300字范文 > 刑讯逼供 Extort a confession by torture英语短句 例句大全

刑讯逼供 Extort a confession by torture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-26 06:07:35


刑讯逼供 Extort a confession by torture英语短句 例句大全

刑讯逼供,Extort a confession by torture

1)Extort a confession by torture刑讯逼供

1.However,extort a confession by torture,the old rude way of litigation is still existing,which will have a great damage to the socialist legal construction.但是,刑讯逼供这种古老又野蛮的诉讼手段仍在法治的时代背景下屡见不绝,这对社会主义法制建设事业造成了极大的损害,这就使得从理论上探讨和完善刑讯逼供的应对策略在当前的中国显得更为迫切。

2.It can t be avoided that the lawmen extort a confession by torture during the century, which has become a serious and intractable problem; therefore it is undoubtedly a great shock for constructing society of monocracy and society of harmony.刑讯逼供作为横跨世纪的法律顽疾迟迟不能杜绝,这无疑对建设法治社会,建设和谐社会是一个沉重的打击。


1.They extorted a confession from him by torture.他们对他进行刑讯逼供。

2.The Classify of Crime of Extorting a Confession by Torture--Analysis of Restraint on Extoring a lonfseeion by Torture by Criminal Substantive Law;论刑讯逼供罪的归类——兼论刑事实体法对刑讯逼供的遏制

3.On the Ascertainment of Extorting a Confession by Torture in Criminal Law of China;我国刑法刑讯逼供罪规定之窘困探析

4.Reasons and Containment Way to Inquisition by Torture;论刑讯逼供的产生原因及其遏止措施

5.The Danger, Origin Cause of Formation and Countermeasure on the Crime of Extorting Confessions by Torture;刑讯逼供犯罪的危害、成因及防治对策

6.On the Cause, Harm and Procedure Control to Extort a Confession by Torture;论刑讯逼供成因、危害及其程序遏制

7.Research on the Causes and Countermeasures of Extorting a Confession by Torture;刑讯逼供形成的原因及遏制对策研究

8.Is the proof of extortion of confession effective in law;这种没有刑讯逼供的证明合法有效吗

9.Simplely Talking About Readucing and Preventing Law Countermeasure of Extorting a Confession by Torture;浅谈减少和避免刑讯逼供的法律对策

10.The reexamination and reconstruction of the Chinese judicial control of the torture;我国法庭治理刑讯逼供之反思与重构

11.The Limitation about Our Legislation on Exacting a Confession By Torture and Its Amendment;我国“刑讯逼供”的立法缺陷及其完善

12.Regulate Law-enforcement to Prevent Extorting a Confession by Torture;规范执法 治刑讯逼供之“顽症”

13.Legal Structural Reason and Countermeasure on Extortion of Confession by Torture刑讯逼供的法律结构原因和根本对策

14.Another Thought on the Prevention of Inquisition by Torture--From the Angle of Restricting the Interrogatory Power;也谈制止刑讯逼供——从制约讯问权的角度

15.On Defects Of Criminal Compensation System From Exacting A Confession By Torture And Its Rebuilding;从刑讯逼供看刑事赔偿制度之缺陷与制度重构

16.Economic Analysis on Extorting a Confession by Torture--In View of Criminal Investigation;刑讯逼供的经济学解析——以刑事侦查为视角

17.When the suspected murderer refused to talk, the police gave him the third degree.杀人嫌疑犯拒不招供,警察就对其刑讯逼供。

18.These stipulations are believed to be at the root of forced confessions.这些规定被认为是刑讯逼供得以产生的根源。


inquisition by torture刑讯逼供

1.On Standardization of Restraining Inquisition by Torture in Criminal Investigation ——From the View of Human-right Protection;在刑事侦查中遏制刑讯逼供的制度化建设——以人权保护为视角

2.Reasons and Containment Way to Inquisition by Torture;论刑讯逼供的产生原因及其遏止措施

3)Extorting a confession by torture刑讯逼供

1.In modern judicial practice,extorting a confession by torture is paid attention,though measures are taken to prevent it,it happened frequently.在现代司法文明时代,刑讯逼供日益被司法界所重视,并采取了一系列措施,但仍屡禁不止,究其原因是多方面造成的。

2.The investigation organization is accused as the main maker of extorting a confession by torture.刑讯逼供久禁不绝,侦查机关固然难辞其咎,但对侦查行为合法性的程序控制机制“失灵”也是易被忽视的重要原因之一。

3.Due to Chinese current legal system and the police’s adminis-trative pattern,extorting a confession by torture is hardly to be avoided in police s.我国刑事侦查中非法刑讯逼供的现象非常普遍。


1.A Study of the Phenomenon of Torture in Justice;论司法中的刑讯逼供现象

2.On the cultural imprinting of the evolution of evidence collection by "torture"略论“刑讯逼供”取证方式演变的文化烙印

5)Extortion of Confession by Torture刑讯逼供

1.As one kind of concrete behavior or as one kind of criminal activity legal system,extortion of confession by torture widely exists in China ancient times.刑讯逼供不论是作为一种具体行为,还是作为一种刑事司法制度在中国古代都广泛存在。

2.In the trial practice,the accused person proposed to have the extortion of confession by torture behavior in front of the courtyard in the detection places on trial.审判实践中,有的被告人提出侦查人员在侦查讯问等庭前审判阶段有刑讯逼供行为。

3.As a traditional judicial form of punishment in China,extortion of confession by torture did help to investigating cases in the age of lagging science and technology.刑讯逼供是我国古老的司法传统,在科技落后的情况下,这种审讯手段对于侦破案件有一定的帮助。

6)extort confessions by torture刑讯逼供

1.The research procedure is conducted in the light of the following two points:firstly,we have no choice about holding back theextort confessions by torture.翻供现象之普遍化使现有证据制度缺失、刑讯逼供屡禁不止等诸多问题暴露无遗。


