300字范文 > 民族学校教育 ethnic school education英语短句 例句大全

民族学校教育 ethnic school education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-06 18:32:13


民族学校教育 ethnic school education英语短句 例句大全

民族学校教育,ethnic school education

1)ethnic school education民族学校教育

1.Facing the diversity of natural environment,society and cultural development in Guizhou minority area,this paper,from the perspective of multi-culture,analyzes the situation ofethnic school education in Guizhou province,studies the interaction between theethnic school education and the social development.正视贵州民族地区自然、社会、文化发展的多样性现实,从多元文化视角出发,分析在自然、社会及文化发展多元化背景下贵州民族学校教育发展的现状,研究贵州民族学校教育与其社会发展的互动关系,探索多元文化背景中民族学校教育的发展模式意义重大。

2.The value orientation ofethnic school education in China is focused on "social concerns",which include pursuit of social homogenization,local knowledge aphasia and disintegration ofethnic school education and community education.长期以来,我国民族学校教育是以"关注社会"为其价值取向的,具体表现为追求社会的均质化、地方性知识的失语、民族学校教育与社区教育的割裂。

2)ethnic pedagogy民族教育学

1.In educational theory and practice,thoughethnic pedagogy and educational anthropology are closely related,they are not the same and can not be replaced.在教育理论和实践中,尽管民族教育学和教育人类学有着密切的联系,但两者不能相互等同或相互取代,因为两者在词源、产生的历史背景、研究成果、重点考察的对象、研究的视角、研究方法、研究观念和研究目的及研究功能方面均不同,所以不能把两者相混淆或在同一层次上使用。


1.Ethnic Pedagogy and Educational Anthropology: Replacement or Coexistence?;民族教育学与教育人类学:取代还是并存

2.Implementing Ethnic Law Education in Ethnic Higher Learning Institutions;民族高等院校实施民族法学教育研究

3.Ethnic Education in Perspective of Anthropology;教育的风情:人类学视界中的民族教育

4.Discussion on Libraries of Minorities Universities and Moral Education of Minority Nationality Undergraduates;论民族高校图书馆与少数民族大学生德育教育

5.A Study of the Ethnic Culture Education in the Teaching of Ethnic Theory;民族理论教学中的民族文化教育问题研究

6.A Tentative Simulation of Pedagogy as a CommonCourse in Ethnic Higher Leaming Institution;民族院校公共课教育学模拟教学初探

7.Study Jiang Zemin s Thinking of EducatingThrough National Spirit;学习江泽民同志的民族精神教育思想

8.Carrying forward and Cultivating College Students National Spirit;论大学生民族精神的弘扬和培育教育

9.Reform of Ethnic Education Based on Cultural Construction in Ethnic Schools;民族学校文化建设背景下的民族教育改革

10.School Education and Cultural Inheritance in the Minority Areas;少数民族地区的学校教育和民族文化传承

11.Japanese National Class and Its Enlightenment on Chinese National Education;日本的“民族学级”及其对中国民族教育的启示

12.Briefly discussing national music and dancing education of ethnic minority students;浅谈少数民族学生的民族音乐、舞蹈教育

13.Study on New Qualified Teacher s Inductive Education in Primary and Secondary School in Ethnic Area;民族地区中小学新教师入职教育研究

14.Discussion on Teaching Support Service of Distance Education in Nationality Area;民族地区远程教育教学支持服务探讨

15.Strengthening Bilingual Education and Promoting the Ethnic Education Development in Xinjiang;推进双语教学 促进新疆民族教育发展

16.A Tentative Study of Conducting Education and Teaching of Traditional Ethnic Sports in Central University of Nationalities;关于中央民族大学开展民族传统体育教育教学的初探

17.Research on the Differences of Study Mentality between Han students and Minority students in Nationalities Colleges and the Education Strategies;民族院校少数民族学生与汉族学生学习心理差异及教育策略探索

18.The "Two-course" Teaching and the Chinese Ethos Cultivation among College Students;“两课”教学与大学生民族精神的培育


ethnic pedagogy民族教育学

1.In educational theory and practice,thoughethnic pedagogy and educational anthropology are closely related,they are not the same and can not be replaced.在教育理论和实践中,尽管民族教育学和教育人类学有着密切的联系,但两者不能相互等同或相互取代,因为两者在词源、产生的历史背景、研究成果、重点考察的对象、研究的视角、研究方法、研究观念和研究目的及研究功能方面均不同,所以不能把两者相混淆或在同一层次上使用。

3)minority ethnic groups education in higher institutions高校民族教学

1.Reform and improvement of theminority ethnic groups education in higher institutions in Xinjiang has become a difficult historical task for the government,the education sectors and university teachers.可以通过加强民族教师队伍建设、充分发挥班主任及辅导员对提高民族大学生综合素质的作用以及加强外语和汉语教学改革等举措促进新疆高校民族教学的进一步发展。

4)school education of the Miao Ethnic Minority苗族学校教育

5)education of ethnic law民族法学教育

6)medical education for nationalities民族医学教育

1.Implementation of tutorial system for undergraduates to promote development ofmedical education for nationalities实施本科生导师制 促进民族医学教育发展


