300字范文 > 酷刑 torture英语短句 例句大全

酷刑 torture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-06 14:15:48


酷刑 torture英语短句 例句大全



1.The International Common Understanding and Chinese Designing of Anti-torture;遏制酷刑的国际共识与中国构想


1.demoniac tortures, plans酷刑、 邪恶的计划.

2.His body was covered with wounds after savage torture.酷刑之后,他遍体鳞伤。

3.He cracked under the torture finally他最终还是屈服于酷刑。

4.International Day in support of Victims of Torture支持酷刑受害者国际日

5.Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture基督徒废除酷刑行动

6.Rehabilitation Centre for Torture victims酷刑受害者康复中心

7.Special Rapporteur on Torture酷刑问题特别报告员

8.Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture酷刑受害者自愿基金

9.United Nations Fund for Victims of Torture联合国酷刑受害者基金

10.European Committee for the Prevention of Torture欧洲防止酷刑委员会

11.International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims酷刑受害者国际康复理事会(酷刑康复会)

12.Those who saw this horrifying punishment were always scared!凡是看过这种酷刑的人没有不害怕的!

13.They tortured the prisoner until he made a confession.他们给犯人施酷刑,直至他招供为止。

14.It is strictly forbidden to torture, insult or otherwise maltreat prisoners.严禁对罪犯施加酷刑、侮辱和打骂虐待。

15.He would rather die than surrender under the enemy"s cruel torture.在敌人的酷刑之下,他宁死不屈。

16.It well may be that in a difficult hour,我也许会惨遭痛苦的酷刑,

17.peine forte et dure [ 5pZn5fC:te5dy:E ][法](把叛国罪犯活活压死的)酷刑

18.To subject(a person or an animal)to torture.拷打将(人或动物)置于酷刑之下


cruel torture酷刑

1.Ancient Chinesecruel torture may fall into inquisition torture and legal torture,both of which were the cruelest in the human history.中国古代酷刑大体可分为讯刑与法定刑两种,由于法外施刑的大量存在,刑罚之残酷是人类历史上罕见的。

2.Subjecting to torture is a typical example ofcruel torture in China.刑讯逼供是我国酷刑行为的典型存在方式,所以,遏制刑讯逼供是消除酷刑的关键环节。

3.But we should notice since defending autocratic monarchy, as the ideological base of the system of inquisition by torture and its absolution, it also has the responsibility that cannot be shirked for the phenomenon of long-term and extensive existence ofcruel torture in traditional Chinese society.但我们也应看到,由于维护君主专制、作为刑讯制度的思想基础及其自身的绝对化,它对酷刑现象在传统中国社会长期、广泛地存在也负有不可推卸的责任。


1.Look At the Chinese ArchaicExcruciation From Its Cruel Government Official;从酷吏的角度看中国古代的酷刑

2.He indicates the evolutionary process of human power from the excruciation and persecution in ancient societies to the contemporary soft control of both human bodies and spirits.福柯既把“规训与惩罚”看作是人对人的驯顺、塑造和统治形式,也从中探察出权力的性质及演变历史;并由此引发出一系列与规训和惩罚相关的政治、法律、权力、观念和科学技术问题;表明人类社会是如何从古代通过酷刑对人类肉体的疯狂肆虐逐步演化为通过对人类精神和肉体施加的普遍“温柔的”暴力而达到被统治者自觉规训和臣服的目的;与此同时还对权力的功能和性质进行了微观分析,使人们对“权力压抑”、“生命权力”、“顺从身体”、“隐秘权力”,以及“权力清空”等问题都产生耳目一新的认识。

4)the cruel penalties酷法酷刑

5)root of brutal penalty酷刑根源

6)excruciation offenders酷刑犯罪


