300字范文 > 民族艺术教育 ethnic artistic education英语短句 例句大全

民族艺术教育 ethnic artistic education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-08 09:54:05


民族艺术教育 ethnic artistic education英语短句 例句大全

民族艺术教育,ethnic artistic education

1)ethnic artistic education民族艺术教育


1.In addition, there are another 11 special folk art education and study institutes and literature and art organizations.此外,还有专门的民族艺术教育、研究机构和文学艺术团体等11个。

2.A New Achievement of Ethnic Arts Education--on Aesthetic Effects of the Works of Edishizhuo,a Painter of the Yi People民族艺术教育的新收成——彝族画家俄狄史卓作品审美功效论

3.A Pilot study of the Way to Conduct the humanistic Education in Arts Instituates in the Region inhabited by Ethnic Groups;试论民族地区艺术高校人文教育对策

4.Emphasize the Folk Dancing Quality and Improve the Qualitative Education of Art in Universities;重视民族民间舞蹈素养 促进高校艺术素质教育

5.Inheritance and Development of the Art of Ethnic MinorityFigures and Art Education;少数民族人物艺术的传承发展与美术教育

6.Regional Culture:Education Resources of Art Design in Universities and Colleges for Nationalities;地域文化:民族高校艺术设计的教育资源

7.The Innovation and Practice of Aesthetic Education of Institutions of Higher Education in Areas of Minority Nationalities;少数民族地区高校艺术教育的创新与实践

8.The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Education of Ethnic Arts and Crafts in Xiniiang;我区本土民族工艺美术教育现状与对策

9.On ways of developing national music art in music education;浅谈在音乐教育中弘扬民族音乐艺术的途径

10.The Use of Inheritance in National Culture of the Art and Design Education民族文化在艺术设计教育中的传承运用

11.Succession and Development of Tibetan Color Art in National Art Education;藏族色彩艺术在民族师范美术教育中的传承与发展

12.Research on the Exploitation of the National Artistic Resources in the University Artistic Education;高校艺术教育开发利用本土民族艺术资源的研究

13.On the Building of the Education System of Yunnan Ethnic and Folk Fine Arts in Arts Colleges;关于在艺术院校中建立云南民族民间美术教育体系的思考

14.Fork Music: a Must in Art Education in Institutions of Higher Education;让民族音乐教育走入普通高等院校艺术教育课堂

15.Purpose Champion ethnic culture, advance the arts for one and all, support social education, and advocate cultural, educational and artistic activities.成立主旨阐扬民族文化,推展全民艺术,推行社会教育,提倡文教艺术活动。

16.On the Artistic Form of National Vocality and Its Function in Quality-oriented Education;浅论民族声乐艺术的形式及在素质教育中的作用

17.Review and Thought about Musical Education of Minority Nationalities in Xinjiang Arts University对新疆艺术学院少数民族音乐教育的回顾与思考

18.On the Inspiration of "National Traditional Art" to Creatively of Designing Art Teaching;浅析“传统民族艺术”对设计艺术教学创新的启发


folk art education民间艺术教育

1.This article discusses the aim,the teaching experimentation steps and the results of thefolk art education for children,which include folk literature,folk music,folk fine arts,etc.本文阐述了开展幼儿民间文学、民间音乐、民间美术等民间艺术教育研究的目的、教学实验方法步骤和实验结果,并运用统计学原理对实验班与对照班幼儿进行了效果测评比较、差异显著性检验及其结果分析与探讨,得出在3-6岁幼儿中开展系统科学的民间艺术教育对于促进幼儿身心发展、增强幼儿艺术素质具有显著效果。

3)national art民族艺术

1.An Aesthetic Study on the Development of the National Arts under the Globalization Background;以“自我表演”而张扬多样风采——全球化背景下发展民族艺术的美学研究

2.Digging the Aesthetic Culture Resource of National Art——Develop the aesthetic research onnational art under the background of globalization;开掘民族艺术的审美文化资源——全球化背景下发展民族艺术的美学研究

3.Use and display of aesthetic cultural source ofnational art再论民族艺术审美文化资源的利用与展示

4)national arts民族艺术

5)ethnic arts民族艺术

1.The existence of differentethnic arts originates from their different natural and cultural environments and histories but it also reveals the shared aesthetic values of mankind.不同的民族艺术不仅具有人类共性的审美价值,并因自然环境、文化环境和发展轨迹的不同而具有各自的特质,其所具有的多样性特征为人类审美提供了丰富的可选择性。

6)ethnic art民族艺术

1.Restrained by the consumption cultural logic,the cultural context ofethnic art has been gradually changed from village into cultural consumption space.受制于消费时代的文化逻辑影响,民族艺术原本得以存显的村落语境逐渐嬗变为一个文化消费空间。

2.The intercommunity ofethnic art taste value is a common existence.民族艺术审美价值的共同性广泛存在。

3.This paper presents an attempt to analyze the internal contradictions disclosed in the presentday mass culture models and a tentative study on the special roles ofethnic art under the conflict of civilization and the tension of globalization with the exemplification of the problems brought forth by the Nanning International Folksong Art.本文以南宁国际民歌艺术所提出的问题为例,分析了民歌在当代大众文化模式中所体现出来的内在矛盾,初步分析了民族艺术在文明冲突和全球化的压力下的特殊作用。


