300字范文 > 土堤 embankment英语短句 例句大全

土堤 embankment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-18 18:25:21


土堤 embankment英语短句 例句大全



1.Evaluation on effect of face wall in reinforcedembankment;加筋土堤表层壁体效果的评价


1.An embankment or dike, especially in India.堤岸土堤或堤防,尤其在印度

2.poldered village protection scheme以土堤围绕乡村的防洪计划

3.To fortify with a wall, an embankment, or a rampart.用堡垒防护用墙、土堤或壁垒防御

4.The men built banks of earth to hold back the rising flood waters.男人们筑起土堤阻止上涨的洪水。

5.To border or protect with a ridge or embankment.筑堤围栏,筑堤防护用小土丘或堤坝来分隔、保护

6.concrete block and rock-mound breakwater混凝土方块堆石防波堤

7.Discussion on Parameters Value of Earthquate Liquefaction Embankment Foundation Soil堤防工程堤基砂土地震液化计算参数取值探讨

8.Study on the early settlement of the high-liquid limit soil embankment in southwest mountain areas西南山区高液限土路堤填筑初期堤身沉降研究

9.an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones.人们用土或石头垒起的土堆或护堤。

10.Calculation method for soil erosion of embankment slopes路堤边坡土体水土流失计算方法探讨

11.Last week,He took his bulldozer to the river levee .上周,我弟弟把推土机开到河堤边。

12.stop water of(a river,etc)from flowing by making a bank of earth,mud,etc(用泥土等)筑堤以堵截(河等的)流水

13.these earth dykes cannot hold against floods.这些土筑堤埝根本起不到防洪作用。

14.The floods have washed most of the soil down from the river banks.洪水已把河堤的大部分泥土冲刷掉了。

15.Study on Constructing Dam on Soft Foundation软土地基上堤坝沉降与稳定分析研究

16.The two land bodies are connected by a long, narrow causeway.这两片土地由一条狭长的堤道相连接。

17.Study on Highway Embankment Construction Technology in High Liquid Limit Soil Area;高液限土地区公路路堤修筑技术研究

18.Research of Influence Factor on Reinforced Embankment with Bidirectional Geogrids;双向土工格栅加筋路堤影响因素研究


earth embankment土堤

1.The stability thickness of concrete block for revetment ofearth embankment was calculated with 4 methods, the results of which were compared with the test results and it was concluded that the calculation result by formula Klein Breteler and Bezuije (F=5.采用4种方法计算土堤护面混凝土板的稳定厚度,并与试验结果进行比较,认为采用KleinBretelerandBezuije公式(F=5。

3)Earth dikes(dams)土堤坝

4)embankment fillings路堤填土

1.To analyze the arch effect ofembankment fillings on structure,based on Winker soil model,the calculation model is built on analyzing the influence rule of soil pressure on this bridge type structure.针对路堤填土对结构的拱效应问题,采用Winker地基模型,分析土对该桥型结构的影响,其内力、位移的影响变化范围约为10%,路堤填土越好,对结构越有利。

5)soft soil embankment软土路堤

1.The stability of urban deep-thicksoft soil embankment subgrade is worse and its set- tlement is larger.城市深厚软土路堤路基稳定性较差、沉降较大,即使采用粉喷桩加固后,有时亦难以达到满意效果。

2.The consolidation ofsoft soil embankments is an actual problem often encountered in railway design and construction.本文介绍了采用换填基底软土、设置中砂垫层、对路堤断面做适当加固处理等措施,为软土路堤的设计施工提供了一个实例。

3.Through comparing the unreinforced embankment with the reinforced one,and analyzing the change of the elastic modulus and single geotextile position,and the optimal geotextile position and geotextile layers,the displacement effect of thesoft soil embankment reinforced with geotextiles is studied.对土工织物加筋软土路堤进行了三维非线性有限元分析。

6)artificial mound人工土堤


