300字范文 > 创作技法 creation techniques英语短句 例句大全

创作技法 creation techniques英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-11 22:00:52


创作技法 creation techniques英语短句 例句大全

创作技法,creation techniques

1)creation techniques创作技法

1.Among them the change ofcreation techniques which resulted in the tune and rhyme alteration of Tang is a one that cannot be ignored.其原因非常复杂,其中创作技法的改变是造成唐宋七绝易调的一个不可忽视的原因。

2.He clarified the development vein of the style and carefully studied itscreation techniques and the reasons for its prosperity.江西诗派的重要成员方回对"晚唐体"了解颇为深刻,他厘清了"晚唐体"的发展脉络,细致剖析了"晚唐体"兴盛的主要原因和创作技法,使南宋以来对"晚唐体"的混乱认识逐步趋于统一,在"晚唐体"接受史上具有不可忽视的重要地位。


1.Creative Techniques in Chinese Vocal Works in 1980s80年代中国声乐作品创作技法初探

2.A Study of the Composition Technique of Schnittke s Quintet for Piano;施尼特凯《钢琴五重奏》创作技法研究

3.The Research of Composing Techniques Used in Piano Concerto <the Mountain Forest>;钢琴协奏曲《山林》的创作技法研究

4.On the Characteristics of the Devices of Schubert s Lieder;试析舒伯特艺术歌曲的创作技法特点

5.Unique Fictional Techniques of Angels & Demons;论《天使与魔鬼》创作技法的独特性

6.On Artistic Features and National Style of Tan Xiaolin s Chamber Music;谭小麟室内乐创作技法与民族风格研究

7.A Study of the Literary Techniques Used in Virginia Woolf s Stream of Consciousness Novels;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫意识流小说中的创作技法研究

8.A Discussion on the Typical Techiques in Qijue of Northern Song Dynasty;论北宋七绝中异于唐人的典型创作技法

9.Creation and Technique--Thought on the Teaching Methods of Painting in Normal Universities;创造与技能——对高师美术创作教学方法的思考

10.The Development of the Playing Techniques of Dulcimer and Composition of Works Since the Foundation of People′s Republic of China;建国以来扬琴演奏技法及创作的发展

11.Modern Technique of Jiang Wenye s Early Piano Music;江文也早期钢琴音乐创作的现代技法

12.The Two Opposing Methods of Composition and Their Application --The Reading Notes about the Creation of National Instrumental Music;阴阳作曲技法及其应用——民族器乐创作札记

13.The Composing Style and Technique Analysis of Jia Daqun"s Chamber Music Works贾达群室内乐作品的创作风格与技法分析

14.The Necessity of Legislative Engineering on Technology for Constructing the Law Advancing Technological Innovation“科技立法工程”在构建科技创新法律体系中的作用

15.Artistic Style and Skills in Musical Performance of Suite Bergamasque of Claude Debussy德彪西《贝尔加玛组曲》的创作风格及演奏技法

16.The Thinking and the Technique of Witold Lutoslawski"s Creation of the Mature Period;卢托斯拉夫斯基成熟时期的创作思维及技法

17.Research Classical Technique Material in the Oil Painting Expanding New Language Context in the Creation;研究油画古典技法材料拓展创作中的新语境

18.Verdi s the opera creates to the beautiful sound sings the law to singtechnical the contribution;威尔第歌剧创作对美声唱法演唱技术的贡献


creative techniques创作技法

1.Mozart s music and itscreative techniques extend the meaning of thinking" Mozart s Piano Concerto in A (K488) for the research object, Musical structure of the work, mode of transfer, harmony, melody, and other topics in-depth study ofcreative techniques, which fully understand the profound music of Mozart music content, which raises the value of classical music an extension of thinking.《莫扎特创作技法研究及其音乐内涵的延伸性思考》以莫扎特A大调钢琴协奏曲(K488)为研究对象,通过对该作品的曲式结构、调式调性、和声、主题旋律等创作技法的深入研究,从中充分认识莫扎特音乐深刻的音乐内涵,由此引出对古典音乐价值的延伸性思考。

2.This paper explains the inextricable relationship between Rococo and Classicism from three aspects of aesthetics,social life andcreative techniques.本文将从美学要求、社会生活以及创作技法这三方面对洛可可音乐风格与古典主义音乐之间千丝万缕的联系分别予以阐述。

3)Creation technique创作技法

4)composing and performing techniques创作与演奏技法

1.In an attempt to probe into the mood, tone andcomposing and performing techniques of the composition, the author reveals the unique expression of the mood and the aesthetic pursuit of the composer.二胡协奏曲《别亦难》是著名作曲家何占豪先生有感于唐代诗人李商隐《无题》爱情诗之一的意境创作的一首优美动人的乐曲 ,其意境结构、音调内涵、创作与演奏技法表现了独特创意和作曲者的美学追求。

5)Modern composing technique现代创作技法

6)composing technique of west西洋创作技法


