300字范文 > 【中英读圣经—以弗所书】感谢赞美神!


时间:2019-09-06 14:42:05









以弗所书一 6

使祂恩典的荣耀得着称赞,To the praise of the glory of His grace……







Theglory of God"sgracebing God expressedin hisgrace.

We may use electricity as an illustration. Electricity is hidden, but when it is expressed as light, that light is the glory of electricity. Likewise, when God is hidden, we cannot see His glory. But when He is expressed, His glory is made visible. Hence, glory is God expressed. As soon as the tabernacle was erected, it was filled with the glory of God (Exo. 40:34). That glory was the expression of God. In the same principle, the Son of God came as the effulgence of the glory of God, which means that He is the expression of God. No man has ever seen God, but we have seen the glory of the only begotten Son.

The glory of God’s grace is that His grace, which is Himself as our enjoyment, expresses Him. God is expressed in His grace, and His predestination is for the praise of this expression. As we receive grace and enjoy God, we have the sense of glory, although we may not have the words to express this sense.

Have you ever praised God for the sonship? We, the sons of God, do not praise God very much. Usually we simply thank Him. To thank God means that we have received a certain benefit and thank God for it. But when we praise God, we praise Him primarily for what He is or what He does, no matter whether or not we have received any benefits from Him. In praising God you need to forget yourself and get outside of yourself. You see only God, what He is, and what He does. Therefore, you praise Him and speak well concerning Him. Oh, how we need to learn to praise Him!

When we realize that we have been chosen to be holy and predestinated to sonship; that we have the Spirit of the Son, the life of the Son, and the position of the Son; and that we shall be conformed to the image of the Son, have the completion of sonship, the redemption of our body, and inherit the full sonship, we shall say, “What a glory!Praise Him!”
