300字范文 > 【中英文对照阅读】英语介词词组场景学习三:忙碌的一天


时间:2020-06-26 05:31:33




1)George has gone to work, and the twins have gone to school. Edna dresses and then tunes in a news and music program on the radio. She listens while she works. She likes to know what is going on in the world.


tune in: turn ( radio or television) controls so that the sound or picture is clear; choose a station or channel 收音机、电视调台或调频道;调收音机或电视音量或画面

2)Today Edna will not be working part-time in the library, as she usually does, so it is her day for cleaning. She leaves the radio on while she cleans up the kitchen.


leave … on: allow to continue going or operating (a radio, television, record player, water, lights, etc.) 收音机、电视、电唱机、水、灯开着

3)She clears off the table, washesup all the dirty dishes, and wipes off the table and the counters. She washes out the sink. She rubs off some stains from the stove top, where some soup boiled over when the twins were cooking yesterday.


clear off: remove dishes, etc., from 从... 把盘子端走,收拾

wash up: wash, clean thoroughly (often by using water and soap)



detergent: [dɪˈtɜ:dʒənt] 洗洁剂,去污剂

wipe off: clean the surface of (usually with a cloth, etc)用布擦……的表面

wash out: wash the inside of 清洗…… 的内部

rub off: remove by rubbing (moving a cloth, etc., while pressing down)


boil over: flow over the top (of a pan, etc.) while boiling 煮东西的时候从锅里溢出

5)Then she mops up the kitchen floor.


6)Later Edna raises the windows in the bedrooms. She wants to air the rooms out. Soon she closes the windows to shut out the cold. Then she puts up clean curtains in one bedroom. She sees that the twins have made up the beds in their rooms. But she thinks,“Neither one of them has put any clothes away for three days!”


air … out: open windows or doors to let stale air out and fresh air in.


put up: hang (curtains or drapes) on rods or other fasteners 挂窗帘或帷帘、帷幕

make up: straighten bed covers or put fresh sheets on a bed 拉直床罩或铺床

7) In the bathroom she finds that the drain in the washbasin is plugged up. She tries to open it up with a plunger.


drain:n. a pipe that carries away dirty water or other liquid waste下水道;排水管

washbasin: 洗脸池

plug up: close with dirt or hair or something else (block up and clog up may have the same meaning) 被脏东西、头发等堵住了(与block up,clog up“堵塞”同义)

plunger: [ˈplʌndʒə(r)] a piece of equipment used for clearing kitchen and bathroom pipes, that consists of a rubber cup fixed to a handle


8)While she is straightening up the living room, the telephone rings. Cynthia Smith has called up .

当她在整理起居室的东西的时候,电话响了,是Cynthia Smith来的电话。

straighten up: put into neat or proper order or condition 摆放得干净整齐

9)She wants Edna to become an officer of the League of Women Voters, in which Edna works actively.


officer:a person who is in a position of authority in the government or a large organization(政府或大机构的)官员,高级职员

league: [li:g] a group of people or nations who have combined for a particular purpose 联盟;同盟

10)During the conversation the telephone suddenly becomes silent, and Edna hangs up. Cynthia soon calls back.“I believe that something cut us off,' she says.

谈话过程中,电话突然没音了,杰克森太太Edna挂上了电话。Cynthia很快就打了回来。 她说:“我相信有什么东西中断了咱俩的电话。”

cut off: stop, interrupt (concerning a telephone call) 电话中断

11)A little later Edna sits down to make out a menu for dinner and to prepare a shopping list.“The family eats everything up so fast,' she thinks to herself.' 'Let's see. I need to stock up on sugar and flour and to buy some meat and vegetables for Saturday and Sunday. And we need eggs. This family doesn't like to do without eggs.”

不一会儿,杰克森太太Edna坐下来一边想一边写晚饭的菜单、同时还写了购物清单。 “家里的人什么东西都吃得快,”她心里想,“我看,我得囤点糖和面粉、买些肉和蔬菜够周末吃就行、我们还需要买点鸡蛋。这个家无蛋不欢。”

make out: think of and write (sth. short, such as a list) 边想边写(清单)

stock up: get a supply of, get a large amount for later use 大量贮备;囤积

12)She does not dress up to go to the shopping center. She wears ordinary clothes. She goes into a clothing store and tries on some dresses but does not buy any.


dress up:put on especially good or somewhat formal clothes 盛装出行

13) In the food store she picks out the vegetables and carefully looks over the meat.


pick out: select,choose 选择,挑选

look over: inspect, examine 检查

14)Back home, she thinks,“I'd like to lie down and doze off for a few minutes, but it's too late. I’ll have time only to mix a cake before I cut up the chicken.’


doze off: [dəuz ɔf] If you doze off, you fall into a light sleep, especially during the daytime. (尤指在白天)打瞌睡,打盹儿

cut up: cut into pieces 剁成块儿

