300字范文 > 大象无形 profound image英语短句 例句大全

大象无形 profound image英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-13 18:35:50


大象无形 profound image英语短句 例句大全

大象无形,profound image

1)profound image大象无形


1.The Cognitive Dimensions of Fuzzy Language and Translation;大音希声,大象无形——模糊语言翻译的认知研究

2.The Spirit of Dao of Literary Criticism Thought of Laozi from the No Shape of Large Image从“大象无形”看老子文学批评思想中的道家精神

3.Grent mwsic Has the Faintest Notes,Great Form Is Beyond Shape On the Traditional Aesthetics and Ethic Implications of Modern Photographic Art大音希声,大象无形——论现代摄影艺术的传统美学及伦理蕴涵

4.A Tentative Comparison of the Poetic Thought Between Lao Zi and John Keats;“大音希声、大象无形”与约翰·济慈《希腊古瓮颂》中诗学思想之比较

5.Qian Zhongshu Theoly and Discovery of the Lifersue;追寻“大象无形”的美学理想——关于钱钟书的文学理论发现

6.The government image can be divided into visible image and invisible image, total image and partial image, true image and false image, realistic image and ideal image.政府形象可分为有形形象与无形形象; 总体形象与局限形象;

7.If there is no elephant in the jungle, the buffalo will be a great animal .丛林无大象,水牛称大王。

8.The insistence on rote learning robbed the initiative to make Bold hypotheses about new situations and new problems.强调死记硬背,无形中影响了对新现象、新问题的大胆设想、求证。

9.On the Imagery of Caozhi s Poem and it s Confucian Soul;君子通大道 无愿为世儒——以诗歌形象透析曹植的儒家人格

10.Living Elsewhere:Good Man Helpless--Character Personality of BAI Da-sheng in When Will Forever Come生活在别处:善良者的无奈——铁凝《永远有多远》中白大省人物形象解读

11.The elephant is a big animal.大象是体形很大的动物。

12.Researching National Image Theory Showing Image of Eastern Powerful Country研究国家形象理论展示东方大国形象

13.On the Special Representation of Musical Images;有形发未形 无形君有形——论音乐艺术形象的特殊表现

14.The Cultural Tradition Cause of the Difference Between Song Jiang s Literal Images and Historical Images;宋江文学形象和历史形象大异其貌之文化成因

15.On the Cultural Reason of Liu Bei"s Different Literary Image and Historical Image刘备文学形象和历史形象大异其貌之文化成因

16.Their sculptors carved countless figures of her.他们的雕刻家塑造了无数个她的形象。

17.The selected drawing objects will not fit in a single group.选定的图形对象无法放入单个组中。

18.Our image of invincibility evaporated.我们战无不胜的形象化为泡影了。


intangible image无形形象

1.This paper discusses the modeling of tangible image andintangible image and how to use them together to model the image of branded programs.对有形形象、无形形象及二者如何有机结合塑造电视品牌栏目形象进行了探讨。


4)image ambassador形象大使

1.The increasingly brutal wine market competition resulted in the brandimage ambassador an important influencing factor to consumers for their selection and discrimination of the wine products from numerous wine products.品牌形象大使的选择非常重要,优秀的品牌形象大使能使酒类品牌人格化,与消费者达成心灵的共鸣,强化对品牌的忠诚度,达到引导消费、增加消费的目的。

5)university image大学形象

1.Analysis on the content ofuniversity image;关于大学形象内涵的调查分析

2.This paper proceeds from the relationship betweenuniversity image and university spirit and discusses the image of university as a whole, of university leadership, of university staff and students, of university academic research and of university in public media.良好的大学形象是大学最宝贵的无形资产 ,是大学面向市场、面向未来、面向世界的“利器”。

3.As an important part of university development strategy,university image(UI) strategy should be made and operated in accordance with the former and follow the principles of totality,honesty and creativity.大学形象是人们对某所大学的整体认知、印象和评价,是大学客观状况的综合反映。

6)image of "Grand Qing Dynasty""大清"形象


