300字范文 > 深刻内涵 profound connotation英语短句 例句大全

深刻内涵 profound connotation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-13 08:49:19


深刻内涵 profound connotation英语短句 例句大全

深刻内涵,profound connotation

1)profound connotation深刻内涵


1.On the Profound Connotation of Constructing a Moderately Well-off Society;论中国全面建设小康社会的深刻内涵

2.Correctly understand deep intension of policy rule by virtue ;正确理解"以德治国"方略的深刻内涵

3.A Probe into the Profound Connotations of Marx’s “Human Science”;试析马克思“人的科学”的深刻内涵

4.A Study of Zhuang Zi s Zhi yu Wuhua;试论庄子“指与物化”思想的深刻内涵

5.Not until that moment did I realize its depth.直到那个时刻我才体会到那种微笑的深刻内涵。

6.The View on the Deep Innovation and Important Significance of Building a Clean Government and against Corruption;论“反腐倡廉建设”的深刻内涵及重要意义

7.Illustration on the Connotation and Implementation of Japanese Greetings;日语寒暄语的深刻内涵与灵活运用举隅

8.Grasp the Connotation of the Idea of Governing Socialist Country with Law;正确把握社会主义依法治国理念的深刻内涵

9.The Profound Connotation and Age Significance of Sci-tech Thought of DENG Xiao-ping;邓小平科技思想的深刻内涵及时代意义

10.The Deep Connotation in Political Advancement With Chinese Characteristics;中国特色社会主义政治文明的深刻内涵

11.Historical Explanation of Deep Connotation of the Important Thought of “the Thr ee Represetns”;“三个代表”重要思想深刻内涵的历史性解读

12.On the Meaning and Methods of the Construction of Anti-corruption Campaign论反腐倡廉建设的深刻内涵和路径选择

13.Strengthen our Realization of Globalization, and Deepen our Comprehension of the Important Thought of "Three Represents";强化国际意识,加深对“三个代表”重要思想深刻内涵的把握

14.After this, Beethoven"s music became more profound.从此,贝多芬的音乐内涵更加深刻了。

15.The Understanding of the Significance of the “Three Representations”;深刻理解“三个代表”的价值论内涵

16.Understanding the Scientific Intension of"The Three Representatives;要深刻理解“三个代表”的科学内涵

17.Profoundly Thinking about the Coastal Connotation,Scientifically Implementing the City Strengthening Strategy深刻体察沿海内涵 科学落实强市战略

18.Fully Understanding and Accurately Mastering the Basic Connotation of Scientific Developement Concept;深刻认识和准确把握科学发展观的基本内涵


the profound connotation深层内涵

3)deepen the connotation of深化内涵

4)incisive intrinsic content深刻内蕴

5)Connotation deepening内涵的深化


1.On surface,this theory contains previous Liu Dakui and Yao Fan s poetry position,has the quality of containing,in fact,this theory not only inherits but innovates their poetry position,so has the quality ofprofundity.表面上,"熔铸唐宋"吸收了前期刘大櫆与姚范的诗歌主张,具有涵容性,其实,这种理论并非是对二人诗论的简单因袭,同时也有创变革新,因此,也具有深刻性。

2.By analyzing the symbolic features, the absurd plots and psychological perceptions in his novels and-prose, it is easily found that it is the modernistic features that suggest theprofundity in his works.考察鲁迅的创作文本,现代主义描写是不能忽视的事实存在;分析鲁迅小说和散文诗创作中最为突出的象征主义、荒诞情节和心理刻画,我们发现,正是现代主义描写体现了鲁迅创作的深刻性;按照文学“本质真实”和“心灵真实”的要求,我们阐述了鲁迅创作中“荒诞的深刻”的原因。


