300字范文 > 洪水调节 flood regulation英语短句 例句大全

洪水调节 flood regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-27 10:42:05


洪水调节 flood regulation英语短句 例句大全

洪水调节,flood regulation

1)flood regulation洪水调节

1.And theflood regulation computation has been carried.通过对A水库溃坝洪水的分析与计算,以其溃坝下泄流量过程作为下游B水库入库洪水过程,对B水库进行洪水调节计算,结果显示在A水库发生溃坝后,洪水演进至下游B水库坝址,不会导致B水库大坝发生溃坝。


1.Layout and storage-routing method of the weir-gateway combination of the spillway溢洪道闸堰结合的布置与洪水调节方法

2.Research on Flood Flux Selection during Construction Period under the Modulation of the Cascade Reservoir in the Upstream of the Yellow River;黄河上游梯级水库调节下施工洪水流量的选择研究

3.Application of Blood Short-term Prediction on Flood Dispatching in Mopanshan Reservoir短期洪水预报在磨盘山水库洪水调度中的应用

4.Research on Flood Control Operation of Reservoir Based on Flood Forecast;考虑洪水预报情况下水库防洪调度问题的研究

5.Floodwater resources utilization based on flood forecast information of reservoir operation chart基于水库防洪预报调度图的洪水资源化方法

6.Flood Discharges Reconstructed by Flood Level Marks on Cliff Faces in Middle Reaches of Jinghe River泾河中游现代洪水痕迹调查对实测洪水的校核

7.During the flood season, the river overruns its banks for several miles.在洪水季节,河水从几英里的提岸溢出。

8.Flood dispatching has changed from the flood prevention and damage lessening to the using of flood resources as more as possible.洪水调度也从单纯的防洪减灾向结合洪水资源利用方向转变。

9.Study on Water Storage of Beidagang Reservoir and Real-time Flood Dispatch;北大港水库蓄水及洪水实时调度研究

10.Study on Process or Volume Control in Reservoir Operation and Forecasted Flood Operation Rule for Biliuhe Reservoir;水库洪水调度峰量控制类型与碧流河水库防洪预报调度规则研究

11.Development of Flood Forecast and Regulation System and Its Application to Hongze Lake;洪泽湖洪水预报调度系统研究及其应用

12.Study on Impact of Human Activities for Flood Forecast and Flood Protection Operation人类活动对洪水预报影响分析及防洪调度研究

13.Study on Risk Analysis and Calculation Method of Flood Regulation for Flood Control Projects防洪工程洪水调度风险分析及计算方法研究

14.The flood control effect of reservoir is well notable, because it can store the flood, cuts down the flood peak flow rate and staggers the flood peak of down stream.利用水库调蓄洪水,消减洪峰流量,并与下游区间洪水错峰,防洪作用十分显著。

15.a river that always overruns during the flood season在洪水季节总是泛滥的河流

16.Real Time Flood Forecast and Regulation System in Yuanshui River;沅水流域实时洪水预报调度系统研究

17.Flood Forcasting and Dispatching Based on Mid-and-short-range Rainfall Forcasting;基于中短期降水预报的洪水预报与洪水调度研究

18.This paper analyses" Taili" typhoon storm flood above Shanxi Reservoir dam site of Feiyun River Vally, reservoir flood operation and flood control benefit.对飞云江流域珊溪水库坝址以上“泰利”台风暴雨洪水及水库洪水调度和防洪效益进行了分析。


calculation of flood regulation洪水调节计算

1.Through thecalculation of flood regulation in Cetian Reservoir, this paper finds some existing problems, and advances some methods for solving these problems.通过对册田水库的洪水调节计算,发现存在的问题,提出了解决问题的方法。

3)Storing floodwater蓄洪调节

4)flood season洪水季节

5)flood dispatching洪水调度

1.Hydrologic automatic metering-reporting system andflood dispatching system of the Qingshitan reservoir and its application;青狮潭水库水文自动测报和洪水调度系统及其应用

2.Application offlood dispatching system to Kezhi er Reservoir in Xinjiang;洪水调度系统在新疆克孜尔水库的应用

3.The application of fuzzy judge method onflood dispatching project in reservoir;模糊综合评判法在水库洪水调度方案评价中的应用

6)flood regulation洪水调度

1.Research onflood regulation schemes of Lushui Reservoir;陆水水库洪水调度方案研究

2.Application of theflood regulation system in Longfengshan Reservoir;龙凤山水库洪水调度系统的应用

3.Study onflood regulation for dynamic compensation between series connection reservoirs;串联水库动态补偿洪水调度方法研究


洪水调节洪水调节flood regulation(4)左边,求式(4)右边之值,在工作曲线上查qZ。梯级水库洪水调节梯级水库洪水调节是按自上而下逐级调节,下一级的洪水过程,是按上一级的泄流过程进行洪水演进计算,到达下游梯级并与区间洪水汇合而成。洪水演进计算广泛应用马斯京干法。错峰洪水调节水库调洪考虑与下游区间洪峰错开,使水库泄流量到达下游防洪区与区间洪水遭遇后,不大于按标准的安全泄量,又叫做补偿洪水调节。这种调洪,水库的泄流t决定于错峰的需要。错峰洪水调节,也需进行洪水演进计算,且需应用试算法求得满足防洪要求的水库泄流过程。错峰洪水调节需分析区间洪水顶报的可靠性、预报期及精度,坝址至下游防洪断面的流达时间等因素。调节,简称调洪。洪水调节的内容包括防洪标准的确定、调洪库容及其配置、防洪调度(即调洪运行决策)及洪水调节计算。防洪标准洪水调节是按照一定的防洪标准进行的,防洪标准是按洪水以年为单位的重现期来表达的。根据水电站大坝和主要建筑物及下游防护区等对象的重要性而应有不同的防洪标准。世界各国有各自不同的标准。中国1995年实施的《防洪标准》中所规定的水利水电枢纽工程的等别和级别见表1,水库工程水工建筑物和水电站厂房的防洪标准见表2。农l水利水电招纽工程等别和水工建筑物级别┌──┬───────────┬────┬───────────┬───────────┬───────┐│工租│水库 │水电站 │防洪 │永久性水工建筑物级别 │临时性水工││等别├────┬──────┼────┼──────┬────┼───────────┤.建筑物级别‘ │││工程规模│总库容 │装机容t │械镇及工矿 │保护农田│防洪标准t现期(年) │ ││││(10.m,)│(IO.kW) │企业的t要性 │(万亩) ├─────┬─────┤ ││││││││主要建筑物│次要建筑物│ │├──┼────┼──────┼────┼──────┼────┼─────┼─────┼───────┤│I│大(1)型 │)10 │)120│特别重要│)500│l │3 │4 │├──┼────┼──────┼────┼──────┼────┼─────┼─────┼───────┤│三 │大(2)型 │10~l。
