300字范文 > 辩证法 dialectics英语短句 例句大全

辩证法 dialectics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-11 15:43:32


辩证法 dialectics英语短句 例句大全



1.Harmonious Moral Education Construction in Colleges in the sight of Marxist Dialectics;马克思主义辩证法视域中的高校和谐德育建设

2.On the Relations between Dialogue and Dialectics:A Philosophy Study on Dialogue Aesthetics;对话与辩证法的关联——对话美学的哲学审视

3.The Fate of Dialectics and the Construction of Chinese Modernity;辩证法的命运与中国现代性的建构


1.From Dialectics of Contradiction to Dialectics of Harmony;从矛盾辩证法到和谐辩证法——辩证法的历史变迁

2.objective and subjective dialectics客观辩证法与主观辩证法

3.Practical Dialectics: Exposition of Marx Dialectics;实践辩证法:马克思辩证法的定性阐释

4.Lucacs:From Natural Dialectics to Historical Dialectics;卢卡奇:从自然辩证法到历史辩证法

5.The logic of disintegration --A reflection on Negative Dialectics;辩证法:瓦解的逻辑——《否定的辩证法》解读

6.One who practices or is skilled in dialectic.辩证学家精通或熟练辩证法的人

7.The Form of Dialectical Existence of Practicality:Epistemological Dialecties;实践性辩证存在方式与认识的辩证法

8.Cultivate Students Ability of Dialectical Thinking;渗透辩证法观点 培养辩证思维能力

9.Dialectics of Nature:To Be Developed and Never Dispelled--Refutes Opposition of the Dialectics of Nature and Dialectics of history;自然辩证法只能发展不容消解——评自然辩证法与历史辩证法的对立

10.The Logic for Dialectics of Nature--from Dialectics of Nature to the Principle for Dialectics of Nature自然辩证法的逻辑——从《自然辩证法》原著到《自然辩证法原理》

11.Differentiation and analysis between dialectics and sophistry-criticizing the anti-China sophistry speech;辩证法和诡辩论的辨析——对诡辩反华论的批判

12.debate on materialist dialectics“唯物辩证法”的论战

13.In a word, we must act in accordance with dialectics.总之,要照辩证法办事。

14.International Philosophy for Dialectical Society国际哲学辩证法学会

15.In my opinion, the whole Party should study dialectics and advocate acting in accordance with dialectics.我看,全党都要学习辩证法,提倡照辩证法办事。

16.The Comparative Study of Revolutionary Dialectics and Constructive Dialectics;“革命性辩证法”与“建设性辩证法”比较研究

17.Animadverting and Exceeding--Marx s Dialectics and Hegel s Dialectics;批判与超越——马克思辩证法与黑格尔辩证法

18.Practice the Victory of the Dialectics--Theoretical logic marriage of modern dialectics;实践辩证法的胜利——近代辩证法理论的逻辑归宿



1.Thinking about thedialectic of management;关于管理辩证法的几点思考

2.Legal and Illegal of Application of Dialectic: Zhang Yi s Understanding Hegel s Ethic Theory Based on Metaphysical;辩证法运用的“合法”与“非法”——张颐论黑格尔伦理学说的形而上学基础

3.Rethinking On Luka cs’ Dialectic of Totality;卢卡奇“总体性的辩证法”再思考——读《历史与阶级意识》

3)Diagnostic method辩证法

1.On Marxist philosophy being diagnostic method,the logic and epistemology in practice——Comment two on Notes of philosophy by Lenin;马克思主义哲学是实践的辩证法逻辑学认识论——列宁《哲学笔记》学习札记之二

2.It is very important for leaders to experience the diagnostic method in life scientifically,to strengthen thought morals tutelage consciously,to maintain the noble spiritual pursues,and to improve their style.要科学把握生活中辩证法,自觉加强思想道德修养,保持高尚的精神追求,改作风,树新风。

4)dialectical method辩证法

1.It condensed his profound discussion todialectical method history and(theory) which was also an important thought throughout his life.总体性,是卢卡奇在《历史与阶级意识》中精心论述的一个基本范畴,凝聚着他对辩证法史和辩证法理的深入探讨,也是他一生始终坚持的重要思想。


1.Features of Deng Xiaoping s idea ofdialetics;唯实与创新——邓小平辩证法思想特色探略

2.Higher mathematics runs throughdialetics.辩证法贯穿于高等数学的始终,用辩证思想统率教学全过程,是老师教好、学生学好高等数学的关键所在。

6)dialectic method辩证法

1.Marxist philosophy revealed that social development was a natural historical course by thedialectic method and the logical manner, which just distinguished Marxist philosophy from all other old philosophy.这一揭示是通过马克思主义哲学区别 于一切旧哲学的物质概念,通过对人的本质的不同于旧哲学的理解,通过对辩证法、逻辑与历史统一 的方法的运用而实现的。


