300字范文 > 【中英读圣经—以弗所书】我们颂赞神 因为神祝福了我们

【中英读圣经—以弗所书】我们颂赞神 因为神祝福了我们

时间:2020-07-21 02:56:25


【中英读圣经—以弗所书】我们颂赞神 因为神祝福了我们







以弗所书 一3


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ,





God “has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ.”The word “every” indicates the all-inclusiveness of God’s blessings. It includes all, with no exception.All these blessings are spiritual. This indicates the relationship of God’s blessings to the Holy Spirit. Being spiritual, all the blessings with which God has blessed us are related to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is not only the channel, but also the reality, of God’s blessings. In this verse, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit are all related to the blessings bestowed upon us. This is actually God’s dispensation of Himself into us. God’s blessing is mainly the dispensation of the Triune God into us.

Furthermore, these spiritual blessings are in the heavenlies. “Heavenlies” here indicates not only the heavenly place, but also the heavenly nature, state, characteristic, and atmosphere of the spiritual blessings with which God has blessed us. They are from the heavens with a heavenly nature, heavenly state, heavenly characteristic, and heavenly atmosphere. The believers in Christ are enjoying on earth these heavenly blessings. They are heavenly as well as spiritual. They are different from the blessings with which God blessed Israel. Those were physical and earthly. The blessings bestowed upon us are of God the Father, in God the Son, through God the Spirit, and in the heavenlies.

Finally, all these spiritual blessings are in Christ. Christ is the virtue, the instrument, and the sphere in which God has blessed us. Outside of Christ, without Christ, God has nothing to do with us. But in Christ He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies.We are not in ourselves, but in Christ. If we are in ourselves, we are through with God’s blessing. Hallelujah, we are in Christ, who is the sphere, the channel, the instrument, and the virtue in which we have been blessed!
