300字范文 > 生成辩证法 generative dialectics英语短句 例句大全

生成辩证法 generative dialectics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-18 13:49:42


生成辩证法 generative dialectics英语短句 例句大全

生成辩证法,generative dialectics

1)generative dialectics生成辩证法

1.This paper is rethinking the thought of the field ontology,constructive realism andgenerative dialectics and the main process of conceptual revolution.本文的目的就是要:对由量子场论所蕴含的场的本体论、结构实在论和生成辩证法思想,以及概念革命的主要历程做一种补充分析。


1.Rethinking the Realism of Quantum Field and the Generative Dialectics--From the Point of View of the Comparison between Generativism and Constructivism再论量子场的实在论和生成辩证法——从生成论与构成论对比的眼光看

2.Ugliness, coexists with beauty, is one of the important elements in social life.丑是社会生活中的重要组成部分,美丑相依才符合生活的辩证法。

3.Mao Zedong: The Mature Formulation of Dialectical Materialism;毛泽东:中国“唯物辩证法”的形成与成熟

4.Rescue Dialectics or Dispel Dialectics?--Discuss with Tian Hai-ping and Ma Ying-lin;拯救辩证法还是消解辩证法——与田海平、马英林二先生商榷

5.Reading Kosik s Dialectics of the Concrete;辩证法的生存论暨存在论旨趣──解读科西克的《具体的辩证法》

6.From Dialectics of Contradiction to Dialectics of Harmony;从矛盾辩证法到和谐辩证法——辩证法的历史变迁

7.We respect the dialectics of life and history.我们尊重生活和历史的辩证法。

8.Dialectics Features of Deng Xiao-ping s Thought on Developing Productivity;邓小平发展生产力思想的辩证法特征

9.The Dialectic of the Enlightenment and Ecofeminist Criticism;《启蒙的辩证法》和生态女性主义批评

10.A Tentatvie Discussion of the Useage of Materialist Dialectics in Teaching Living Things Statistics;生物统计学教学中唯物辩证法的应用

11.On Teaching Dialectics of Nature and Cultivating View of Eco-nature《自然辩证法》教学与生态自然观的教育

12.The Introduction of Materialistic Dialectics into China and MAPei"s Concept of Dialectical Logic19世纪20-30年代唯物辩证法的传入与马佩先生的辩证逻辑观

13.From Dialectics of the Organism Kindom to Philosophy of Biology:the Studies on the Philosophical Problems in Biology in the People"s Republic of China从生物界的辩证法到生物学哲学——新中国成立以来生物学中哲学问题的研究

14.Meta-synthesis and Materialist Dialectics;从定性到定量综合集成方法与唯物辩证法

15.objective and subjective dialectics客观辩证法与主观辩证法

16.Practical Dialectics: Exposition of Marx Dialectics;实践辩证法:马克思辩证法的定性阐释

17.Lucacs:From Natural Dialectics to Historical Dialectics;卢卡奇:从自然辩证法到历史辩证法

18.The logic of disintegration --A reflection on Negative Dialectics;辩证法:瓦解的逻辑——《否定的辩证法》解读



1.By upgradingeco-dialectics,Prof.袁鼎生提升出生态辩证法,构建了整生范式,生发了元范畴,形成了集逻辑、历史、应用、比较研究以及元学科研究于一体的超循环运转的生态美学理论体系。

3)dialectics of the orgamism kindom生物界的辩证法

4)dialectical harmony辩证共生

5)exsistence and death生死辩证

6)Dialectical Generation between Evil and Sin恶与罪的生成辩证


生成1.养育。 2.长成。 3.指生物。亦泛指物品。 4.指人民。 5.自然形成;生就。 6.保全性命。 7.必定。
