300字范文 > 哲学辩证法 philosophy dialectics英语短句 例句大全

哲学辩证法 philosophy dialectics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-03 07:14:54


哲学辩证法 philosophy dialectics英语短句 例句大全

哲学辩证法,philosophy dialectics

1)philosophy dialectics哲学辩证法


1.International Philosophy for Dialectical Society国际哲学辩证法学会

2.Gratitude of The Young从哲学辩证法视角探析青少年感恩心理

3.Implication of Natural Dialectics-Philosophical and Non-philosophical Features;哲学性与非哲学性——自然辩证法的题中之义

4.From Philosophical Reflection to Practical Skills--Transformation of Dialectics;从哲学反思到实践技艺——辩证法的嬗变

5.Intuitional Dialectics: The Thinking Characters of Chinese Philosophy;直觉的辩证法——中国哲学思维的特征

bining medicine with philosophy, constructing new mode of teaching natural dialectics;医哲结合 构建自然辩证法教学新模式

7.Dialectics and the Fate of Contemporary Philosophy--A Comment on T. Adorno s Reinterpretation of Dialectics;辩证法与当代哲学的命运——评阿多诺对辩证法的重新诠释

8.Marxist Philosophy Is Practical Dialectics Instead of Material Dialectics;马克思哲学应是实践辩证法而不应是唯物辩证法

9.Moreover, "Bian zheng shi zhi", another theory of traditional Chinese medicine, also embodies the dialectic ideas of ancient natural philosophy.中医理论的辩证施治原则充分体现了古代自然哲学的辩证法性质。

10.Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.要提倡唯物辩证法, 反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。

11.On the Relations between Dialogue and Dialectics:A Philosophy Study on Dialogue Aesthetics;对话与辩证法的关联——对话美学的哲学审视

12.Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts,1844:Macroscopic Materialist Conception of History and Dialectics of the Practice;《1844年经济学哲学手稿》:大唯物史观与实践辩证法

13.Applications of Broadspectrum philosophy in the Teaching of Dialectics of Nature广谱哲学在自然辩证法教学中的若干应用

14.Cultural value of the abundant dialectics thought of his philosophy.老子哲学的丰富的辩证法思想的文化价值。

15.On Materialism and Dialectics Reflected in the Linguistic Philosophy of Noam Chomsky s Innateness Hypothesis;“天赋”假设语言哲学思想中的唯物论与辩证法

16.On Marx s Critics of Hegel s Dialectic and the General Philosophy;试论马克思对黑格尔辩证法及一般哲学的批判

17.Interpretation of Confucius Philosophy from the perspective of Marxist dialectics;以马克思的辩证方法释孔子的哲学走向

18.A Dialectic With a Rational Form --Philosophical Enlighten of Deng Xiaoping Theory;合理形态的辩证法——邓小平理论的哲学启示


dialectics philosophy辩证法哲学

1.On whether Feuerbach s philosophy contains dialectics thoughts, or whether Feuerbach s philosophy is a certaindialectics philosophy, which has been a controversial issue for a long time in the sphere of leaning.费尔巴哈哲学中是否有辩证法思想,费尔巴哈哲学是否为某种形态的辩证法哲学,这一问题在学术界长期以来颇有争议,主要存在着两派相对立的观点:一派完全否定或忽视费尔巴哈的辩证法思想;一派认为费尔巴哈的辩证法接近了马克思主义的唯物辩证法。

3)dialectic philosophy辩证哲学

4)Systematic dialectical philosophy系统辩证哲学

5)the philosophy of dialectical materialism辩证唯物论哲学

6)dialectical philosophic theory辩证哲理

1.Reverse development of thinking and unity of opposites demonstrated a profounddialectical philosophic theory,thus sublimating the theme of the poem.臧克家诗作《有的人》以近似口语化的非常态逻辑语言开篇,凭借"生"与"死"两个矛盾概念的两极碰撞,勾勒出诗歌的艺术框架,思想意义反向扩张,对立中求得统一,显示出深邃的辩证哲理,主题因此而得以升华。


