300字范文 > 民族教育理论 theory of ethnic education英语短句 例句大全

民族教育理论 theory of ethnic education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-07 14:20:18


民族教育理论 theory of ethnic education英语短句 例句大全

民族教育理论,theory of ethnic education

1)theory of ethnic education民族教育理论

1.Cross-cultural comparative studies are the basic methods and ways to generate thetheory of ethnic education."跨文化比较"研究是民族教育理论生成的基本方法和途径。


1.The Theory of Ethnic Education:Generated from Cross-cultural Comparative Studies民族教育理论:跨文化比较研究中生成

2.On Essence of Minority Education Theory of Three-Generation Leadership of CCCPC;论中央三代领导集体关于民族教育理论的实质

3.A Study of the Ethnic Culture Education in the Teaching of Ethnic Theory;民族理论教学中的民族文化教育问题研究

4.Theoretical Research into the Continued Education of Literated People in Minority Areas;民族地区扫盲后继续教育的理论研究

5.A Review of Basic Theoretical Studies on Policies for Ethnic Education in China;我国民族教育政策基本理论研究述评

6.Theory of Multiple Intelligence and Its Suggestions on National Education;多元智能理论及其对民族教育的启示

7.The theory of "cultural discontinuieise" and its inspiration to the ethnic education of China;“文化中断”理论对我国民族教育的启示

8.A Research on the Theory and Practice of Minority Education;少数民族教育双重性理论与实践探索

9.Discussion on the national spirit education and Marxism theory education;民族精神教育与马克思主义理论教育刍议

10.Non-governmental Education: Possible Selection for National Minority Education--Comment on the Possibility of Non-governmental National Minority Education from Theoretical and Practical Angle;民办教育:民族教育的可能选择——从理论及实践层面浅议民族民办教育的可能性

11.Educational Concept and Subject Orientation of Chinese Traditional Sports in College;论大学民族传统体育的教育理念和专业方向

12.The education of teachers and the idea of nationality in minority areas;少数民族地区教师教育与民族性理念

13.The theoretical basis guiding the national educational reform ofXinjiang is Marxist theory towards nationalities;用马克思主义民族理论指导新疆的少数民族教育改革

14.On Harmonious Development between Ethnic Higher Education and Ethnic Elementary Education;论民族高等教育与民族基础教育协调发展

15.On the Enlightenment of Education Theories Research from Nationality of Education;试论民族性教育思想对我国当代教育理论研究的启示

16.The Ethical Value and Educational Significance of Custom Culture of Minority Nationality;论少数民族习俗文化的伦理价值与教育意蕴

17.The influence of psychological structure of national culture on higher education;论民族文化心理结构对高等教育的影响

18.New China Develops the Theory and Police on Minority Education;建国初期发展少数民族教育的理论与政策


Chinese ethnic education theory中国民族教育理论

3)harmonization of national education民族教育和谐论

1.The paper with a conception of“harmonization of national education”from the perspective of the national education aims to cultivate the nation for the construction of a harmonious society.本文从民族教育的角度,提出了民族教育和谐论的理念和设想,其旨意是为和谐社会培养和谐发展的民族成员。

4)national minority education idea民族教育理念

5)national religion theory民族宗教理论

6)national education民族教育

1.Western minority district human resources development andnational education;西部民族地区人力资源开发与民族教育

2.Study on innovation and development ofnational education;民族教育改革与发展问题探讨

3.The Pushing Project of Ineractive Development of National Culture and National Education Thinking Adout the Program of National Culture Entering Into Campus in Gui Zhou Province;民族文化与民族教育互动发展的助推工程——对贵州省民族文化进校园活动的思考


