300字范文 > 真知灼见 profound insight英语短句 例句大全

真知灼见 profound insight英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-09 09:59:47


真知灼见 profound insight英语短句 例句大全

真知灼见,profound insight

1)profound insight真知灼见


1.an insightful remark有真知灼见的言语.

2.a book full of remarkable insights很有真知灼见的书.

3.Many a rue word is spoken in jest.--Jonathan Swift许多真知灼见也于笑话之中。——斯威夫特

4.visionary leaders, writers, paintings, ideals表现出真知灼见的领袖、 作家、 画、 理想.

5.I"d like to be an old man and to really know.我愿做个老人,具有真知灼见。

6.Still, there is insight amid the anecdotes.然而,轶事趣闻之中也不发真知灼见。

7.Being Well-grounded And Profound Insight;厚积薄发真知灼见——评汪廷煌的《论写作》

8.His real knowledge and deep insight on science impressed us.他对科学的真知灼见给我们留下很深的印象。

9.We need someone with real color=# cc0066>vision to lead the party.我们需要具有真知灼见的人来领导这个党。

10.Next to good judgment, diamond and pearl are the rarest things in the world.次于真知灼见者,为钻石与珍珠为世上最罕有之物耳。

11.His present gravity arose from true wisdom and philosophy.他现在的这种庄重态度原是出于真知灼见和洞明哲理。

12.The deforestation dilemma still cries for more commitment, clarity, and vision.毁林的后果迫切需要更多的资助、清醒的头脑和真知灼见。

13.You seem to have given them good advice.I only hope your words of wisdom will take root in their minds.看来你已经给了他们—些忠告,我只希望你的真知灼见会在他们的心中扎下根来。

14.A man who should have some insight into the shades and ways of thought, the grades and colors of morality, comes out instead with such an article!一个应该能够有真知灼见和思维方法,有层次,有道德色彩的人,居然写出这种文章!

15.For the French, such insights established Poe as one of the great forerunners of modern literature.在法国人心目中,坡的这类真知灼见使坡成为现代文学伟大的先驱者之一。

16.It"s a scorching day, isn"t it?天气真是灼人般的热,是吗?

17.Truths and Prejudices: the Democracy of Taiwan In Huntington s View;真知与偏见:亨廷顿眼中的台湾民主

18."The greatest friend of truth is time, her great enemy is prejudice, and her constant companion is humility.""时间为真理之挚友偏见为真理知大敌, 谦虚则为真理恒久之伴侣"


true breadth of understanding广博的真知灼见

3)true knowledge真知

1.Only discernment is carried out under static,void condition,and the surmounting language,can be obtainedtrue knowledge about the existence.在静、空中,超越语言文字的层面上去直观,能够获得关于存在的真知。

2.The basic of making knowledge and practice as one lies in here:on the one hand,knowledge implies practice,as the so-calledtrue knowledge;on the other hand practice takes its beginning from knowledge and embodies the knowledge.其知行合一的基础即在于:一方面知包含了行,即它是所谓的真知;一方面行以知为自身的起始而涵盖了知,它表现为德行。

4)cognitive prejudice认知偏见

1.In the course of teaching,there exists much prejudice in classroom,especially teacherscognitive prejudice to students,which affects teachers judgment and implementation of teaching strategies,and students become victims of teacherscognitive prejudice.在当前的教学过程中,中小学课堂中偏见现象大量存在,特别是教师对学生的认知偏见,往往影响教师的正确判断,影响其教学策略的实施,学生成为教师认知偏见的受害者。

2.Therefore,as for educators,the impact ofcognitive prejudice on ideological education could not be ignored.所以,对于思想教育工作者来说,认知偏见对思想教育的影响是不可忽视的,甚至有时还会产生非常突出的不良影响。

5)the Law of Jianzhi见知之法


1.Catalogue ofCi-gatherings at Different Times in Hubei Province;历代湖北词人知见词集简目初编


