300字范文 > 调洪 Flood regulation英语短句 例句大全

调洪 Flood regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-21 17:41:53


调洪 Flood regulation英语短句 例句大全

调洪,Flood regulation

1)Flood regulation调洪

2)store and regulate floodwater蓄洪调洪

3)flood control operation防洪调度

1.Risk analysis on reservoirflood control operation based on selection of flood control level;基于汛限水位选择的水库防洪调度风险分析

2.Three-dimensional visualization of Yangtze River Jingjiang reachflood control operation;长江荆江河段防洪调度三维可视化

3.Evaluation offlood control operation program based on extenics theory and its application基于可拓学理论的防洪调度方案评价研究与应用


1.Optimal Selection of Flood Control Plans of Reservoir and United Operation of Reservoirs and Baiyang Pond;水库防洪调度方案优选及库淀联合防洪调度问题的研究

2.Research on Flood Control Operation of Reservoir Based on Flood Forecast;考虑洪水预报情况下水库防洪调度问题的研究

3.Study on Impact of Human Activities for Flood Forecast and Flood Protection Operation人类活动对洪水预报影响分析及防洪调度研究

4.Flood Prevention Dispatching Decision Support System in Huang Longtan Hydro Power Station黄龙滩电厂防洪调度决策支持系统

5.Constructive Study of the Basin Flood Control Decision Supporting System;流域防洪调度决策支持系统建设研究

6.Application of the GIS Technology to Yangtze River Flood Control and Operation SystemGIS技术在长江防洪调度系统中的应用

7.Development of Fengman Reservoir Flood Control Decision Support System Based on Web Service基于Web Service的丰满水库防洪调度系统

8.A reservoir"s flood control and dispatch are directly related to the safety in flood control and its irrigation efficiency.水库的防洪调度直接关系到防洪安全及兴利效益的发挥。

9.Working out the pattern of reservoir operation and calculating the benefit of flood control for Tingzikou hydroproject Huang jia-wen Luo bin;亭子口水利枢纽防洪调度方式拟定及防洪效益计算

10.Design of Calculation Process for Reservoirs" Flood Control Operation-Case of Flood Control Operation in Youxi Catchment Reservoir简述水库防洪调度计算流程设计方法——以尤溪流域水库防洪调度为例

11.Research and Application of Key Technique for Real-time Joint Operation of Flood Control System in River Basin;流域实时防洪调度关键技术研究与应用

12.Study on Risk Analysis and Calculation Method of Flood Regulation for Flood Control Projects防洪工程洪水调度风险分析及计算方法研究

13.Floodwater resources utilization based on flood forecast information of reservoir operation chart基于水库防洪预报调度图的洪水资源化方法

14.Flood dispatching has changed from the flood prevention and damage lessening to the using of flood resources as more as possible.洪水调度也从单纯的防洪减灾向结合洪水资源利用方向转变。

15.Research on active storage in flooding control forecasted and regulation of a reservoir水库防洪预报调度中动库容问题研究

16.Research on Flood Control Forecasting and Operation for Reservoir Group of Qiantang River Basin;钱塘江流域水库群防洪预报调度研究

17.Study on Real-time Optimal Flood Dispatching Model of Zhangze Multi-Reservoir System;漳泽水库库群防洪实时优化调度研究

18.Mengjin Reservoir s FCDSS;猛进水库防洪预报调度决策支持系统


store and regulate floodwater蓄洪调洪

3)flood control operation防洪调度

1.Risk analysis on reservoirflood control operation based on selection of flood control level;基于汛限水位选择的水库防洪调度风险分析

2.Three-dimensional visualization of Yangtze River Jingjiang reachflood control operation;长江荆江河段防洪调度三维可视化

3.Evaluation offlood control operation program based on extenics theory and its application基于可拓学理论的防洪调度方案评价研究与应用

4)flood dispatching洪水调度

1.Hydrologic automatic metering-reporting system andflood dispatching system of the Qingshitan reservoir and its application;青狮潭水库水文自动测报和洪水调度系统及其应用

2.Application offlood dispatching system to Kezhi er Reservoir in Xinjiang;洪水调度系统在新疆克孜尔水库的应用

3.The application of fuzzy judge method onflood dispatching project in reservoir;模糊综合评判法在水库洪水调度方案评价中的应用

5)flood regulation洪水调节

1.And theflood regulation computation has been carried.通过对A水库溃坝洪水的分析与计算,以其溃坝下泄流量过程作为下游B水库入库洪水过程,对B水库进行洪水调节计算,结果显示在A水库发生溃坝后,洪水演进至下游B水库坝址,不会导致B水库大坝发生溃坝。

6)flood control防洪调度

1.Development of Reservoir Flood Control Decision Support System Based on B/S Structure;基于B/S模式的水库防洪调度系统的设计与开发研究

2.Fuzzy optimal preserving order condition and its application toflood control;模糊优选保序条件及其在防洪调度中应用

3.Semi-structural decision-making theory and approach forflood control and dispatching system;防洪调度系统半结构性决策理论与方法


洪水调节计算(见水库调洪计算)洪水调节计算(见水库调洪计算)hongshui tiaojie洪水调节计算J ISUan见水库调洪计算。
