300字范文 > 创作手法 creation technique英语短句 例句大全

创作手法 creation technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-04 19:10:32


创作手法 creation technique英语短句 例句大全

创作手法,creation technique

1)creation technique创作手法


1.On the Influence of the Creation Method of Fu-style Literature upon Yuanjia Poetry;论赋体文学创作手法对元嘉诗歌创作的影响

2.Application of Zhang Yimou s Movie Creation Approach to Creation of Ballets;试论张艺谋电影创作手法在舞剧创作中的运用

3.its means of creation from reappearance to expression;创作手法经历了由再现到表现的转变;

4.Su Ci s Inheritance in Literature Writings of Zhuangzi;苏词在文学创作手法上对庄子的继承

5.Irony and Symbolism: A Research to the Skills of Character Making in "The Scarlet Letter;反讽与象征:《红字》人物创作手法研究

6.On the Defamiliarization Techniques of The Metamorphoses;论陌生化创作手法在《变形记》中的应用

7.Double Characteristics of the Creation Technique of The Children of the Moneybags;论《财主的儿女们》创作手法的双重特征

8.A Reflection of Two Writing Techniques in A Portrait by James Joyce;从《画像》看乔伊斯的两种创作手法

9.The Superficial View about Different Using of the Rhetoric Method of "Fu" and "Bi" and "Xing";古代诗歌创作手法“赋”“比”“兴”摭谈

10.The Writing Techniques in The Jilting of Granny Weatherall;《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》的创作手法

11.The Original Work Device and Image Feature of the Deconstruction Architecture;解构主义建筑的创作手法及形象特征

12.On the Application of Romantic Artistic Technique in Tess of the D urbervilles;论《苔丝》中浪漫主义创作手法的运用

13.Research on Regional Architectural Designing Methods for Folklore Museum of ChuanYu川渝民俗博物馆地域性创作手法探索

14.Analysis of Writing Techniques in Hu Xueyan Biography by Gaoyang高阳《胡雪岩全传》的创作手法分析

15.Exploration and innovation:On the postmodernity of China Men s writing devices;探索与创新:论《中国佬》创作手法的后现代性

16.On realistic writing style in Daniel Defoe s novels;试论笛福小说作品中的现实主义创作手法

17.On the Peculiar Theme and the Writing Method in Hemingway s Cat in the Rain;浅析《雨中的猫》的主题思想和创作手法浅析《雨中的猫》的主题思想和创作手法

18.Research on Architectural Design of the City Which Open to the World Basing on Culture;近代开埠城市文化背景下的建筑创作手法研究


Creating techniques创作手法

3)writing technique创作手法

1.The main artistic achievements of the novel The Dream of Red Mansion lies in the employment of thewriting technique of realism.《红楼梦》的艺术成就,首先在于现实主义的创作手法。

2.Based on analysis of the reason why Bai Xi Fu was very popular in Tang Dynasty, and discussion on its significance in historical material preservation and theme expansion as well aswriting technique, the paper concludes that Tang Dynasty s Bai Xi Fu is of great significance and value in the Fu history.以唐代百戏赋为考察对象 ,分析了百戏赋的创作在唐代走向兴盛的原因 ,探讨了其在史料保存、题材开拓及创作手法诸方面的意义 ,从而指出唐百戏赋在赋史上的重要地位和巨大价

4)writing techniques创作手法

1.From the intermediary space of the new ecological perspective, expand the connotation of the concept of intermediary space, and will focus on the ecology of intermediary space is divided into"Functional, Subsidiary, Of artistry "three types, corresponding At the same time, "penthouse entrance, floating space, breathing skin"and many intermediary space ecologicalwriting techniques.从中介空间生态化的全新视角,拓展了中介空间的概念内涵,并将注重生态的中介空间分为"功能性、附属性、技艺性"三种类型,同时提出与之相对应的"复式入口、飘浮空间、呼吸表皮"等多种中介空间生态化的创作手法。

2.Thewriting techniques of stream of consciousness and intertextuality in the modern American classic Katherine Anne Porter’s short story The Jilting of Granny Weatherall can not only help describe the character more vividly and truly,but also deepen the motif of the novel.现代美国小说家波特的经典作品《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》中的意识流和互文性这些现代派文学的创作手法,不仅使人物形象更加真实、生动,而且使主题意义也得到了进一步的凸现和深化。

5)artistic technique创作手法

1.Nevertheless, the literatures of the two countries in the last 50 years display differently in subject matters,artistic techniques and characterizations.朝鲜、韩国虽然使用共同的语言和文字、拥有共同的传统历史文化和文学遗产 ,但近 5 0年来两国文学在创作主题、创作手法和人物形象等方面却呈现出不同的状态。

6)creation techniques创作手法

1.This essay is intended to give the readers a deep insight into the strong characters created by Jack London by analyzing it in three aspects,that is,creation motivation,creation techniques and creation significance.本文从创作动因、创作手法和创作意义三个角度切入,对他不同创作时期的主要作品中的强者形象进行了分析。


