300字范文 > 【中英读圣经—以弗所书】只知道赞美神的慈爱是不够的


时间:2022-08-01 09:41:48









以弗所书 一 3


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ,






Since the Lord Jesus Christ is ours, whatever God is to Him is also ours. Our Lord refers to the lordship of our Savior (Acts 2:36), Jesus to the man as our Savior (1 Tim. 2:5), and Christ to God’s anointed One (John 20:31).

The praise in 1:3 is deep and profound, encompassing the entire New Testament economy. Here we have not only creation, indicated by the title “God,” but also incarnation, indicated by the title “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The first revelation of God in the Bible is in creation, for the Bible opens with the words, “In the beginning God created....” Following creation is the incarnation. One day God the Creator became incarnated as a man. The Word that was with God and was God became flesh (John 1:1, 14). When God Himself became a man, the God who created all things became His God. This is incarnation, not merely the greatness or mercy of God. Thus, in Ephesians 1:3 the God of our Lord Jesus Christ refers to incarnation.

If we know to praise God only for His mercy, we are still in a pitiful condition. This type of praise does not indicate that something of Him has come into us. Thus, we need to see that the very Creator, the God of Jesus Christ, has been incarnated as a man. He is also the life-imparting Father who imparts Himself as life into us that we may become His sons.God is no longer merely merciful to us. He is our God and our Father; and we are His sons, not only His creatures.

Oh, may the Lord open our eyes to see this! We need to speak well concerning God according to the New Testament economy. In our well-speaking we need to have the thought of incarnation, the impartation of life, and the heavenly, spiritual transmission. We also need to include the thought of Christ as the Lord and the Head and of Jesus being Jehovah our Savior to accomplish redemption and salvation for us. We also need to think of Christ as God’s anointed One who fully accomplishes God’s purpose. Our well-speaking, our high praise concerning God, should not be natural, but filled with the revelation of all the wonderful aspects of God’s New Testament economy.
