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深刻 profound英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-06 06:24:57


深刻 profound英语短句 例句大全



1.The Profound Meaning Contained In Simple Language——After reading Mr.Bai Shouyi"s Six Talks on Historical Heritage平实中蕴含的深刻——读白寿彝先生《史学遗产六讲》

2.Superficially,his poems are simple and easy to understand,but they are allprofound in meaning,embracing the poet sprofound thought on life and man s dilemma,among which Mending Wall is one of the best-known for itsprofound life philosophy.研读分析《修墙》,我们能深刻理解诗人是如何寓深刻于朴素的语言之间,把自然作为一种隐喻来阐释人与自然、人与人之间的关系,并由此引发对人生的哲理性思考的。

3.Soldier s Home, based on war affairs, is one of the short stories by Ernest Hemingway, which dis-plays Hemingway s typical style withprofound meaning in plain description as well as variety in sentence patterns.《士兵之家》是美国作家海明威以战争为背景创作的一篇短篇小说,该小说寓深刻的道理于简朴的描述以及平淡中追求变化的语言特色反映了作者一贯的艺术风格。


1.the differences are profound; a profound insight; a profound book; a profound mind; profound contempt; profound regret.差别很大;深刻的洞察力;深奥的书;深刻的见解。

2.a whale of a story.令人印象深刻的故事

3.a formidable knowledge of astronomy对天文学的深刻了解

4.Sales points- very impressive销售点-给人印象深刻

5.an impressive contrast给人印象深刻的对照

6.There is a most profound lesson to be learned from this.这个教训是极其深刻的。

7.Indeed, there have been mistakes and profound lessons in our experience.有过失误,教训更深刻;

8.The essay is most penetrating and powerful.这篇杂文极为深刻有力。

9.The ability to think abstractly or profoundly.抽象或深刻思维的能力

10.First impressions are most lasting.〔谚语〕最初的印象最深刻。

11.She was evidently impregnated with the idea of submission.服从的观念已深深刻在她的心坎上。

12.The scene is engraved on my memory.那个情景深深刻在我的记忆。

13.There were deep lines of care on her face.她的脸庞儿上深深刻着愁苦的皱纹。

14.The scene is engraved on my memory [in my mind].那个情景深深刻在我的记忆 [脑海] 里。

15.The audience was impressed by his profound lecture.听众对他意义深远的演讲印象深刻。

16.Our memories will live forever, deep in my heart.我们共有的回忆将深深刻印在我内心深处。

17.Not until that moment did I realize its depth.直到那个时刻我才体会到那种微笑的深刻内涵。

18.The characters and their motives are round and deep.人物和他们的动机被刻划得完美而深刻。



1.On surface,this theory contains previous Liu Dakui and Yao Fan s poetry position,has the quality of containing,in fact,this theory not only inherits but innovates their poetry position,so has the quality ofprofundity.表面上,"熔铸唐宋"吸收了前期刘大櫆与姚范的诗歌主张,具有涵容性,其实,这种理论并非是对二人诗论的简单因袭,同时也有创变革新,因此,也具有深刻性。

2.By analyzing the symbolic features, the absurd plots and psychological perceptions in his novels and-prose, it is easily found that it is the modernistic features that suggest theprofundity in his works.考察鲁迅的创作文本,现代主义描写是不能忽视的事实存在;分析鲁迅小说和散文诗创作中最为突出的象征主义、荒诞情节和心理刻画,我们发现,正是现代主义描写体现了鲁迅创作的深刻性;按照文学“本质真实”和“心灵真实”的要求,我们阐述了鲁迅创作中“荒诞的深刻”的原因。


4)carving depth雕刻深度

1.The mathematical model of lasercarving depth was established.基于激光三维雕刻对单层雕刻深度的工艺需求,采用不同雕刻工艺参数对A l2O3陶瓷进行雕刻实验。

5)deep etching深刻蚀

1.Inductively coupled plasma(ICP)deep etching process of bulk titanium was studied in this paper.采用电感耦合等离子体源(inductively coupled plasma,ICP)技术对金属钛进行三维深刻蚀,采用不同刻蚀掩模、氯基刻蚀气体,研究了线圈功率、平板功率和Cl2流量对刻蚀速率和选择比等工艺参数的影响,并对Ti深刻蚀参数进行了优化,得到0。

2.Many MEMS structures need twicedeep etching or even more,and usually the free-handing diaphragm is achieved after severaldeep etching.许多MEMS结构需要进行2次或2次以上的深刻蚀,有些需要在多次深刻蚀后释放超薄的悬空薄膜结构,这时薄膜表面极易出现微小的腐蚀孔。



