300字范文 > 【中英文对照阅读】英语介词词组场景学习一:好好完成作业


时间:2022-09-28 06:43:45



School Life





Getting Along in One"s Schoolwork 好好完成作业



1)Tom Jackson and Dave Page were heading for the library. Lee Choy and Pedro Gariacaught up withthem.

汤姆-杰克森(Tom)和戴维-培治(Dave)正在去图书馆的路上。Lee Choy 和Pedro Garia从后头赶了上来。

2)“Are you going after a book?" Lee asked Tom.


go after: go to get something 去拿(找、吃、喝、追)......

3) ”Yes," said Tom. "I need to look for another book about airplanes. I was checking my paperover, and I found out that I had put insome wrong information.’


put in:include, add 包含,添加

4) “I have to look up an article," Dave added.“My history teacher asked us to read througha long article. Keeping up with that course is difficult for me. I" m always falling behind. That"s because I put off doing my assignments .

Dave 加了一句:“我得去找一篇文章,我的历史老师要求我们通读一篇长文章,我上课有点跟不上,总是落后别人半步,就因为我没好好做作业。”

look up: search for and find (especially in printed matter) 找一些出版物

read through: read all of, read completely 通读,仔细阅读

5)“So do I,”said Pedro. “Right now I’m writing a paper for my science class. I tore the first paper up because it was bad. Now I have several new ideas, and I" ve been trying them out on my friend Maria. I have to hand the paper in on Monday. I also need to brush up on my mathematics, but I can"t figure out the meanings of some of those strange-looking signs.”



try… out on …: get (someone else’s) opinion of 征求别人的意见。

brush up on … : study again, review, refresh one’s memory about 复习

figure out: find (an answer or a solution) , decide, learn , understand


6)”I know what you mean," Dave told him. “I don"t know what some of the signs stand for, either.”

Dave 告诉他:“我懂你的意思,我也不懂有些符号代表着什么。”

7)“I need to make up a test," Tom said.“I missed it when I was sick. But I"ll wait until I have turned in my paper on airplanes. I keep a list of things I should do, and I cross them offone by one as I do them.”


8)”You"re so systematic, Tom," Dave said, smiling. ”You always plan everything. I should put together a list, too, but it would be too long. I would just give up.”


9)”I sometimes want to give up, too," said Tom, "but then I think that I"ll pull through somehow. Studying so much is hard, but usually we get alongrather well. We just have to keep at it.”


pull through:succeed or recover after some difficulty, get well after an illness, survive, come to a good ending.


get along: do (one’s work, etc) well enough, manage, succeed fairly well


keep at … : continue to try (especially something difficult or tiresome), persist in. 面对一些难关或很烦的事情,依然继续努力;坚持做某事。

10)”Yes," Lee said, "we do. But sometimes I"d like to get away from it all.”


get away (from): escape, leave (something dangerous or bad)


