300字范文 > 【中英文对照阅读】英语介词词组场景学习十:家里个个都来帮忙


时间:2019-12-27 06:05:28



10. Business (Il) 场景十:做生意(II)


Everybody Helps Out 家里个个都来帮忙



1)After sleeping on the problem, the Jacksons decided to set up their own business. They and the owner of the Main Street building agreed on the amount of rent and settled on other details. After they had signed an agreement, George told Edna, "Well, it can"t be called off now.”

冷静想过之后,杰克森一家决定开始自己做生意。他们和主街大楼的房主商量好了租金、谈妥了其他细节。 签好合约后,乔治-杰克森先生对妻子Edna-杰克森太太说:“现在是不能喊停了。”

sleep on: delay or postpone (a decision) until the next morning (often in the phrase sleep on it) 不着急下决定,再等一天

set up:start, establish (set up shop = start a small business)

建立,开始(set up shop 开店= start a small business做点小生意)

agree on:consent to, accept (an agreement or the terms of a business deal)

(= settle on) 同意,接受协议或商业合约条款(同settle on)

call off: cancel, stop, bring an end to 取消,停止,终结

2) ”No," she said, "we can"t back out of the deal now. But I"ll hate to part with all that rent money every month.”


back out of:change one"s mind about, break a promise about, withdraw from


part with:v. give away or sell (something that one likes) 忍痛割爱或卖掉

3)”I think that everything will turn out all right," he said hopefully. “Just as long as we don"t run out of money. But we havelived through difficult times before.”


turn out: end, result, get (good or bad) results, eventuate


run out of: use all of, have no more 用光,花光,… 没有了

live through: exist in spite of (something difficult or unpleasant)


4)”If we just do not lose money this year," she said, "we"ll be doing all right. I suppose that we can’t count onmore than that. “


count on:depend on, rely on, expect, be sure of 依赖,依靠,期待,肯定

5)They shopped around, trying to find the best kinds of machines to sell. They also tried to find the best companies to deal with. They checked up on the reputation of each company.


shop around: examine several possibilities before buying something


deal with: do business with, buy from or sell to 和...做生意,做买卖

check up: examine to discover the facts about 查清事实

6) One dealer, they found out, seemed to be making off with money that was not his own. So his offer wasturned down at once.


dealer: a person whose business is buying and selling a particular product 经销商

make off with: steal, take, go away with (something that’s probably not one’s own)


turn down: refuse 拒绝

7) Finally they singled out a company that seemed honest and that sold good machines. ""We want to deal with only the companies thatlive up to their agreements," the Jacksons said.


single out: select, choose (usually just one) 挑选,选择(通常只有一家)

deal with: do business with, buy from or sell to 和...做生意,做买卖

live up to: do (whatever is promised), act according to 守诺,守约

8)Forms were filled in. Money was paid down on everything they bought. Prices were going up constantly. The money that had been laid aside was disappearing too fast. Somebonds that they had hoped to keep were being cashed in.

填好了各种表格(办好了工商手续),给各种采购的东西付了定金,物价不停在涨, 家里以前攒的钱很快就花出去了,以前家里留的一些债券也拿去变现了。

pay down: pay part of the cost of when one buys 付定金

e.g: On a 200 dollar machine, George paid down 50 dollars and owed $150. 两百块钱的机器,乔治先给了50块,还欠150块。

go up: increase (prices), become higher 涨价

lay. .. aside: (laid aside, [have] laid aside) keep for later use, save, put away (Put… aside… has the same meaning. ) 储备,攒钱,收好(与put aside 同义)

cash…in..: get cash instead of, sell (usually bonds or stocks), redeem

(债券或股票) 兑现,兑换,变现

9)The twins helped out in cleaning and painting the building. They knew that their father was no longer putting in time at the factory and that the family had to live off the money from the little shop.

They tried to be cheerful. " Cheer up, Dad," Jane said one day. "We"ll stick tothis business until itpays off.

双胞胎也帮忙擦擦洗洗、粉刷店铺,他们知道自己的父亲不再工厂工作了,家里以后就靠这家小店挣钱了。 他们试着给父亲打气。有一天Jane 说:“爸,加油,我们大家一起努力赚钱。”

help out: assist, provide help 帮忙,提供帮助

put in: spend, use (time) 花时间,用时间,投入时间

live off:exist on what is earned from, exist on available funds or land 以… 为生

stick to: persist in, continue doing 坚持,继续做

pay off: produce a profit 盈利,赢利

10)”We"ll never sell out or shut the business down," Tom wrote from college. "I"ll pitch in during the summer and do as much as I can.”


sell out: sell, sell all of 卖掉

shut down: close, stop operating (a business or factory) 关掉,停止运营

pitch in: help, assist, provide help (informal) (= help out) 帮忙(同help out)

