300字范文 > 群丛 association英语短句 例句大全

群丛 association英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-21 07:44:34


群丛 association英语短句 例句大全



1.Sequence of Preferential Protection of Associations of Forest Vegetation in Puwa Nature Reserve, Beijing;北京蒲洼自然保护区植物群丛的优先保护顺序

2.Through the outdoor investigation and statistical analysis in Tongledashan Nature Reserve,the vegetation of this reserve could be divided into 5 vegetation types,8 vegetation subtypes,15 formations and 21associations.通过野外调查和统计分析,同乐大山自然保护区植被可划分为5个类型,8个亚型,15个群系,21个群丛,其中以南亚热带常绿阔叶林为主,并有暖性针叶林、暖性竹林、南亚热带常绿阔叶灌丛、草丛等类型。

3.Threeassociation classes, twoassociation groups and thirtyassociations were identified by the community classification methods.〕在广西各个自然区域都有广泛的栽培,本文利用群落分类的方法将广西的杉木林划分出3个群丛纲,2个群丛组,30个群丛。


1.lagoon marsh associes泻湖沼泽演替系列群丛

2.The fundamental unit of the hierarchy is the association.等级系统中的基本单位是群丛。

3.Many authors have used the term "association"for dominance-type.有许多学者把优势度类型叫做“群丛”。

4.For biotic communities parallel terms: biocoenose and biocoenon may be used.生物群落也可用相似的术语;生物群落和生物群丛。

5.Each small quadrat must be more homogenerous than the sociation as a whole.每个小样方必须比整个基群丛更为统一。

6.The Study on Scheme and Windbreak Effects of Artemisia. Ordosica Shrub of MuUs Sandy Land;毛乌素沙地油蒿群丛配置与防风效果研究

7.Research Biodiversity in the Tetraena mongolica Maxim Population;四合木群丛分布区的植物物种多样性研究

8.In the Braun-Blaoquet school the description of synusial associations was not confined to cryptogam communities.在Braun-Blaoquet学派中,层片群丛的描述不限于隐花植物群落。

9.Viewing a biological association as a system has at least two advantages.把一个生物群丛作为一个系统来看到至少有两个好处。

10.To form lumps or thick groupings.丛生形成簇或密集群

11.A thicket or growth of these plants.澳洲油桉丛上述这种植物的一丛或一群

12.The sakura is among flowers as the samurai among crowd.樱花在万花丛中就像武士在人群中。

13.Growing in groups that are close together but not densely clustered or matted.聚生的成群生长但不密集或丛簇生的

14.Studies on the Dynamics of the Pest and Natural Enemy Communities in Boskage of Konglin;孔林灌草丛害虫及天敌群落动态研究

15.A small wood or stand of trees that lacks dense undergrowth.小树林缺乏茂密下层树丛的小树林或树木群体

16.Ecological Characteristics of Shrub Stage in Natural Vegetation Recovery Process in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River, Southwest China岷江上游植被自然恢复灌丛阶段群落生态特征

17.Studies on the Variation of Periphytic Algal Communties and Biomass in Jinyang Lake;晋阳湖周丛藻类群落结构和生物量变化的研究

18.A Study on Interspecific Association of the Dominant Population from Secondary Shrub in Simian Mountain at Chongqing;四面山次生灌丛主要种群间的联结性研究


shrub community灌丛群落

1.Species diversity of ashrub community in Tiantong region, Zhejiang Province and its implication for succession;浙江天童山区灌丛群落的物种多样性及其与演替的关系

3)Artemisia ordosica油蒿群丛

1.Windbreak Effects of Different SchemeArtemisia ordosica Shrub for Sand-Fixation in Low Cover;不同分布格局低覆盖度油蒿群丛防风效果

4)shrub communities灌丛群落

1.Surface pollen assemblages from typicalshrub communities in North China;中国北方典型灌丛群落表土花粉组合特征

2.Studies on the characteristics ofshrub communities in Coloane, Macau;澳门路环岛灌丛群落的特征

3.Studies on species composition,structure andphysiognomy ofshrub communities inTiantong region,Zhejiang Province;浙江天童灌丛群落的种类组成、结构及外貌特征

5)Association of Nelumbo nucifera莲群丛

6)Pasture population草丛群体


