300字范文 > 海防堤 sea embankment英语短句 例句大全

海防堤 sea embankment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-15 17:27:46


海防堤 sea embankment英语短句 例句大全

海防堤,sea embankment

1)sea embankment海防堤

1.Analysis of social and economic benefits forsea embankment project in Yingkou city营口市海防堤工程社会经济效益分析


1.Analysis of social and economic benefits for sea embankment project in Yingkou city营口市海防堤工程社会经济效益分析

2.The pier jutted out from the shore into the sea.防波堤从岸边伸向海。

3.marine mole of iron or steel海上防波堤,铁或钢制

4.Waves dashed against the harbour wail.海潮拍击着港口的堤防。

5.The waves washed over the sea wall with a loud crashing noise.海浪咆哮着冲上防波堤。

6.Study of Maximum Depth of Scouring in Front of Gu Dong Breakwater of the Yellow River Delta;黄河三角洲防波堤(孤东海堤)堤前海域最大冲刷深度研究

7.The erosion analysis of the sea waves of the north embankment of Gudong tide barrier in Shengli oil field胜利油田孤东防潮堤北大堤海浪侵蚀分析

8.Design and analysis of northern breakwater of Xinbu island,Haikou city海口市新埠岛北部防浪海堤设计浅析

9.There are many dykes everywhere which keep the sea away from the land.到处有堤防止海水侵入陆地。

10.The breakwater projects far into the sea.防波堤一直伸向远处的海面。

11.derricks and jetties above brown water;钻塔和防波堤突现在褐色的海水上;

12.Dikes protected the lowland from incursions of the sea.堤防保护低地免于海水流入。

13.The waves made a breach in the sea wall.海浪将防波堤冲开一个缺口。

14.A wall built along a shore or bank to protect an area from floods.防洪堤沿海滨或岸边修建的保护某块区域免遭洪水的堤坝

15.Analysis of Dynamic Stability of Caisson Breakwaters Base on Wave Spectrum Theory;基于海浪谱的沉箱式防波堤的动力稳定性分析

16.Dynamic response of the seabed around breakwaters to waves波浪作用下防波堤周围海床的动力响应

17.A barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full impact of waves.防波堤,防浪墙保护一个港口或海岸以防波浪冲击的障碍物

18.The Civil Engineering Department is also responsible for maintaining public marine facilities. It inspects and repairs public marine structures including breakwaters, beacons, piers and seawalls.土木工程署也负责保养、检查和修葺公众海事设施,包括防波堤、航标、码头和海堤。


sea bank防波堤;海堤


4)seawall protection海堤防护

5)River/sea dike河海堤防

6)embankment of river and sea江海堤防


