声腔化技法 Tune techniques英语短句 例句大全

声腔化技法 Tune techniques英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-18 11:50:49


声腔化技法 Tune techniques英语短句 例句大全

声腔化技法,Tune techniques

1)Tune techniques声腔化技法

2)dramatic intonation声腔化

1.Erhu performers accumulated deep “dramatic intonation ” p.自清乾隆、嘉庆年间之后,这种包括提琴、二胡(二弦)在内的各种胡琴形制,在戏曲“乱弹”、坐唱“滩簧”、时调小曲伴奏中得到重用,从丝竹乐器群体中脱颖而出,一跃登上“近百年来,二弦(即胡琴)独张”的位置,在戏曲说唱“包腔”演奏的频频实践中,积累着深厚“声腔化”演奏传统。


1.Erhu (Two-Stringed Fiddle) of String and Bamboo of South Yangtze River Root and Flower and the Dramatic Intonation Performing Tradition;江南丝竹二胡源流与“声腔化”演奏传统

2.Cognition of Min Huifen"s "Instrument Playing Vocal Tune" with Considers对闵惠芬“器乐演奏声腔化”的思考与认识

3.Research on the sound absorption performance of cavity wedges and optimization of their design空腔尖劈吸声性能计算及其优化设计

4.Numerical Simulation and Design Optimization for Interior Acoustic-Structural Coupled Systems;内腔声—结构耦合系统的数值模拟与优化设计

5.The Study to the Tune System and Its Musical Diversity of the Liuqin Drama in South Shandong Province鲁南柳琴戏声腔系统及音乐多元化分析

6.Clinical Study of Chinese Medicine by Aerosol Inhalation for Radiation-induced Oral Mucositis中药超声雾化吸入防治放射性口腔炎临床研究

7.WEI Liang- fu`s Reform on the Elegance and Official tone of the Kun Opera-and discussing with Mr. GU Ling-sen雅化和官语化视野下的魏良辅声腔改革——兼与顾聆森先生商榷

8.Contrast Study on Rectal Cancer Vascularity with Transrectal Color Doppler Ultrasonogprahy and Pathologic Immunohistochemistry;直肠癌腔内彩色多普勒超声检测与血管病理免疫组化对比研究

9.Analysis of clinical utilization of nasal cavity uitrasound aerosol inhalation in treating allergic rhinitis鼻腔超声雾化吸入治疗变应性鼻炎的临床应用分析

10.Clinical application and nursing of surgical operating microscope and ultrasonic instruments in endodontic treatment of patients undergoing previous resinifying therapy口腔显微镜联合超声技术在塑化根管再治疗中的临床应用及护理

11.Clinical applications of hydrogen peroxide-enhanced anal endosonography technique in fistula-in-ano过氧化氢造影增强直肠腔内超声在诊断肛瘘中的应用

12.Discussion on Combining Shanxi Operatic Tunes with Singing Method of Vocal Music;初探晋剧声腔与声乐发声方法的结合

13.The Contribution Of Pi-Huang Tune To Developing The Traditional Chinese Opera;论皮黄腔在戏曲声腔发展史中的贡献

14.reentrant acousto-optic light modulator凹腔声-光学光调制器

15.a soprano who specializes in coloratura vocal music.专攻花腔声乐的女高音。

16.Florid, ornamental vocal trills and runs.花腔华丽的、装饰性的声音颤动和滑声

17.Musical sound produced by vibration of the human vocal cords and resonated within the throat and head cavities.人声通过声带振动并在喉腔和头腔共鸣产生的声音

18.Diagnostic Value of Sonohysterography in Patients with Uterine Intracavitary Pathology;宫腔声学造影对宫腔内病变的诊断价值


dramatic intonation声腔化

1.Erhu performers accumulated deep “dramatic intonation ” p.自清乾隆、嘉庆年间之后,这种包括提琴、二胡(二弦)在内的各种胡琴形制,在戏曲“乱弹”、坐唱“滩簧”、时调小曲伴奏中得到重用,从丝竹乐器群体中脱颖而出,一跃登上“近百年来,二弦(即胡琴)独张”的位置,在戏曲说唱“包腔”演奏的频频实践中,积累着深厚“声腔化”演奏传统。

3)vocal music techniques声乐技法

1.In order to enter the stage of the science of the vocal music, the false voice singing training need be categorized into the modemvocal music techniques.花腔训练要纳入现代声乐技法的范畴,步入声乐科学的新境地。

4)Harmonic technique和声技法

1.This article chose 23 of these songs as the subject of research, analyzed,disscussed,induced and summarized their characters of harmonic techniques, and made a necessary exploration to the expressional effect of these harmonic techniques.管弦乐是他最主要的创作领域,艺术歌曲创作数量较少,仅有39首,就目前情况来看,国内研究拉威尔艺术歌曲中和声技法的文章目前还为数不多。

5)multivoice technique多声技法

1.With the analysis formultivoice technique of Satie s piano works, the captioned article is trying to feel about the thoughts and clues on how themultivoice technique are used in his works and summarize the promethean and advanced characters of it.本文通过对萨蒂钢琴作品多声技法的研究,试图探索萨蒂创作中对多声技法运用的思维脉络,总结其多声技法运用的特点及其独创性。

6)acoustic cavity声腔

1.Theacoustic cavity technique options and test validation of the bipropellant orbit control rocket engine;双组元轨控发动机声腔技术方案及试验验证

2.Modal analysis of the structural body and theacoustic cavity is the important matter on car NVH characteristic study.车身结构与车室声腔模态分析是车身NVH特性研究的重要内容,识别车身系统模态对避免车身结构与声腔共振、降低车内噪声有着重要的意义。

3.In order to solve this problem,the characters of noise caused by acoustic-cavity resonance are analyzed,and the motion equation of theacoustic cavity system is deduced.文中探讨了轮胎内部空腔共振噪声的特性,推导了声腔系统的运动方程,提出了将车轮制作成椭圆形轮圈来降低轮胎声腔共振固有频率峰值的改进方法,并通过实验验证了该方法的正确性。


