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托拉斯 trust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-28 19:35:05


托拉斯 trust英语短句 例句大全



1.An Initial Research on Zhou Enlai′s Attempt to set up Trust in China;周恩来试办托拉斯思想初探

2.By the end of the nineteenth century it had become atrust country with No.其后一个世纪美国走上了成功的崛起之路,至19世纪末,成为托拉斯国家与世界第一经济大国。


1.a vertical combination [trust]纵向联合 [托拉斯]

2.key industry investment trust基础工业投资托拉斯

3."antitrust: Opposing or intended to regulate business monopolies, such as trusts or cartels."反托拉斯的: 反对或试图调节贸易垄断的,如托拉斯或卡特尔组织。

4.The Standard Oil Trust of 1879 was superseded by the Trust Agreement of 1882.1879年的美孚石油托拉斯,由1882年的托拉斯协定所取代。

5.The farmers were forced to surrender the land to the farm trust.农民被迫把土地交给了农业托拉斯。

6.Even so, the trustbusters should stay their hand.尽管如此,反托拉斯者应该按兵不动。

7.EC/United States Antitrust Cooperation Agreement欧共体/美国反托拉斯合作协定

8.they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly.他们建立了托拉斯意图实现垄断。

9.Anti-Trust Guide for International Operation关于国际经营活动中的反托拉斯指南

10.That talk is just what the Trust wants to hear.这种论调正是托拉斯最喜欢听的。

11.The only way to break up a trust is from the inside.要瓦解托拉斯,只能由里及外。

12.Trust magnates were superior to law托拉斯的巨头们凌驾于法律之上

13.They set up a family trust for their grandchildren.他们为其孙子孙女成立了家庭托拉斯。

14.Our antitrust laws have been too severe.我们的反托拉斯法太严格了。

15.coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering相干反斯托克斯-拉曼散射

panhia Comercial Joao Ferreira des Santos若奥·费雷拉·多斯·桑托斯商业公司

17.Witold Lutoslawski 《Concerto for Orchestra》 Analysis Studies卢托斯拉夫斯基《乐队协奏曲》分析研究

18.The god of fire and metalworking and the son of Hera and Zeus.赫淮斯托斯:火神和锻治之神,赫拉和宙斯的儿子。



1.Lakatos s"Research Programs"and Economic Methodology;拉卡托斯的“研究纲领”和经济学方法论

2.OnLakatos Method of "Rational Restructuring of the History of Science;论拉卡托斯的“科学史的理性重建”方法——兼谈与“历史的和逻辑的相一致”方法的比较

3.Lakatos Research Programs of the Historiography of Science and Epistemological Hermeneutics;拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领与认识论解释学


1.The change of judicial explanation for The Sherman Act shows the evolution of earlyantitrust decision in America, and the judicial process adapting to traditional democracy in industrial age.《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》司法解释的变迁,体现了美国早期反托拉斯判决原则的演进和工业化美国适应传统民主的司法过程。



1.Laser microprobe Ar-Ar dating of biotite from theWeilasituo Cu-Zn polymetallic deposit in Inner Mongolia内蒙古维拉斯托铜锌矿床的白云母Ar/Ar年龄探讨

2.Weilasituo Cu polymetal deposit is located in the western slop of middle-southern metallogenic belts in Da Hinggan Mountains of Inner Mongolia, and the previous preliminarily researched and thought that the deposit is magmatic hydrothermal deposit related to the Yanshanian granite.维拉斯托铜多金属矿床位于内蒙古大兴安岭中南段成矿带西坡,前人初步研究认为是与燕山期花岗岩有关的岩浆热液矿床。

6)Strouhal Number斯托拉赫数

1.A Study of T shaped Cylinder Gas liquid Two phaseStrouhal Number in a Vertically Upward Gas liquid Two phase Flow;垂直向上气液两相流中T形柱体两相斯托拉赫数的研究

2.But the gas-liquid two-phase Strouhal number is one of the rarely studied subject because of the complex of gas-liquid two-phase flow.试验研究了三角形、T形两种形状4种规格的物体,在垂直上升气液两相流中,发生气液两相涡街时,气液两相斯托拉赫数的变化规律。

3.In this paper, the Strouhal number of two normal triangle cylinders, occuring in gas liquid two phase vortex street (the Karmen vortex street), are studied experimentally in vertically upward gas liquid two phase flow.本文试验研究了两种规格三角形柱体,在垂直上升气液两相流中,发生气液两相涡街时,气液两相斯托拉赫数的变化规律。


