300字范文 > 横征暴敛 extort heavy taxes and levies英语短句 例句大全

横征暴敛 extort heavy taxes and levies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-24 10:48:44


横征暴敛 extort heavy taxes and levies英语短句 例句大全

横征暴敛,extort heavy taxes and levies

1)extort heavy taxes and levies横征暴敛


1.The peasantry had stood for overtaxation without the slightest complaint.以前的横征暴敛,农民都忍下来了,毫无怨言。

2.Chiang Kai-shek and his like made these fortunes by using their dictatorial powers to extort taxes and levies and promote their private interests under the guise of serving the public.这些财富,都是蒋介石等利用其独裁权力横征暴敛、假公济私而来的。

3.The law creates or facilitates monopolies, and monopolies are able to exact a toll from the community.法律创造了或便利了垄断事业,而垄断事业可以向社会横征暴敛。

4.He was clever, bad-tem-pered, and overbearing.他聪明,暴躁,专横。

5.The Relationships Between Convergent Abscissas of Dirichlet SeriesDirichlet级数的收敛横坐标之间的关系

6.The people you force to pay the poll Are like creatures frying over a fire.令彼征敛者, 迫之如火煎。

7.go [be] on the rampage狂暴地横冲直撞 (着)

8.Oh, of course, I was exacting and tyrannical and unkind.啊!当然,我苛刻,专横,粗暴。

9.A course of violent, frenzied action or behavior.暴跳;横冲直撞使用暴力的,狂乱的行动或表现

10.The Convergence and Divergence Problems of Expansion Based on Eigenfunctions of Hamilton Operators;基于Hamilton算子特征函数系展开的敛散性

11.The Super-convergence Method for Eigenvalue Problem with Discontinuous Coefficients;对间断系数特征值问题的超收敛解法

12.Multi-pose ear recognition based on force field convergence feature基于力场收敛特征的多姿态人耳识别

13.They made rude remarks about her appearance.他们对她的外表横加粗暴的评论。

14.The mob stormed through the streets.这群暴民在街上横冲直闯。

15.You look down upon those who talk tough and show no respect.你瞧不起粗暴,蛮横和不尊敬的人。

16.An unprincipled, ruthless person.凶暴的人蛮横无礼的、凶残的人

17.Severe storm swept through early Thursday.几场肆虐的暴风于周四横扫该州。

18.We had a stormy passage across the channel.我们横渡海峡时遇到了风暴。


horizontal violence横向暴力

1.A survey ofhorizontal violence experienced by nurses in the first 3 years practice among 4 hospitals in China;低年资护士经历横向暴力行为的调查

3)domineering and cruel专横残暴

4)a violent death横死; 暴死

5)convergence feature收敛特征

1.Multi-pose ear recognition based on force fieldconvergence feature基于力场收敛特征的多姿态人耳识别

6)abscissa of convergence收敛横坐标

1.Utilizing principle of reduction and contraction principle of random series, we prove the criterion of convergence about independent random vectors in separated Banach space, and obtain theabscissa of convergence of B-valued random Dirichlet series and the growth and the distribution of valus of random entire funcition.本文研究了简化原理在Hilbert空间与可分Banach空间中的一些应用,利用简化原理和独立随机元收敛准则获得了中分Banach空间随机级数的收缩原理和B-值随机Dirichlet级数简单收敛横坐标及一般随机整函数的增长性和值分布,将许多以Rademacher序列为系数的随机Tayor级数和随机Dirichlet级数的相关结果,推广到一般的具有独立对称分布系数的随机级数上去。

2.When random Dirichlet seriessatisfy:is a constant and other suitable conditions, attained some simple and explic formulae onabscissa of convergence.利用随机变量序列的强大数定律,研究了随机变量序列{X_n}在独立(可不同分布)情形下的性质,并当随机狄里克莱级数(s=σ+it)满足 (i)M>0,1≤p≤2; (ii)00,使得,C为非零正常数等条件时,得出收敛横坐标的简洁公式。

3.On this base, studies the relation between absolute convergence and series convergence, then educes the simple method to find theabscissa of convergence when theabscissa of convergence and the abscissa of absolute convergence superpose .本文利用阿贝尔变换公式推导出狄里克雷级数收敛性的有关命题 ,并在此基础上研究了级数收敛与绝对收敛的关系 ,进而导出当收敛横坐标与绝对收敛横坐标重合时 ,求收敛横坐标的简单方法。


