300字范文 > 加工误差 Machining Error英语短句 例句大全

加工误差 Machining Error英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-11 09:12:20


加工误差 Machining Error英语短句 例句大全

加工误差,Machining Error

1)Machining Error加工误差

1.The statistical analysis of machining error based on Visual C;基于VC的加工误差统计分析

2.Virtual machining system developing and machining error analysis;虚拟加工系统研制与加工误差分析

3.Modeling and prediction technology of machining error;加工误差建模与预报技术


1.Analysis about processing error influencing the stability of gear;影响齿轮工作平稳性的加工误差分析

2.Method of Reducing Processing Errors in NC Programming数控编程中减小工件加工误差的措施

3.There are many factors influencing the errors of mechanical process.影响机械加工误差的因素有多种。

4.Modeling and Compensation of NC Milling Machine Mould Machining Error;数控铣床模具加工误差的建模与补偿

5.Design and Research on the System of Gear-grinding Machining Errors and Compensation;磨齿加工误差补偿系统的设计与研究

6.The Study of CAD & Processing Error for End-Gear with Arc Tooth;端面弧齿盘CAD及加工误差的研究

7.Experimental Research of NC Processing Error Based on Entropy Concept;基于熵概念的数控加工误差实验研究

8.Research on the Error Correcting Technology and Application of Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Gears螺旋锥齿轮加工误差分析与应用研究

9.Error Compensation of Surface Machining Based on RBF Neural Network基于RBF神经网络的曲面加工误差补偿

10.The Generation Mechanism and Simulation of the Maching Error in Virtual Milling虚拟铣削加工中加工误差的产生机理与仿真

11.Study on the Diagnosis of Machining Error Based on the Stream of Variation (SOV);基于误差流理论(SOV)的机械加工误差诊断系统研究

12.Design of resonant micro accelerometer and analysis of fabricating error谐振式微加速度计设计与加工误差分析

13.Analysis on Mismachining Tolerance Brought by Thermal Distortion in Process System;工艺系统热变形所引起的加工误差分析

14.Measures of Reducing the Processing Error Through NC Program数控编程中减小工件加工误差应采取的措施

15.Hereditary phenomnon of machining error and theory of relativity are intreduced.介绍了加工误差的遗传现象和相关性理论。

16.Preliminary Discussion on the Effects of the Pure Radial Jumpiness Errer in Principal Axes on the Error Shape in Formed Workpiece;主轴纯径向跳动误差对加工工件形成误差形状浅析

17.Research on Generating Method and Error Compensation for Digital Gear Tooth Surfaces;数字化齿面展成加工及误差补偿研究

18.Thermal Error Inspection and Research on Compensation Techniques of Machining Center;加工中心热误差检测与补偿技术研究


processing error加工误差

1.After theprocessing error being analyzed and the processing being conducted, it is shown that the approximate method with elliptic out line instead of circular out line is such convenient and reliable to process the circular surface that not only the .针对传统加工圆弧面特别是大圆弧面存在加工复杂且成本高的问题 ,提出了通过选取适当的加工参数 ,利用铣床和盘形立铣刀对圆弧曲面进行近似加工的方法 ,同时对加工后产生的加工误差进行了分析 。

2.It is complicated and impossible to construct relational model of theprocessing error and the craft parameter,the system rigidity and the process variable by using conventionally mathematics methods.针对机械加工过程中产生误差的复杂性,用传统的数学建模方法难以实现加工误差和工艺参数、系统刚度和加工过程变量之间的关系模型。

3.This paper introduces the method and research to statistically analyze theprocessing error to display and to print the results by the computer.:本文介绍了加工误差的统计分析方法及研究 ,并且实现了计算机直接统计分析、显示打印其统计结果 ,得出简单而直观的结论。

3)machining errors加工误差

1.Main performances andmachining errors of rotor profile for Roots vacuum pump;罗茨泵主要性能指标与转子型线加工误差

2.Basing on the theory of Virtual Manufacturing,a new system of analysis ofmachining errors in Virtual NC turning process has been developed.该系统基于有限元方法,用有限元法计算刀具-工件在切削要素(切削力、夹紧力、切削温度等)作用下的变形,通过求工件-刀具的布尔差集获取切削后的工件轮廓;利用MATLAB优化工具箱,分析工件轮廓,预测零件加工误差。

3.The box parts for the regular patterns and the sizes ofmachining errors caused by the original errors of various boring modes are analyzed.分析箱体零件各种镗削方式原始误差引起的加工误差的规律和大小 ,采取有效措施消除这些因素 ,以提高镗孔精

4)manufacturing error加工误差

1.SPSS-based restructurablemanufacturing error analysis system;基于SPSS的可重构加工误差分析系统

parison of the analytic methods aboutmanufacturing error;加工误差分析方法的比较

3.Through theoretical analysis onmanufacturing errors,a finish machining technology is initially proposed in terms of ring sheet parts.通过对加工误差理论的分析,提出一种针对薄壁环形零件的精加工工艺,将装夹的定位点设定在薄壁环形零件的轴向上,以规避径向受力。

5)mismachining tolerance加工误差

pensation research based onmismachining tolerance analyses of numerical control machine;基于数控机床加工误差分析的补偿研究

2.Through random error synthesis and numerical simulation,the influence of the plane thickness,length,and installation with differentmismachining tolerance on the filter performance S parameters in Ka band E-plane filters is analyzed,which can serves as a theoretical guidance to the production of millimeter-wave E-plane metal insert filters.文中对E面膜片滤波器进行了理论分析,利用误差合成法以及数据模拟仿真,研究了Ka波段E面膜片滤波器中,膜片厚度、膜片安装、膜片长度在不同加工误差下,对滤波器系统性能S参数的影响,为其加工制造提供理论指导。

3.In order to reveal the relationship between the uncertainty of software numerical control(NC) real-time tasks and the manufacturing accuracy,a model-based analysis method ofmismachining tolerance is presented.为分析软数控实时任务的不确定性与加工精度的关系,提出一种基于模型的加工误差分析方法。

6)Process error加工误差

1.The different types and charac teristics of process error in mec hanical processing aredescribed,and the process error is analyzed comprehensively by using computer.论述了机械加工过程中,出现的各种加工误差的类型及特点,并利用计算机对加工误差进行了综合分析。

2.This paper finds out the relation between the system parameter and the process error,and then provide a concrete and reliable basis for reducing the process error.利用自动控制原理建立铣床驱动系统数学模型,对该二阶系统进行定性分析,找出系统参数与加工误差变量间关系,从而为减小加工误差提供具体可靠的依据。


机械加工工艺系统及误差机械加工工艺系统及误差. 熟悉工艺系统概念,. 理解系统的误差有些困难。实际上,工艺系统也是制造出来的,它也必然存在制造误差;在使用中,工艺系统中的机床、刀具、夹具必然存在磨损导致的误差;刀具、工件在加工中的安装与调整也会存在误差等等。这些误差与系统中身的结构状态有关。在切削过程中还会产生系统受力、受热引起的误差。影响加工精度的因素归纳起来有:. 工艺系统的几何误差;. 力效应产生的误差;. 热变形产生的误差;. 内应力引起的变形误差;. 测量误差。原始误差与加工误差. 由于工艺系统的原始误差的存在,使得加工后的工件产生的误差就是加工误差。或者可以认为加工误差是工艺系统存在的原始误差在工件上得到的表现。系统性误差与随机性误差. 掌握误差类型与性质。. 应当熟悉,无论是系统误差,还是随机误差,. l)都是描述加工误差的;. 2)都是单因素误差,即孤立地由一种原因引起的误差;. 3)实际生产活动中,影响加工精度的原因往往是错综复杂的。因此,单因素分析法不便分析问题时,常使用统计方法解决实际问题。
