300字范文 > 城市河流生态系统 urban river ecosystem英语短句 例句大全

城市河流生态系统 urban river ecosystem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-03 19:01:15


城市河流生态系统 urban river ecosystem英语短句 例句大全

城市河流生态系统,urban river ecosystem

1)urban river ecosystem城市河流生态系统

1.A comprehensive index system forurban river ecosystem evaluation was established,and the health situation of the eastern channel and western channel of Yuxiuhe River in Jinan City was assessed by comprehensive hierarchical method.针对城市河流生态系统,建立了综合指标评价体系,运用层次综合法评价了济南市玉绣河广场东沟和西沟的健康状况。


1.Study on Evaluation Index System for Urban River Ecosystem Health and Its Application;城市河流生态系统健康评价指标体系研究及其应用

2.Rehabilitation River Natural Ecosystem,Construction Lu an Eco-city;修复河流自然生态系统,建设六安生态城市

3.Ecosystem Services and Valuation of Surface Water System in Bengbu in Huaihe River Basin;淮河流域蚌埠城市水生态系统服务价值评估

4.Research on Establishment and Evaluation of Ecological Slope Protection System of Town River;城镇河流生态护坡系统的建立及评价研究

5.Study on the Morphology Indicator System of Urban River Health城市河流健康的形态学指标体系研究

6.Studies on Ecological Restoration Techniques of Flinty Slope Protection of Town River;城市河流硬质护坡生态修复技术研究

7.Ecological Concept and Method in the Construction of City"s Riverarea;城市河流地区建设的生态理念与方法

8.The Explore for the Better Pattern of Ecological Effection in City River Administer;城市河流治理生态效应优化模式探索

9.Review on Ecological Restoration on Flinty Riparian by Urban Rivers城市河流硬质护岸生态修复研究进展

10.Assessment of ecosystem health for typical estuary in Haihe River Basin海河流域典型河口生态系统健康评价

11.Urban Waste Water Transporting to the River: Biologic Recovery Technologies Research on the Xinyi River;城市尾水输移河流—新沂河生态修复技术研究

12.Study on Greens System in Ecological Construction of a City;生态城市建设中的城市绿地系统研究

13.Ecocity-aimed Planning of Urban Green System;围绕生态城市目标规划城市绿地系统

14.Ecosystem Health Assessment of Qinhuai River and theCountermeasures for Water Environment Improvement in NanjingCity;外秦淮河生态系统健康评价及南京城市水环境改善对策

15.The Study of Ecological Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Logistics System Based on Process Optimization基于流程优化的城市生活固体废弃物物流系统的生态评价研究

16.Ecosystem Services Evaluation of River Wetland in Yulinghe Watershed;御临河流域河流湿地生态系统服务价值评价

17.Multi-Variable Assessment of River Ecosystem Health in Liao River Basin辽河流域河流生态系统健康的多指标评价方法

18.Characteristics and Ecological Effect of Flow Regime of Riverine Ecosystem;河流生态系统特征及流量变化的生态效应


city ecosystem城市生态系统

1.A research oncity ecosystem evaluation and alert system;城市生态系统诊断预警体系研究

2.Thought by the regarding city ecology,city geography as this,in the foundation of large quantity of 1996~2002 foundation data support,the author has set up four levels of cities ecosystem structure evaluation system and proceeded detailedcity ecosystem system evaluation on the four levels of structures of Kaifeng city.以城市生态学、城市地理学为本,在1996~2002年大量基础数据支持的基础上,设置了开封市的四个层次的城市生态系统评价指标体系,按四个层次分别对开封市进行了详细的城市生态系统评价,最后得出评价结果。

3.The author studies the city andcity ecosystem by using the thought of the ecology and complexity science.本文用生态学、复杂性科学的研究思想、方法,围绕具有生命特征的城市及城市生态系统进行相关问题研究,着重分析了知识社会的城市生态系统复杂性,并进一步探讨了知识社会城市生态环境下的城市管理变革。

3)urban ecological system城市生态系统

1.Urban river,as an important component ofurban ecological system,has many roles in urban ecological construction.城市河流是城市生态系统的重要组分之一。

2.It is considered that the urban flood control should be planned together with the wastewater treatment, with the natural environment and with the urban landscape so as to form the completeurban ecological system.该文叙述了太原市城市防洪的主要问题,并介绍了我国城市雨、污水处置的历史与现状,认为城市防洪要和污水处理一起规划,要和自然环境、城市景观一同规划,形成完整的城市生态系统。

3.Itsurban ecological system evolution has of great value of inference and academic study.美国作为一个典型的已走过工业化和城市化的成熟阶段的发达国家,城市生态系统演变的历史有着重要的研究价值。

4)urban ecosystem城市生态系统

1.On the progress inurban ecosystem dynamic modeling;城市生态系统的动力学演化模型研究进展

2.Assessment ofurban ecosystem health in Foshan;佛山市城市生态系统健康诊断与评价

3.A kind of method and its application forurban ecosystem health assessment;一种城市生态系统健康评价方法及其应用

5)urban water ecosystem城市水生态系统

1.At the same time,a set of valuation index system were constituted,the total value ofurban water ecosystem services of Bengbu was assessed by means of value evaluation.根据淮河流域城市水生态系统服务特点,将蚌埠城市水生态系统服务划分为直接使用价值和间接使用价值2大类11个小类,同时建立了一套价值评估指标体系,对蚌埠城市水生态系统服务功能的经济价值进行了评估。

6)urban river"s ecological restoration城市河流生态恢复

1.The theme of this paper is research ofurban river"s ecological restoration.本论文的主题是城市河流生态恢复研究。


城市生态系统 city ecosystem在城市范围内,由生物群落及其生存环境共同组成的动态系统。
