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结社 association英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-19 17:02:51


结社 association英语短句 例句大全



1.It joined the great current of literatiassociations in the Ming Dynasty,and largely enriched the contents of the literatiassociations at that time.公安派结社始于万历八年,讫于天启初,前后持续40余年,总计达到37例。

2.As the foundation of the democratic constitutionalism and rule of law, freedom ofassociation belongs to political freedom and an important approach to that the citizen take part in and decide those affairs of society and countries, with the positive and affirmative constitutional attribute.结社自由权的行使是民主宪政和法治的基础 ,结社自由权属于政治自由权范畴 ,具有积极的、肯定的宪法权利属性 ,是公民参与、决定国家社会事务的重要途径。


1.freedom of peaceful assembly and association和平集会和结社自由

2.Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.仁爱是联结社会的金链。

3.Freedom of Association under the Background of Harmonious Society--A Case Study of the Peasant Association;和谐社会背景下的结社自由问题——以农民的结社权为例

4.Imitated Family and Social Combination Thums, Guilds and Secred organizations in Traditional China;拟制的家与社会结合——中国传统社会的宗族、行会与秘密结社

5.Twofold Structure of Society --Internal and External Structure of Society;社会二重结构论——社会内部结构与社会外部结构

6.structure of social mind社会心理结构 社会心理结构

7.This answer is based on the societies structure.答案取决于社会结构。

8.News Agencies Pool of Non-Aligned Countries, Pool不结盟国家通讯社联盟

9.On Building a Harmonious Socialist Society from Social Stratum Structure Point of View;论从社会阶层结构视角构建社会主义和谐社会

10.Spiritual Temperaments of Modern Harmonious Society and Social Structural Nurture;社会主义和谐社会的精神气质与社会结构培育

11.Constructing an Olivary Structure of Society for Building a Harmonious (Socialist) Society;建构橄榄型社会结构 建设社会主义和谐社会

12.Social Class Structure, Social Mobility and Social Harmony: Observation from Chongqing社会阶层结构、社会流动与社会和谐:自重庆观察

13.Improve social management and safeguard social stability and unity.(六)完善社会管理,维护社会安定团结。

14.The Reorganization of the Community Power Structure in Urban Community Construction;城市社区建设中社区权力结构的重组

15.The Impact of Dualistic Social Structure on Building a Harmonious Society;二元社会结构对构建和谐社会的影响

16.Associational Cooperation and the Organic Solidarity of Chinese Civil Society;社团合作与中国公民社会的有机团结

17.Make A Good Social Stratum Structure and Promote A Harmonious Society;优化社会阶层结构 促进社会和谐稳定

18.Understanding Harmonious Society Scientifically,Construct New Social Structure;科学理解和谐社会 构建新型社会结构


social structure社会结构

1.Influences ofsocial structure on ancient urban texture of China;社会结构对中国古代城市肌理的影响

2.Social structure of a group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana)in the Qinling Mountains of China;秦岭川金丝猴一个群的社会结构

3.How the media to affect thesocial structure?;试看传播媒介如何影响社会结构——从古登堡到“第五媒体”

3)community structure社团结构

1.Study on stability of complex networks viacommunity structure;社团结构对复杂网络稳定性的影响研究

2.Modeling and Analysis for Community Structure in Complex Networks;复杂网络的社团结构建模与分析

plex networkcommunity structure detection in inclined oil-water two-phase flow倾斜油水两相流复杂网络社团结构探寻

4)community structure社区结构

1.The Growing Models of Complex Networks and the Partitional Method for Community Structure;复杂网络增长模型及社区结构划分方法

2.Newcommunity structure discovery algorithm of simple graph一种新型简单图社区结构发现算法

3.OCSMA: an algorithm to mine overlappingcommunity structure in networks重叠社区结构的挖掘算法

5)the feature of salon结社性

1.Thus three features were made:the feature of family;the feature of non-professionalization andthe feature of salon.明代词学群体是在乡邦资源的基础上,借助于家庭艺术教育,附属于其它艺术品创作形式之上,多产生于文人艺术家结社的环境之中,因此形成了家族性、非专业性、结社性的特征。

6)Structure of society社会结构


