300字范文 > 酷刑罪 crime of torture英语短句 例句大全

酷刑罪 crime of torture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-21 12:20:24


酷刑罪 crime of torture英语短句 例句大全

酷刑罪,crime of torture

1)crime of torture酷刑罪

1.Because of utilitarianism, torture distributes widely and the illegality character of it becomes ambiguous, So that it s necessary to give a definition to thecrime of torture.功利主义使得酷刑在人类社会中普遍存在,并且使得酷刑罪的违法性存在一定的模糊性,所以有必要在我国明确设立酷刑罪,并且通过完善酷刑罪定义,设置酷刑类罪,扩展酷刑类罪具体罪名来完善我国的反酷刑体系。

2)excruciation offenders酷刑犯罪


1.Rules and Improvement of Anti-excruciation Offense under the Background of Promoting Socialist Democracy Politics;推进社会主义民主政治背景下反酷刑犯罪的规制及完善

2.It is strictly forbidden to torture, insult or otherwise maltreat prisoners.严禁对罪犯施加酷刑、侮辱和打骂虐待。

3.peine forte et dure [ 5pZn5fC:te5dy:E ][法](把叛国罪犯活活压死的)酷刑

4.The inspiration of "Anti-Torture Pact" to Chinese crimal procedural law《禁止酷刑公约》对我国犯罪追究程序的影响

5.Punishment for sex offenders in the United States has become more and more severe. Many phased-out cruel punishments have been reinstated.美国对各类性犯罪的刑律日趋严厉,司法实践重新使用一些已停止使用的残酷刑罚。

6.Research on the Difference of Concepts of Crime between Criminology and Criminal Law;论犯罪学犯罪概念与刑法犯罪概念的区别

7.Doubt About Treating Unlawful Procurement of Benefit as a Capital Offense: In Perspective of Criminology;贪利性犯罪死刑正当性的犯罪学追问

8.Economic Crime and Criminal Law经济犯罪与经济刑法

9.The crimnal was arrested and did time in the prison.罪犯被捕后入狱服刑。

10.The convict has to serve his sentence.罪犯不得不认罚服刑。

11.CRACK DOWN ON CRIME严厉打击刑事犯罪活动

12.The bigger (ie worse) the crime, the longer the gaol sentence.犯的罪越大, 刑期越长.

13.The criminal had been sentenced.罪犯已被判了徒刑。

14.The judge condemned the criminal to ten years in jail.法官判了罪犯徒刑。

15.The criminals got ten year"s imprisonment.这个罪犯被判徒刑。

16.punishment inflicted by kicking the victim in the behind.在后面踢罪犯的刑罚。

17.execution by cutting off the victim"s head.砍掉罪犯的头的刑罚。

18.criminogenic consequences产生刑事犯罪的后果


excruciation offenders酷刑犯罪

3)Crime of Cruel Punishment and Chinese Criminal Law酷刑罪与中国刑法

4)ON Savage Torture关于酷刑罪的思考

5)the cruel penalties酷法酷刑

6)cruel torture酷刑

1.Ancient Chinesecruel torture may fall into inquisition torture and legal torture,both of which were the cruelest in the human history.中国古代酷刑大体可分为讯刑与法定刑两种,由于法外施刑的大量存在,刑罚之残酷是人类历史上罕见的。

2.Subjecting to torture is a typical example ofcruel torture in China.刑讯逼供是我国酷刑行为的典型存在方式,所以,遏制刑讯逼供是消除酷刑的关键环节。

3.But we should notice since defending autocratic monarchy, as the ideological base of the system of inquisition by torture and its absolution, it also has the responsibility that cannot be shirked for the phenomenon of long-term and extensive existence ofcruel torture in traditional Chinese society.但我们也应看到,由于维护君主专制、作为刑讯制度的思想基础及其自身的绝对化,它对酷刑现象在传统中国社会长期、广泛地存在也负有不可推卸的责任。


